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Steam billowed around the room off of the hot body of water as the three walked in. "I don't understand why we have to get all dressed up for some dumb royals anyway."

Eli sighed. "I'd really rather just stay here." Dalorian grabbed the boy's hip gently. "These 'dumb royals' happen to be my mother and father Eli." Eli laughed as the prince sighed. "Oops." "Yes." "We will be intermingling with many other beings tonight and so please be on your best behavior." He smiled.

Eli smirked, sitting near the pools edge, dipping his feet in. "When am I not?" Dalorian's raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "In any case," Rax spoke. "Will either of your parents ask for Eli to be bred?" Eli nearly fell into the pool at that. "Possibly, or for him to try and breed one of their own, but I'll not have it and they won't disagree." The guard nodded. "Hello?!" "Don't I get a say in this?!" Eli spluttered.

Dalorian picked the boy up and waded into the pool with him. "Yes, you do, would you like to be bred, or maybe you'd like to breed someone else?" Eli paused. He had been joking but to really be asked. He quickly gathered up his emotions and snickered. "No, I don't."

The alien smiled charmingly. "Well then, it's settled." Rax suddenly appeared near them. "I think we should keep him near during the party." He suggested. "I don't trust some of the others we've met." Dalorian pushed his fingers through Eli's now damp hair. "Yes that would probably be best, would that be alright with you?" Eli shrugged. "Yeah, not like I'd know where else to go anyway." "Speaking of which,"

Dalorian looked down at him. "How are you after last night?" Eli feigned innocence. "What happened last night?" Dalorian looked shocked. "You...don't remember?" Eli shook his head. "No, why?" "Oh no, it must be a side affect of our toxins, we should take him to be examined." Rax said. Dalorian nodded. "He could be sick, we may have to do a procedure." Eli choked on his spit. "Jeez I was just kidding, calm down." Dalorian grinned. "I know, I just wanted to hear you admit it." Eli glared at the two. "Rude." "Anyway,"

The prince continued. "Are you well?" Eli nodded. "Yeah I'm fine." Rax's ears folded down. "You said that this morning, but I can tell you're lying." Eli scoffed. "I am not." Rax looked guilty and Eli rolled his eyes. "Anyway, why would I have to be bred at a party?" As he spoke his voice rose as well as his temper. "In fact, isn't that kind of barbaric to not only take people and things away from their homes, but then force them to create kids, for- for what, your own fucking amusement?!"

Dalorian calmly tried to soothe the boy. "Not at all, while I will admit the people we collect are not always willingly collected, breeding is not for entertainment purposes, in fact the creation of life on this planet and many surrounding is very important because many different races are beginning to die out, no longer able to create offspring."

Eli stared at him, his glare sharp. "As well as the fact that when we have other races breed it is purely by their own will, and knowing that their offspring will be adopted by other races, in fact my people find forced breeding absolutely vile and there are dire consequences for doing so."

Eli's look softened a bit. "So, when you go to these parties you just have people meet in a back room, shouldn't it be more personal than that?" Dalorian shook his head. "Not at all, in fact, the galas are meant to introduce them better and make sure that they are exactly sure about their decision, and then they make an arrangement after their decision."

Eli nodded as Dalorian's hands still softly caressed his arms and back. "Now, before you change the subject again, how are you feeling?" He groaned. "I said I'm fine." Dalorian raised a brow but didn't say anything else.

"Anyway," Eli leaned back and closed his eyes, letting himself fall into the water lazily. He was suddenly pulled up by a clawed grip and he scowled, spraying the prince with a mouthful of water. Rax chuckled, and surprisingly Dalorian just smiled. "How uncouth of you, it's time to go."

The boy groaned and flopped lazily in Dalorian's arms as he was carried away. "I wanna stay here." Dalorian sighed. "There's nothing that I would love more than being able to stay at the castle and cuddle in bed together all day, but unfortunately my parents have demanded my attendance."

Eli sighed. If he was being completely honest with himself, he really didn't know how to feel about Dalorian or Rax, because on one hand, neither of them aided in his capture but they still kept him here and sold/bought him, but on the other hand, Dalorian has been nothing but loving (for the most part) and treated Eli like royalty.

And Rax, Rax has been taking care of him since day one, he was always so gentle and sweet and went out of his way to make sure Eli was comfortable and safe. Eli was pulled from his thoughts when Rax pushed his claws through the boy's hair. "Green always looks good on him."

Dalorian nodded. "Or purple." They were standing in front of some giant looking wardrobe with an iPad like device attached to the wall next to it. The prince pushed a few buttons and the thing whirred quietly a bit before producing a sheer dark green skirt with slits in the sides and gold chains looping around the hips.

Their was also some sort of gold chains that dressed his neck and shoulders, and the part where they came together to form a choker around his neck had a strip of red satin where a circle of gold lay with a strange symbol on it. He begrudgingly pulled on the outfit as Dalorian and Rax picked their own outfits. Dalorian ended up in some sort of black pants and a strangely textured suit of armor, more akin to cloth or leather than metal. "What do you think?" Dalorian asked him as he was led in front of a mirror.

"It's kinda nice actually..." "But why are we dressed so different from you?" Rax was wearing just a pair of shorts with chains flowing across his midriff and down his legs, as well as a gold choker with that strange symbol hanging off it. He chuckled. "I'm a prince as well as a warrior, I'll be expected to show up in armor." Eli huffed. "And should we be expected to show up like this?" He nodded. "Yes actually, the mate of a prince should be dressed exactly as you two are, but if you don't like it I can find something more suited to you?" Eli shrugged. "Nah it's cool."

The three headed out to the strange ship again and got in. "How long is the drive?" Eli asked, sitting next to Rax. "About ten minutes human time." Dalorian replied. "When we get there try not to stray, we have to talk to my parents first."

"I'm staying with you the whole time anyway." Eli stated, leaning against the alien. Rax purred at that and lifted the boy into his lap, who just rolled his eyes and let it be. "What are you doing?" Eli blushed as the alien under him began to suck on his neck, lithe tongue working across the skin. "Marking you." Eli sighed and tilted his head. "Yeah, whatever makes you feel less possessive." He smirked jokingly.

He flinched as Rax bit down, but relaxed into his hold. "I should as well then." "Sure, sure." Dalorian stood in front of the boy and leaned down, kissing his neck softly before biting down on it. "Gee lets all just bite me today." He muttered as Dalorian stood near the door. "We're here." He said, holding out a hand for the other two to join him. The door opened to reveal a gigantic castle looking building that shone an aqua blue. "Now, we'll go meet my parents first and then we'll go socialize a bit."

The other two nodded as they made there way inside. There were aliens of all different shapes, colors, and sizes walking about and intermingling, and at the very top a staircase Eli noticed who he remembered to be Dalorian's father. "Good to see you finally made it." The man greeted, hugging Dalorian. "And what's this?" He looked at Eli who was half hidden behind Dalorian.

"You've not only kept him, but you've mated him and the guard!" He grinned. "Darling look at this!" He called to his wife. The woman turned around and Eli nearly dropped to the floor in shock.

She was human.

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