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"who the fuck is that?!" i ask junior.

"that's my girl ma, chill out.." he says.

"hang up the fucking phone!" i say sternly.

"bye ma," junior says, and she waves then i heard the call end.

"mike!" i yell for him keeping eye contact with junior.

"imma beat dat ass if you don't start talking." i say grabbing one of his belt off his door.

he just scratches his neck, and looks around.

"yes ma?" mike says. "why does your son have a girlfriend?"

"oh aubrey? yeah she's cool." he says like it's okay.

"what you mean ' she's cool? ' why don't i know about this?!"

"because we knew you would react like this." mike says.

"exactly he's 9-" i was cut off. " about to be 10-" junior days.

"imma whoop yo ass." i tell him looking at him.

"oh fuck off." i say pushing mike to the side.

i walk back to my room and i get inside the bed. "girlfriend, my ass" i mumble.

i hear mike come in and i close my eyes.

"ma, don't be mad, it's just a girlfriend." he says rubbing my back.

"get the fuck off of me." i growl at him, making him retract his hand.

"now she mad, princess it's not that bad." mike whispers.

"he's NINE." i argue back "he needs to be focused on school.

"you know my birthday is tomorrow.." he whispers.

"i don't give a fuck leave me alone." i say in a low voice.

he sighs and turns the opposite direction and goes to sleep with my going after him.

- - - -

i wake up and mike is gone from the bed. i pick up my phone to see:

8:57 am
Saturday, June 14

i get out of bed, and go brush my teeth.

i walk down the stairs into the kitchen to make breakfast but mike and junior are already cooking.

"good morning princess." mike says smiling at me.

i just wave, and walk over to the coffee machine.

i grab my mug, and drink it.

i go and sit down at the table to see devenity doing the same thing.

"good morning baby.." she comes and hugs me.

i hug her back and smile.

"how was the date?" she smiles.

"it's was good, until he kept getting touchy.

"you know his birthday is today." she says.

"i know, i'm going to go out and buy him some stuff."

"wait, quick question have you seen the whole house?" she asks.

"almost, i don't really go to the back hallways a lot, why?"

"i don't if this is true, but i heard derek talk about this secret room in the house.." she starts.

"but i don't if it's actually true, i lowkey wanna go find it. tryna go?" shes says wiggling her eyebrows.

"yeah c'mon" we get up and go through the kitchen.

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