Back In the Day

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Rax's POV
"Here." Ahya sighed, dropping a human in my lap. "Boss says you're assigned to him now." I ignored the human as he clawed at my arms, trying to escape.

"Uh- wha- Ahya!" She shrugged. "He's rogue and violent, that's your jurisdiction." I sighed. "Fine, where's his quarters." She waved her hand and tossed me the key slide. I grumbled and walked away, the human still clawing at every open piece of skin.

"Stop that." He grabbed my ear suddenly and I jumped. "Hey!" He paused for a moment and I finally looked down at him. He was small, had little dots all over his face, and he was glaring up at me through thick curly fur with beautiful eyes of mixed green and blue.

"Let me down." He hissed up at me and yanked my ear again. I could feel it. The way his skin felt perfect against mine, the way he felt in my arms, and the way I felt at home with him there. We were mates. I hugged him close and he smacked my arms. "Let go!"

Weeks Later-
"What...are you doing?" Eli furrowed his brow, as Rax rubbed his face against Eli's. Rax Just hummed and wrapped his hands with the smaller boy's. "Is this....your rut?" Rax nodded from behind him. "So it's like going into heat...?" He shook his head. "Only a submissive goes into heat." Eli hummed and nodded. "Do you get rid of it the same way?"

He blushed but Rax looked calm as ever (given the situation). "Mhm." Eli paused, pushing his hair out of his face. "I can help...if you want...?" Rax paused, claws pressing into the boy's sides, dangerously sharp. "It wouldn't be safe for you." He hummed decidedly, pouting unbeknownst to Eli, who sighed and laughed lightly.

"You'd be surprised what I can handle." Rax's grip tightened and he growled, so quiet Eli wouldn't have heard had Rax's jaw not been resting next to his ear. "I don't want our first time together to this." He huffed and smoothed a pink tongue over his elongated fangs.

Eli raised a brow but ultimately shrugged. "You can use my thighs then." Rax paused, and suddenly his ears folded back and he snarled, his eyes glowing, but at the last second, he cut himself off, launching himself into the pool next to him. "Rax!"

Eli raced to the edge and watched the alien re-emerge with a pink forlorn face and drooped ears. "What are you doing?" Eli asked exasperatedly. "I wanted to...bite you." His eyes flickered again and he sunk up to his chin in the water. "So?" Rax looked appalled. "I didn't ask!" "That's abhorrent in our culture." He stated sharply.

"Yeah but it's not like you were going to without permission, you just wanted to." Rax huffed, cheeks pink still. "Still..." Eli sighed, his curly hair bouncing as he shook his head. "Come out of there so I can dry you off."

Rax shook his head. "Please?" Eli said with a huff, and again, Rax paused, staring at the boy's darkened lips and nodded slowly, following him to their room. He kept his head down, breathing in short huffs.

When they arrived Eli ducked into the strange looking bathroom and grabbed a towel and coming out to Rax leaning on the bed that hovered off the ground. Eli put out a hand and flopped the towel over his head, carefully climbing onto the edge of the bed to reach.

After a few minutes, Eli paused, his hands still on the towel and Rax growled deep and quiet. "You could y'know..." Rax raised a brow. "Fuck me, if you wanted..." He blushed. "You can bite me too, if you want."

Rax grabbed Eli under the arms and lifted him up and onto the pile of pillows at the top of the bed. "Do you know what that means?" He huffed, and Eli felt the aliens warm breath across his neck, watching as his fangs disappeared and reappeared as he spoke.

He shook his head slowly. "It means you would belong to me, we'd be mated." Eli raised his brows in surprise. "Like getting married?" Rax tilted his head. "What does that mean?" He huffed and nudged Eli's jaw with his nose.

"It means you promise to be together forever and shit, and you throw a huge party-a wedding, and you wear rings, to symbolize it." Rax sniffed impatiently. "Hm a bonding seems more serious than this "wedding", when you bond, you are mentally and emotionally bound, you could die from being taken apart."

Eli chuckled. "I guess that is a bit more serious." Rax huffed again. "Then what is the point." Eli quirked a brow again. "Of a wedding?" Rax nodded. "Well it symbolizes trust, humans don't have all that bonding stuff so we just have to learn to trust each other I guess."

Eli had this far gone look in his eye, like he almost didn't even believe what he was saying, but the way the dim lights made his hair glow beautifully and lit up his eyes made him look ethereal and became quite distracting.

Rax suddenly began to grow impatient as he gripped Eli's hip, squeezing it beneath his claws. "Can I kiss you?" Eli paused in shock. "I-uh sure-" Rax lunged forward and pushed his lips against Eli's, which were soft after constantly applying salve to them after bathing every day.

Rax's hand shifted from his cheek to underneath his chin, lifting his head as he kissed him deeper, tongue sliding against the other boy's. When Eli was flushed pink and panting Rax finally pulled away, kissing all over the boy's face as he panted.

He leaned down, pushing the boy's skirt out of the way, kissing and nipping his thighs, leaving a wake of marks. "Rax..." The alien purred at the sound of his name coming from the boy. He shifted over, his face bright red as he opened his legs to Rax.

The guard stripped the bottom half of his tight uniform, and if Eli thought that the uniform left little to the imagination, he couldn't have possibly imagined what was underneath.

Eli flushed bright red as Rax lifted the boy's legs up and held them together, and began to turn on his side. "Here do you want me to-" Rax growled again and pushed the boy back onto his back. "No, I want to see your face."

"Are you sure?" Rax leaned over and huffed, biting the boy's chest. "Ok ok." Rax smirked and leaned up, pushing between Eli's thighs. He purred, pushing Eli's pale legs together and over one shoulder.

"Oh-" "Wait-" As Rax began to move his hips, the two slowly ground together. Rax rubbed his hands up and down the boy's sides, his claws leaving a tingle behind. "Are you alright?" Rax asked. "Yeah." Eli nodded.

Rax nodded and began to snap his hips into the boy. "Ah-" Eli put a hand over his mouth, his back arching at the friction against his dick. "Put your hand down." Rax growled. "Wha-ah, Rax!" He found his small hands being held together in one of Rax's, being pinned at his side.

Rax snarled and turned his head,  biting down on the boy's leg as he came, cum splattering the boy's chest. Eli's back arched as he verged on the edge of coming, but Rax pulled away, pushing the boy's legs open. "What are god." Rax took Eli into his mouth, his long tongue working around him skillfully.

Eli gripped Rax's hair, his thighs squeezing around him. Eli's back arched. "Rax!" Rax leaned up and smirked, his sharp teeth glinting in the light. "Don't swallow that!" He panted, his hand over his eyes. Rax just purred and wrapped his arms around the boy.

He kissed Eli gently, threading a hand into the boy's curly hair. "Cmon, let's take a bath." Rax picked the boy up with a small smile. "Is your rut, like gone now?" Rax chuckled and shook his head. "It's satiated for now, it'll be back eventually." Eli sighed and set his head on the aliens shoulder. "Well I'll be here."
Aight y'all somebody asked me for an extra chapter on this a minute ago and tbh I kinda enjoyed it so I'll prob make more than one, anyway, hope y'all enjoyed, have a good day/night : p

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