First Impressions

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I was suddenly jerked awake when a loud hiss of the ship door opening sounded out. The woman stood and handed me to Rax. We walked, following who bought us until we arrived at a set of metal doors. The alien pushed a button and there was a short hum and a buzz and the door opened. We stepped through and the man shouted out. "Dalorian!"

"Dalorian!" He shouted louder the second time. An alien that looked just like his father and sister appeared atop the stairs, stark fucking naked. He appeared to be about 7 or 8 feet tall with large defined muscles and his hair was messy and flowed down to his hips, you could see similar colored earrings to mine poking through his matted hair, and he had two hooped piercings around his plump lips, his long dark lashes lining his narrowed glowing pink eyes. Good god even his dick was pierced.

"Yes father?" "I've brought a gift for you!" "I told you I don't want any more pets." "Ah, you have." "But these two may interest you." The alien raised an eyebrow and descended the stairs. He looked at me and furrowed his brows. "What is it?" If Rax hadn't held me tightly I'd have jumped from his arms and tackled the so called "prince". "It's a human." "A new breed, and from what I heard, he was quite the trouble maker." "I thought he may be good for you, you're so shy."

Rax held me tighter as I growled. "He even caused a riot amongst the rest of the pets before I even had a chance to view him, though I suppose that's a good thing because it means that I know for a fact he's your opposite." The alien just blinked. "Is he?" He stuck his hands out. "Can I?" I jumped away from Rax as he attempted to hand me over, my feet tapping the polished stone floor.

My knees were slightly bent, and I glared up at him through my curly red mop of hair. "Don't touch me." I hissed. "It talks." He raised a brow in surprise. I raised my head and stood up straight. I flickered my eyes throughout the room for an exit. My earrings jangled as my head snapped back to him with a smirk and I darted towards the nearest door, he raised an eyebrow and nodded in my direction when Rax asked if he could go after me. I heard a rough voice speak in amusement. "I'll leave you to it." Rax took off and was right on my ass only after a few seconds, he was a trained guard after all.

I dodged his hands every time he attempted to grab me. I used momentum to launch myself of the wall with my legs, landing on a railing and jumping off again onto the stairs, running up. I swung my weight towards the first door I saw, the door barely sliding open in time and I clambered through it. I spotted a window and launched myself toward it, placing a foot against the ledge. I stood there looking down, there was a large pond underneath, and if I fell into it I wouldn't get hurt too bad. I went to push off but was grabbed by the chain hanging from the choker and yanked back.

I coughed as I hit a rough chest. I spun around to meet glowing eyes. Dalorian. I hissed, snapping my neck around glaring at him. "Get off me!" His hand knitted around my stomach and held me closer to him. I struggled harder. "Get your hands off me!" I grabbed his arm and dug in my nails. He placed his mouth against the side of my neck, his fangs pressing in, so sharp that they caused dots of blood to rise to the surface. I stilled. He licked the blood away and lifted his head. "Settle, please." He spoke softly but it felt demanding still and I growled. "Get. Away."

He leaned down again, I felt his breath against my shoulder and I jumped from his grip, turning and glaring at him. He still had a soft grip on the chain connected to my choker. He frowned when I dug the soles of my feet into the floor and pulled back against his hand. He stayed still in place but I tugged harder on the chain. Suddenly there was a snap and I fell back smirking the whole way down.

I landed against a hard chest. I felt familiar claws and rough hands grip me and tug me up. I swung my feet in protest but Rax held me tight anyway. "Give him here please." Dalorian said politely. Rax handed me over no matter how much I struggled.

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