Indoor Garden

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TW Suicide** (Has to do with one of the main characters trauma, none of the characters are harmed)

Dalorian pressed his lips to Eli's and swiped a rough tongue over his lip. Eli kept his mouth firmly shut but allowed himself to lean into the kiss.

Dalorian sat up, pulling Eli up as well and tugged Eli off the bench and onto his lap. He placed his hands on Eli's hips and Eli blushed, pulling away. "Let go." Eli's voice was breathy, his hands rested on Dalorian's chest. Dalorian kissed the corner of Eli's mouth politely.

Eli jumped off his lap, face flaming. Dalorian tilted his head as Rax grabbed Eli by the hip and gripped Eli's chin. He leaned down and Eli Shut his eyes, allowing the tall alien to press their lips together softly. Once they both pulled away, a small smile on Eli's face did not go unnoticed. Dalorian picked the boy up gently and began to walk, beckoning Rax to follow.

Eli leaned his head into the crook of Dalorian's neck and fell asleep there, his face still a bit red. The alien carried him back to the hall bridal style, boarding their ship, ready to go home.

As they traveled Eli squirmed in his sleep and began crying and whimpering, jolting awake suddenly. He looked around, still teary eyed, and thrust his hands towards Rax. "May I sir?" Rax asked Dalorian, who nodded, intrigued. Rax shuffled and picked the sniffling boy up, cradling him and caressing his bright locks, whispering in his ear. "You're alright, I'm here." Eli dug his face into the crook of Rax's neck, his legs around his hips tightly and one hand twisted against his chest, and surprisingly enough, the other folded with Rax's.

Dalorian couldn't believe what he was seeing, he hardly got the boy to even talk to him on his own accord, let alone jump into his lap and willingly embrace him and hold his hand. He looked down at his own hand and wondered why it buzzed like there was something it wanted to feel. They arrived at the aliens home and they stood, Rax carrying Eli.

They arrived at Dalorian's bedroom and Eli was lain on the plush floating bed, his hand still intertwined with Rax's, who sat next to him. "Why did he go to you so willingly?" Dalorian asked, sitting next to Rax after throwing a simple silk skirt on. "He's afraid." "He's been this way since I was assigned to him, he says humans call them nightmares, but really it's more of a recollection for him."

**TW Suicide
Dalorian shifted his gaze to the sleeping human. "What do you mean?" "When he was but a child his mother killed herself. They were sleeping together and he woke to the sound of a human weapon and saw her drop to the floor, he watched her pass, he has nightmares of it every night." Dalorian grimaced.

The poor thing. Dalorian climbed into bed on one side of Eli while Rax did the same on the other. "But any other time he refuses affection, so why?" "I'm not sure, I think he likes affection but is too embarrassed to admit it." Dalorian sifted his fingers between Eli's and smiled softly as Eli grasped his hand.

"Why be embarrassed?" "It is only natural." Rax smiled softly. "That's just the way humans are, very confusing and always contradicting themselves, you'll never know exactly what they want unless they tell you, and even can't be certain." Dalorian smiled. "You do know an awful lot of humans Rax."

He nodded. "I try my best to understand them, to care for Eli as best I can." "You truly care for him a great amount then?" "I do." Rax continued to hold Eli's hand with one and ran a thumb over Eli's cheek. "We'll have to tell him eventually you know." "I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly." Dalorian smiled. "You may be a simple guard, but I'm well aware that you are of incredibly high intelligence."

Rax smirked, his fangs brushing his bottom lip similarly to Dalorian's. "Yes, I suppose you're right, we will have to tell him at some point." "But not yet, he's not ready." Rax spoke softly but seriously. "And when do you think he will be?" He pressed his lips to the other alien across from him softly and smiled when the alien easily returned it.

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