Annoying Royalty

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Jaspers POV
"Alcarion go away, I'm fine." I pushed his hand away for the hundredth time. "I will not, you're warm, which means you are ill." I felt my cheeks warm. "I'm not sick."

He pushed his cheek to mine. "Very well, but I will remain." I sighed and sat up. "If you're not leaving then I will." He grabbed my arm and I groaned. "I need to get out of this room, I'm going for a swim," I grumbled. "It's the only thing to do in this damn castle." He stood and followed me. "I'll come with you." I sighed and shook my head, walking out, my skirt floating around my legs as I walked.

We walked in silence until we reached the pool. I reached up to pull my braids into a bun, but before I could his hand enveloped mine. "You shouldn't strain your body so much." He spoke softly as he pulled my hair up. "I'm just putting my hair up." I sighed, letting him pull it up, his hands tracing down my sides as he put them down. "I need a cigarette." He sighed and walked over to a tablet in the wall and tapped it a few times before coming over to me. "It's on its way."

He slipped off his clothes and waded into the pool, which was round and built with rocks. I sat on the edge, but he pulled me into the pool by my hips, setting me in his lap. "Do you always have to do that?" I tried to pull away from him, but he held my hips. "And why must you always flee when I do?" I scrunched my nose. I couldn't help but to wonder myself though.

He's been nothing but nice to me, though a bit egotistical and demanding, he took me out of an abusive environment at the zoo, and takes good care of me. My thoughts were interrupted by the door sliding open and a maid arriving with a tray of cigar looking things.

She set it on the edge of the pool and I picked one up. "How am I supposed to light this?" He smiled and took it from me, squeezing it between his fingers, and I watched the end glow, lighting itself. "Like this." He smirked and drew in a breath, blowing the smoke in my face.

I pulled it from his lips and stuck it in between my own. "You're annoying." I blew smoke and watched as it rolled across the water. "I am royalty, and you should do well to treat me as such." I laughed and rolled my eyes, taking another puff, letting smoke leak out of my mouth.

"Annoying royalty." He raised a brow. "You must be feeling very audacious today." I closed my eyes, letting my head roll back onto his shoulders. "And even yet you seek my touch." I stood, blowing a stream of smoke like a sigh. "Shut up." But before I made it far he gripped my wrist. "Pardon?"

I scowled at him. "I don't seek out your touch." He smirked. "Maybe I seek yours then, you still refuse to lay with me, which none have ever done before, and yet I still pursue you." I scoffed. This is the most ridiculous shit I've ever heard. "Yeah, you only want me because you can't have me, and if you ever could you'd loose interest, so if you're looking for someone to stick your two inch dick in, go find Renia."

I yanked my wrist away icily, turning to leave the pool, but he pushed me up against the edge of the pool, spinning me around. "Get off me."

I demanded, wiping water from my eyes, but when I could finally see again, I realized that he almost looked a little....hurt. "I am not looking for a bed whore, I am looking for a mate."

I blew smoke in his face, scowling. When will he learn that I'm sick of him and his mightier than thou attitude. "And maybe I'm not either of those." He shook his head slowly, taking a deep breath.

"Whether you feel the same way towards me or not I will always have strong feelings for you." I paused. He has never been anything but domineering over me, this is the first time he has ever let me control the situation. "Y-you're..." I took in a deep breath. "You're only saying that because you want me to think you love me, but I know how this'll go down." I narrowed my eyes, taking a puff of the sweet smoke.

"First, you flirt with me a little, and of course I don't respond because you're a little too dominating for me, I'm not interested, but then you suddenly get a lot more interested, and the more I reject you, the more interested you become, but then, when I start to show the slightest bit of interest,"

I took a deep breath and then blew smoke out again. "Then you suddenly lose interest and scuttle off with your tail between your legs." He raised a brow, tilting his chin up. "I do not scuttle, nor do I have a tail Jasper." I pinched the bridge of my nose between my fingers. "It's a metaphor Alcarion."

He nodded. "Either way, I will not run from you," He lifted my chin to look me in the eye. "Interested or not." He kissed my nose and pulled the nearly burnt out cigar from my fingers. He tossed it on the tray and lifted me up, his arms under my butt. "What would you like to do now?"

I shrugged and leaned my head on his shoulder, lazily playing with the hair cascading down his back. "Mm I don't know." I shrugged lazily. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head. "Do you want to rest?" I shrugged again. "Nah, I kinda wanna watch a movie."

Alcarion nodded, pausing for a moment as the door to our-his room slid open. "Can I braid your hair?" He slid his lithe fingers through his hair in thought. "If you'd like." I nodded and he laid me on the bed, sliding in after me. "What would you like to watch?"

He asked, flipping through shows and movies, the app looking similar to most of the ones we have on earth. "Mm something scary." He nodded and flipped through a few more before clicking one. "This is a personal favorite of mine."

I nodded, and as the movie began I sighed my fingers through his hair, combing it out before I began to wind it together into a braid.
By the time the movie was over Jasper was wrapped around Alcarion's waist, snoring, having had cuddled up to him in fear long ago.

Turns out alien movies are even scarier than human ones. The princes hair was still in a braid as he slept soundly next to the man, his arm wrapped around his hip. Soon enough the two were discovered by Torren and Marie, who didn't hesitate to join them, Torren on Alcarion's other side and Marie next to Jasper, wiggling her way under his arm.
Hi :p
I hope you're all enjoying the story and if you have any requests for future chapters let me know!

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