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Eli's feet padded against the carpeted halls. Finally back at Dalorian's castle he was on his way to see Igneous when he heard yells from downstairs. "Dalorian?"

He called, hanging over the railing. But when he garnered no reply he huffed and moved further down the stairs. "Dalorian?" Suddenly a blur launched itself onto Eli. "Help me!" They cried, their head shoved against Eli's throat.

"I've been taken captive by the warlord!" They hissed. "You get away from him!" Rax demanded, but Dalorian put a hand on his chest before he could step forward. Eli rocked from the weight of the alien, but stayed on his feet, holding the alien up. "Uh pardon?"

The alien leaned back to look into the boys eyes. He was small and lithe looking, covered with white fur up to his chest with a long tail, which was beating back and forth rapidly. He had short white hair that half covered navy blue eyes with small slits for pupils. He chittered anxiously, his arms around Eli's neck. "That one," He pointed at Rax with a clawed finger.

"He is the warlord who's name is forbidden to be spoken." Tears sprung to the aliens eyes. "He's killed whole sectors, including my family!" Eli glanced up at Rax, who's shoulders stiffened and he growled. "Is that true?" Eli asked quietly. "I-" Rax paused, but didn't move to continue. Eli leaned back with a shocked stare as if stung. Suddenly his look hardened into a glare.

"Wait Eli-" He spun around and took off, his two mates in tow. "Lock the door Igneous." Eli hissed as he ran in the door, the alien still curled around him. Igneous nodded and it locked with a click as the boy set the alien down and pointed at him. "Now you're gonna tell me everything."

The alien nodded. "I am Rasa and that Varca killed my family." Eli plopped down, rubbing his temples. "I don't understand, I thought he was just a guard." Rasa shook his head. "Then you know nothing." Eli bit his lip softly.

"He was a monster," The alien said. "He had molten eyes and a grin made for war." Rasa shuddered. "He would burn living charters to the ground and take the lives of everyone inside, one by one, but would never steal anything." "He never stole food or water, or demanded riches."

Eli paused. "But..." Eli froze. "He was killing for sport...." Rasa nodded. "That creature you know is nothing but venomous, you'd do well to stay away from him." He stood quickly. "That's enough, I've said far too much already."

And he rushed off among the trees. With a wordless nod of agreement that Igneous would take care of Rasa, Eli stood, tears in his eyes and stomped out. The silence of the hallways seemed to tear away at his skin and leave him feeling raw and exposed. The walls suddenly seemed much closer together and the carpet seemed much harsher on his feet.

When he arrived at the door he could hear the two arguing behind it. Gathering every bit of courage he had he stepped forward, the door sliding open smoothly. Before he could even see the two behind the door he spoke. "Did you do it?" He asked firmly. But when he got no response, he looked up to find the room in shambles.

Pillows and blankets lay in shreds on the floor and there were scratches on the wall and bed, the pad for the closet hung precariously from exposed wires. "What in the fresh hell...."

Dalorian appeared to be in quite a bit of disarray himself. His hair was disheveled and messy and his silk skirt was shredded up one side, his lips slightly swollen. "Ah yes, well it appears Rax has been in a rut. For weeks. And neglected to tell us."

He spoke from his spot in front of the closet doors which were being viciously banged on. "What." Eli said, gaping from his spot in the doorway. "What set him off now?" Dalorian cleared his throat.

"Seeing you with Rasa apparently." A guttural growl and a bang rang out again. "Oh." "Yes, and unfortunately I'm afraid your little spat with him may have to wait." Eli narrowed his eyes. "No." He marched over to the closet and banged on it. "Hey, are you listening?" He got a grunt as a response and took that as his queue to continue. "Did. You. Do. It?" There was a growl and a deep sigh. "No." Eli raised a brow. "Then why didn't you say that in the first place?" Silence. "Hello?" "My brother." He suddenly rasped out. "He's the warlord."

Eli almost sighed in relief. "Then why didn't you just say that?" Rax shook his head. "I didn't want you to be upset with me." Eli laughed, relieved. "It's a lot better than me thinking you're a murderer." Rax nodded. "Can I come out now?" He asked quietly, panting a bit. Eli nodded and Dalorian happily obliged.

The door slid open and Rax appeared even messier than Dalorian and the room. His fur was sticking up wildly and his canines extended past his lips, which were swollen as well. He pupils were dilated and he rubbed his arm awkwardly. "Why didn't you say anything about your rut?" Eli asked. He shrugged, sitting on the bed and pulling the two closer to him. "We were kinda busy." He chuckled. Eli rolled his eyes. "Still..."
(Smut here lol)
He pulled him over, pushing him down on the bed. "Rax..." His fingers smoothed over Eli's chest, playing with his nipples lightly. Eli blushed a bit but jumped when the alien leaned down and began sucking hickeys down his torso, from his neck all the way to his pant line. After he was pleased with the dark bruises and Eli's swollen nipples he flipped him over and pushed his skirt to the side, revealing that Eli had chosen not to wear underwear for the day.

He growled, rubbing Eli's ass. "Dalorian." Eli whined, but the prince just smirked, grabbing the boy's chin. "I want to see where this leads." Rax suddenly pushed his tongue into Eli, causing him to jump. "I want to know what my mates enjoyed in their free time before we met." Eli shuddered as Rax's clawed fingers found their way up to his chest again, rubbing and squeezing. Suddenly in place of his tongue, the alien shoved two fingers in him. He moaned, arching his back. "Mine." Rax growled and Eli nodded, but that didn't seem to satisfy him, and he pumped harder, pushing into Eli's prostate. "F-fuck that feels good." He gripped the sheets beneath him and bit his lip.

Dalorian hummed near Eli's head and he tried to look up but Rax pulled him up and back. "Shit-" Rax pulled his legs apart embarrassingly wide, allowing Dalorian full view as the guard pushed into him. "Hah." Eli gasped out, trying to keep Rax from shoving all the way into him too quickly. "What the the matter with you?" Eli panted.

"First you're ma-ah- mad-d at me for being around Rasa-" Rax cut him off by slamming into him. "Ah!" Eli jumped. "And five minutes later you wanna fuck?" Rax grunted, beginning to thrust in and out. "Don't you understand?" Eli looked up with a red face.

"Haven't you ever noticed him acting strangely?" Eli held back a moan and raised a brow, the prince sighing in return. "Pulling you away from other potential suitors, holding you close in crowds, his attitude toward the gala?" Eli bit his lip, his eyes rolling back a little. "" He panted. Dalorian sighed, gripping Eli's chin with a graceful hand.

"He's jealous you lovely little fool." Eli paused, suddenly remembering everything he ignored. The way Rax would always ward off aliens asking to "mate" at the zoo with a furious glare, how every time they were alone together Rax made sure to leave dark hickeys on his skin, Dalorian was right.

Rax slowed his hips and Eli paused, thinking he had hurt the aliens feelings, but he was suddenly flipped on his back and shoved back into. Rax quickened his hips, tightening his grip on Eli. "Hah-shit!" Eli moaned out, melting into Rax's touch as he hit his prostate repeatedly. "Mine." The growl came as it always did, but usually Eli never thought to do anything but nod, but this time he put his arms around his neck, his legs clenching against Rax's lap. "Mhm, yours."

Rax practically purred in delight and slammed their lips together, coaxing the boy's open with his rough tongue. Eli moaned freely now into Rax's mouth and Dalorian chuckled from behind them. "Well, it took you long enough." Eli's body tensed up just a few moments after Rax's and he let a loud moan escape. "Ah-close." The guard nodded and pushed into the boy one last time, cum leaking out around him as Eli finally came with a loud moan.

He kissed the boy's forehead as he gripped his shoulders, panting. "You should've just said you were jealous." Eli panted and Rax smiled. "Yeah, but this way has a better outcome I think." Eli laughed and kissed him softly. "Sure."

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