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i see mike standing at the door, with food in one hand. mar pulls out of me while i put on my onesie. mike drops the bag of food, and points a gun at mar. "put it down mike!" i yell at him.

he keeps his focus on mar. "put it down, and we can all talk." i scream this time. he looks at me, and lowers the gun. "come here." he points in front of him. i walk to him, and wraps his arm around my waist.

i walk out with the feeling of his length on my ass. and mar walks behind us. we walk to the living room, and we all sit down. "so you're fucking my girl?" he says to mar standing up. mar stands up too

mar swings at mike but he dodges it and pulls him to the ground. they both are holding there own for the most part until mike gets on top of him. that's when i step in and try and pull mike off of him.

"mike get off of him" mike stands up and chokes me into a wall. "who said you could fuck him?! you still are mine, i don't care if we aren't together!" he screams in my face.

i put my hand on top of his trying to remove it from my neck but it doesn't budge. "let go mike," i whimper out. "you're not staying here with him, get your stuff and you're leaving with me." he says sternly.

i look at mar, he nods. "okay." i breathe out. he lets go and i rush to my room, crying silently putting clothes for me and junior in bags. i walk to juniors room where he's sleeping peacefully, i leave out the room to see mike by the door, and mar waiting for me on the couch.

mar goes to hug me, but micheal shots his gun right next to mar making me jump back, and go to micheal. i walk to his car, and sit in the back seat. i go on my phone texting mar.


don't try and leave ma
just stay there. i'll see
you soon.

i don't wanna be
with him right now.
i'm still hurting.

i know ma, and imma
talk to him soon. just
give junior a kiss for me.

okay i love you💗
and i'm sorry abt
getting us caught😏😭

it's okay just be

i laugh, and mike's eyes snap towards the rear-view mirror. "what are you laughing at?" he says calmly, i'm surprised. "nothing, just a meme." i say without looking at him.

he snatches my phone, and holds it. "you'll get it back once we get home." he says sternly. i roll my eyes, and stare out the window. "look princess i'm trying to fix us, and you're making it hard." he pleads.

i look at him and furrow my eyebrows. "i'm making it hard?! me?! you're the one who cheated while i was away! so i don't wanna hear shit!" i yell at him. he nods his head in acceptance and drives the car without saying a word.

{about an hour n 37 minutes later..}

i'm breastfeeding junior right now because he got hungry throughout the drive. "are we almost there yet?" i ask. i need to pee badly. he nods his head, and soon i see the same gates that i fled room months ago.

we pull up into the driveway, and we exit his car. he tries helping me with my bags but i brush past him and walk in the house with junior in a arm. as soon as i step onto the stoop, derek opens the door, and takes junior.

i laugh and walk inside. i see mattia, and kairi playing video games. childish. vallyk and derek are drooling over junior, and alejandro is making cereal. jiggy comes down the stairs. "laikyn!" he screams.

everyone's head turns towards me and runs towards me. "i missed you...you got smaller damn, mattia says. "i missed you too dino." i kiss his cheek. "when are we cooking?!" alejandro asked excitedly. "later, i promise."

"my baby..awww." kairi says. "okay so what you're taller than me now, fuck off." i laugh at him. jiggy comes and spins me around. "i missed you, are you staying?" he asks. "um..for a few days i guess.." i smile.

"you and mike are back together?!" he smiles. i laugh. "hell no! i don't know how he found me." i tell him, and mike comes inside. "why'd you bring her?" jiggy asks. "because she was fucking mar." he says loudly.

everyone's head turns towards me. "okay, we get it i fucked mar, at least i didn't cheat." i say in a bitchy tone as i go sit on the couch with junior and derek. "i've missed you." he whispers in my ear. "same, this past week it's been boring, i've been lonely."

he gives me a kiss and i lay on his shoulder. mike comes over and plays with junior for a little bit before going to his office. "i need my phone." i tell mike. he rolls his eyes and gives me back my phone.

i snatch it and walk upstairs to derek's room and call mar.

on the phone with: mar💗‼️


can you come to
mami's house with

mhm.?i'll see you
in a little bit ight?

mhm. bye love you.

i hung up. i called mrs. chong to see if i could come over and she said yes. i went downstairs to wait for mar and make food.

alejandro sees me and runs to the kitchen with me to help with the food. i decided to make breakfast for dinner because it's easy to make. me and alejandro were laughing when i hear..

"is that bitch here?"

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