Dinner Disaster

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They arrived at a large palace, Eli's eyes darting about in amazement, not at the building but the beautiful plants flourishing around it. They stepped down from the small craft they rode and stood quietly as Dalorian spoke.

"You two please be on your best behavior, this meeting is very important." Eli rolled his eyes and Rax bowed. Eli scowled as he was lifted into Dalorian's arms, Rax following on a golden leash close behind.

The boys had been dressed to the nines, Rax had a dark blue sheer skirt that lifted higher on one thigh, that was connected to a gold band with purple jewels embedded in it, a chain attached to the sheer fabric on two sides and up to his choker, he had dangling gold chains with similar colored stones as his belt that looped on his ear and hung.

Eli was wearing the exact same but with forest green fabric and purple jewels, and his skirt had feminine slits on both thighs, the only difference being he had no leash because he hated it and Dalorian carried him around most of the time anyway, seated on Dalorian's arm with his back against his chest.

They arrived in the large dining hall, speaking with a few different looking aliens before taking a seat. "Elliot, would you grab us some drinks please?" He grunted but agreed, sitting in one spot for too long made him restless. He reached a table and moved to grab three glasses with a swirling shimmery blue liquid but paused when a large and rough hand gripped his shoulder. "Hello slave, what species are you?" Eli said nothing, just gritted his teeth. "What, don't you speak?"

There was a disgusting smirk on the aliens face. The alien was large and leathery, and a sickly vomit orange color, he had large pointed teeth that were stained red and his breath reeked of death. He looked like a walking lizard with a human body. The lizard creature trailed a hand down Eli's chest. "Do not touch me." "So you do speak!" The aliens hands hadn't ceased, but just as Eli was about to punt the ugly creature into next Tuesday, Dalorian appeared behind him. "Dran how pleasant to see you again."

Dalorian gritted out the word pleasant and Eli suddenly found himself wondering if aliens were familiar with sarcasm. He grabbed the drinks and quickly strode back to the table, leaving Dalorian to follow after. "I would advise you against putting your sticky fingers on the things I care for Dran." The two growled at each other and Dalorian came back to sit.
Time Skip~
The food had been pulled from the kitchen and served, and everything had beautiful colors and aromas. Eli sat down in his reserved spot right across from who but the human harassing lizard boy.

There was also a vicious looking alien seated on the floor next to his seat, his dagger like teeth protruding from his mouth and his fur had blood stains and chunks ripped out, he looked like the dogs bred for dog fights on earth, but bigger and meaner, more feral. Dran had the alien on a thick chain that was attached to the lizards belt while he ate.

Eli jumped a little as the lizards long tail trailed against his leg, but left it alone, figuring it to be an accident. Until the creature did it again, and once more. Eli glared but then spotted a bowl of something slimy and thick, and the idea of revenge swarmed him like mosquitos to softball players in the summer. He smirked as he gripped the bowl by the bottom and tipped it at an odd angle to be able to throw it, and a little dribbled onto his hand.

He suddenly thrust the whole bowl forward, the bowl landing right on his targets head with a wet plop and he giggled in victory. He was enjoying the sight of the mean looking alien with goop sticking to and dripping from its head until Dalorian gripped his hand roughly under the table and whispered. "Come with me, now." Was he about to get punished? Probably. Was it worth it? Definitely.

Eli gulped as Dalorian led him into an adjacent hallway, Rax close behind. He hadn't heard Dalorian get that serious yet.  "Eli..." Eli leaned against the wall, crossing his legs, one leg protruding from the slit in his skirt, his pale upper thigh showing. His arms were crossed in defiance as he glared through narrowed eyes. "Dalorian." "I specifically recall asking you to behave." Eli just continued to glare. "I specifically recall never agreeing to that." Dalorian raised an eyebrow and reached forward, grasping Eli's hand and softly pulling him forward. "Elliot, humans are far different than all the races I've met so far, and Dran's race are incredibly hostile, what happens if he catches you alone and tries to hurt you." "I fight him." Eli shrugged as if it was obvious.

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