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{9 years later..}{8:02 am}

"micheal!" i yell from our kitchen. he didn't eat his breakfast the bus is about to come. he's lucky i don't work this week. i hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"yes ma?" he appears and he has on some champion sweatpants, and a champion hoodie with a white demon jacket over it and some jordans. yup that's mike's son.

"boy go eat your breakfast the bus will be here in 10 minutes." i tell him. he walks over to his plate and starts eating.

"ma we got project to do about our backgrounds, and i have your side done but what about dad's? and i'm not talking about mar." he says while eating his eggs.

"can we discuss this later junior? you have 3 minutes come on." i ask. he sighs, and agrees. i go up to him and kiss his forehead. "look i'll tell you everything when you get back, but now c'mon c'mon we gotta go."

i grab my keys and coat off the counter, and we get into the car. i drive micheal down the street to his bus stop just in time, and pull back home.

as i'm driving in my driveway i see my black ferrari pass by. weird. i walk inside my house, and go straight to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

i'm washing the dishes and i'm listening to music. i  finish and i wipe off the counters, then sweep the floor. i walk upstairs to go clean up junior's room.

i know you're asking yourself "where's mar?" well he actually is in a relationship with one of my close friends, devyn.

she works with me at the station, she's a new recruit.they moved in together and are expecting a child in may.

i walk into his room, and it's literally clothes everywhere. i go over to his closet and i see all of the start hangers. i pick them up from off the floor, and when i was, i see this duffle bag. i throw the hangers to the side and i open the bag.

'candy?'  i thought. i rummage through it and i felt something cold at the bottom. i dumped everything out the bag. bunches of candy and fell and then i heard heavy things hit the floor.

i look down and there's a gun, stake if money, and a photo. i stuff all of the candy back inside the bag, and then i pick up the photo.

mike and junior in suits with the middle finger up. what the living fuck. i pick my phone, very hesitant about doing this..

i dial the number, and i pressed the call button.




"hello?" i say

"good morning princess.." i can feel him smirking through the phone.

"have you been seeing micheal without my permission?" i ask.

"do i have to answer that?" he chuckles.

"look i'm not fucking around micheal, answer the question." i say.

"come open your door so we can talk."

he hung up the phone.

i dropped my phone, and panicked. i locked junior's room door, and i grabbed the gun. as soon as i grabbed it, a bang went off.

"put it down." mike said. i dropped the gun, and turned around. i finally looked at him. and damn he looked so good.

nose piercing, he was taller, deeper voice and man was that ego even bigger than before. "i missed you princess." he says coming towards me.

"get away from me." i yell. he chuckles at me, and grabs my waist bringing me closer. "still lookin fine and with a fat ass." he grabs by ass while biting his lip.

"get off of me."  i run downstairs and grab my keys. i run out to my car, and drive. i drive to junior's school to pick him up.

i get to his school get out my car, and walk up into the building. "micheal chong." i yell the front lady. she calls his class, and he comes. "hi ma, what's up?"

i grab his hand, and i drag him out the building into the car. as we're driving i start questioning him.

"look if you tell me the truth i will not get mad." he nods. "have you been seeing your dad?" i look at him in the rear view mirror.

he sighs, and looks down. "he said he misses you." he says quietly. "look, i miss him too....a little.. but you can't keep secrets like that from me. that could put you in danger."

"and you know what gonna happen in you're in the danger." i ask. "i gotta go with uncle mar, i know i know." he sighs.

"but what dad does is cool, and i like hanging out with him. are we still finna hang out ma?" he pouts.  "i don't know junior. i have to think about it." i have tear down my face.

now he's going to think i'm a bad mother for keeping him and his father away. "when would you guys see each other?"

"after basketball practice when i had sleepovers." he says ashamed. "you can't keep lying or your going to stay with grandma, and i'm not talking about your dads mom, my dad's girlfriend."

"please no mom, i won't lie just not margret, please !" he begs. that's what i thought. we pull into the driveway and i see his car still outside. "that's dads car, is he here?!" he asks excitedly.

"yes, sadly but don't ru-" be fore i could my sentence he ran out the car to the front door. i smirked and locked my car and stepped inside the house.

micheal and junior are on the couch playing the game, and talking.

"ahem." i say and i stop them. "hey ma.." junior says. "we needa talk mike." i say looking at him.

"alright cmon let's go upstairs." he says. i walk up into my bedroom, and sit on my bed.

"i don't want you around him."

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