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"what do you mean you dont want me around him." he yells.

"you told me that you were going to stay away from me if i helped you, and i did why are you here?"

" i told you before i got locked up, im not gonna leave you alone until i die, and thats final. kets go back downstairs so we can help micheal do his project."

"why are you still trying to get me?" i yell. he turns and looks at me.

"its been nine years and you still want me? you have a whole other child to care for! why are you sitll here tryna fight for me?"

"actually laikyn, the baby wasnt mine, it was alejandro's. her son came out exactly like alejandro." he says sternly.

"so now, i can focus on my only son, well for now anyways." he looks at me up and down.

"no, im not having no more kids with you." i roll my eyes.

"we'll see, now lets go with our son." he smiles.

we go downstairs where junior is and we sit at th table and help him with his project.

junior sits at the end of the table, and me and mike stand behind him.

"ma since dad's here you can go relax." he tells me. "ain't gotta tell me twice"

i walked out the dining area, and went to the couch, and was on my phone.

i was laying down, and then junior ran over to me.

"ma, i need to you to take a picture with dad please." he asks.

"of course baby." i get up, and walk over to the dining room.

this is going to be embarrassing, i'm 5'3 and half after having junior and he's almost 5'4.

i stand next to mike, and i smile.

"cmon y'all look like y'all hate each other. hug or something." junior says.

i roll my eyes and side hug him, but he makes me give him a full hug while squeezing my ass.

junior takes the photo and he winks at mike afterwards.

"oh you little liar, you had a picture of us already."

i look closer at the project and it's from the night he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"where'd you get this?" i ask junior.

"he got them from me."  mike says.

i look at him, and sigh then go back to my room.

i lay down and watch courage the cowardly dog.

junior comes into the room, and lays down on my legs watching it with me.

then mike comes in and lays next to me. he puts my head on his chest with junior in the middle.

i lay there watching tv, and enjoy the company of both mike and junior.

{a few hours later..}

i get up while mike and junior we're watching by tv.

i was making spaghetti and meatballs, when someone wrapped their arms around my waist.

i look up and mike is sitting there. "hi princess." he smiles at me.

"hi micheal" i say back. i turned around and he picked me up and put me on the counter.

he stepped in between my legs and began kissing my neck.

his hands start roaming under my shirt, groping my breasts, and making my breath hitch.

junior walks in and minds his business, and i'm looking at him like he's crazy.

"don't worry ma, dads getting some!" i hear him yell.

i look at micheal and hit his chest. "you told him about sex?!" i whisper-yell at him.

"he's gonna have to know soon enough." he shrugs.

i roll my eyes, and move him. then there's a knock at my door, i look to micheal and hes gone.

i walk to the door, and derek, vallyk, jiggy, mattia, alejandro, and kairi came inside and huddled me with hugs.

then i saw a little boy come inside. "who's that?" i ask. "that's adrian, my son" alejandro says.

"where's alessya?" i ask. "i'm right here."she says. lemme just tell you she was thick, hella thick.

she sees me, and twists her face. after she comes inside three girls come inside.

"hi nice to meet you, i'm devenity." she says. "this is ayiana, and emily."  she introduces everyone.

"hi, nice to meet you" ayiana says. "yeah, we've heard a lot about you." emily says.

i give them a hug, and i see mike coming down the stairs with junior behind him.

"so y'all fucking?!" derek yells. i look at him, and devenity slaps his head.

"uncle derek!" junior runs to him and daps him up. "so y'all knew about this and didn't tell me."

i look at jiggy and vallyk and they out their hands up in defense.

we were all talking when a bang rings throughout the house, with multiples after.

mike dives on the floor over me, and junior.

my house was being shot up.

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