Resting Period

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Eli's eyes slowly opened. He was laying back on a plush bed, and the planets two moons shone through the window basking everything in lilac hues.

He sat up, as he could hear faint arguing coming from outside the room, following the source of the noise. "We need to let him have his freedom." The guard growled in response. "You don't know him like I do!"

He hissed, his ears flattening on his head. "He's reckless, and he doesn't listen!" Dalorian nodded. "I know that, but what else can we do, he's not a prisoner Rax." The alien let out a low sigh. "I's's our job-my job to protect him." "From day one I was meant to protect him, so what good am I if I can't?"

Dalorian sighed. "You're his mate, he needs you, protecting him or not, and it's not your fault." Rax nodded. "But he can't stay, and we can't even ask him to." The prince paused, but nodded. "Why?" Rax shouted. "Because I love him!" He shouted. "And so do you!" "That's why we can't ask him to stay,"

He sighed, taking a breath to compose himself. "Because if he's happier back on his planet then that's where I want him to be, and if you really love him, you'll feel the same." Eli finally decided to appear from behind the door, and the two immediately paused, looking at him. "What's going on?" He asked, peeking out from behind the door. "Nothing,"

Rax hissed and put a hand over his own face. "Go get some rest." Eli raised his brows. "No, tell me what's going on." Rax growled and gestured sharply at him. "This is what I'm talking about, he doesn't listen!" Eli emerged fully, fists clenched at his sides.

"You know what, fuck you, you two are always sneaking around, you never tell me anything, and you treat me like a damn baby, especially you Rax!" Dalorian put his hand out to grab Eli, but the boy pulled away. "Stop, stop lying!" He fumed, his hands shaking.

"Do you even care about me?" He said, gritting his teeth. "Or-or is this just about..." He shuddered a bit and covered his face. "What is this even about?" "Because if I'm just here for sex then-" Dalorian turned quickly. "No, why would you think that?" He said softly. Eli pinched his lip between his fingers. "In the beginning, why did you buy me?"

The prince and the guard exchanged a glance that went unnoticed by Eli, who's head was drooped in thought. "Well I..." Eli laughed, but it was cold and empty. "For sex, right?" Dalorian paused but nodded. "But we're mates, and-" But before he could go any further Eli shouted. "And what if we weren't, what if the three of us weren't mates at all?!" This had the alien pausing. "And to me that's just a word!"

"Elliot," Rax intervened. "I loved you long before I knew we were mates." He chuckled humorlessly. "You loved fucking me." Rax tilted his head. "Is that really all you thought that was about?" He nodded. "Eli, I knew I loved you within the first two weeks we met." Eli still didn't look up. "I love you Eli, mated or not." He took a deep breath. "And you?"

He gave Dalorian a heavy gaze, one that was lonely and heart broken and so tired. "Of course I love you, it doesn't matter if we're mates." Eli nodded. "Do you want to stay?" Dalorian asked suddenly and Eli sighed. "It's not about whether or not I want to stay, it's about whether or not you want me to stay." Dalorian leaned forward and raised Eli's chin. "Of course we do." Rax grabbed the boy's hand. "We're sorry, we didn't mean to upset you." Eli shook his head, as if clearing his head. "It's fine, I'm sorry for what I said."

They smiled at each other for a few moments. "How are the other three doing?" Dalorian's jaw tightened, but only for a moment. "Everyone is fine for the most part, but Jasper was injured badly during the escape." Eli squared up his shoulders, his jaw tightening. "How badly?"

Dalorian sifted a hand through the boy's hair. "With the advanced technology we have he'll be alright, he'll just need some time to rest and heal." Eli sighed shakily. "Can I..." The two nodded. "Of course, make sure to come straight back if you're feeling ill." He nodded. "I will." He fled down the hall with a lazy small smile towards the two. It took about ten minutes before he finally found Alcarion's room, knocking on the door frantically.

The door creaked open to reveal Marie. She smiled tiredly, waving at him. "Hey come on in, you're here to see Jasper right?" He nodded. "Mhm." He followed her in, spotting Jasper, laying on the giant bed, surrounded by silky blankets, and Alcarion was seated next to the bed, smoothing Jaspers hair.

"Jasper..." Eli whispered as the boy waved at him, hooked up to a few machines. "Hey Eli." He smiled and waved, shooing Alcarion. "Go get some food and stop bugging me." The alien left, although begrudgingly, with a small smile to Eli and a nervous glance towards Jasper, who shooed him out.  "How are you?" Eli asked, taking the prince's place. He took note that the seat was warm, meaning Alcarion likely hadn't left the boy alone since he got back.

"Fine actually, I'm on a lot of what I assume to be painkillers, so." He smiled. "Good." Jasper nodded but groaned. "But Alcarion hasn't left me alone for more than five damn seconds since I got back." Eli laughed. "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me." Jasper nodded. "How's your wound?" He frowned. "I wanted to come see you when I found out but somebody wouldn't let me leave bed."

Eli nodded and laughed. "It's fine, I'm doing way better now that it's actually stitched up." "What happened anyway?" Jasper asked, taking a sip of the water next to him. "I got nicked in the side with a sword someone threw at me." "Whoa, nice, I got shot with a laser gun or some shit." Eli winced. "That sounds disgusting."

He laughed and nodded as Marie and Torren plopped down in the bed to join the conversation. "How're you two?" They smiled and shrugged. "Tired mostly." Eli nodded, and yawned, as if on cue. "We should probably all get some sleep, it's been a long day." Jasper suggested, and nobody decided to disagree.  "I'll see you guys tomorrow ok?" Eli said, slowly getting to his feet. "Night."

They all called, tired smiles in place as they flipped into bed with Jasper and waved. "Night." He replied, heading back to his room. When he arrived he stripped down to his underwear, his mind numb with the ache for sleep, and trudged into bed with Rax and Dalorian, passing out the minute his head hit the pillow between the two.
Hello! I hope you liked the chapter and I apologize for the wait. Just a friendly reminder that everyone needs a break sometimes and it's ok to allow yourself one! I hope you have a good day/night, see you next chapter. : )

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