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"stay low, and go outside to the back, and run with junior." mike yells. "what about you?!" i say back.

"i said go! and take this." he slides his gun, and i crawl on the floor with junior.

until we get to the back yard. i get up and run with junior into the woods.

"ma, give me the gun." he tells me. 

"no, you don't know how to use it." i tell him.

he grabs the gun from me as we were running and he turns around and shoots as many people as we can.

he travels to the siide of the house ad open fres at anyone he sees. 

all of a sudden, i felt a sharp pain graze e arm. i look down and it was vleeding. "fuck" i breathe and hold my arm. i starte oing to an entrance in the house. 

as i got closer less shots were fired until it was silent. i had bullet house all through the front of my house.

my windows were broke and it was a mess. i went back inside and there was blood everywhere.

derek was bleeding out of his arm, and his leg. mattia got shot in the back, and mike got shot in the shoulder.

"you're not safe here, you're moving. junior go get your bags packed." mike ordered junior.

i guess junior, and mike already had a plan for this situation because junior didn't even hesitate to go. 

i look at mike, and i shook my head. i went upstairs to my bedroom, and started getting my clothes. 

mike came inside, and stood behind me.

"i dont want to talk to you right now" i tell him.

"look, they probably followed me here, don't be ma-" i cut him off.

"don't be mad? don't be fucking mad?! MY SON COULD'VE DIED! for fucks sake you could've died! does that not click in your head. this is exactly why i kept him from you, from this life."

"exactly why you are moving to my safe house, for us." he says calmy.

next thing you know my door opens, and i see mar. "you ready?" mar asks.

"ready for what?" mike asks.

"i already had a plan if this was to happen, im going with mar."

mike closes the door, and locks it. he takes me by my neck, and brings me closer to him. 

"tell him to go back home. youre with me, i will protect you and my son. why are you so afraid."

"im not afarid, im just not leeting you get as close you were before. you took advantage of me before."

" i didnt take advanage of you. yure just using it as an excuse to run."

"ma, cmon!" i hear junior yell.

"mike i can't." i try and move away but he holds me still, ith a tight grip.

"youre coming with me, if you like it or not." he says.

he places me on the bed, and he goes out the door, and walks out the door.

all of  sudden, i hear lots of yelling downstairs. i run ownstairs, and mike and mar are arguing again.

"youre mad from almsot a decade ago, when we fucked! get over it." mar yells.

"if you didnt fuck her, we wouldnt be here right now.." mike snaos back

"evryone shut the fuck up!" i yell.

they both stop and turn to look at me.

"you, mike, this wouldve never happened, if you never wouldve happened. mar was there for me when i was alone, and oregnant." i yell at mike.

"and for you, you have no reasonn to be yelling. i kno youre trying to help me, but you have to be calmer." i yell at him.

"junior, youre going with mar, now go get in hi car." i yell.

"but ma-" i cut him off " now." he rolls hi eyes and leaves out the door.

i swear he has my attitude problem. 

"no he's not hes comign with me. thats my son." mike defends.

" look, im doing whats best for him. it was easier when you weren't around. this is why i left in the first place." i tell him.

" i was in his life the entire time! all of them nights that "junior would be sleep the whole night" was because of me. i as always there, you just didn't see me. i saw all the moments from when he started walking to when he lost his first tooth."

for the first time, i was speechless. 

" and ill be damned if he tries to win you over me, so lets go. get your shit, and go to my car!" he yells in my face.

"what n-" i was cut off

" i said get your shit ad go to my car, now!" he yells making me flinch and comply. 

i walk up the stairs and grab my bags, and on my way out the door, i see mar and mike dap each other up. what the fuck?

"what was that?" i ask.

"go to the car now!" he says.

"no what the fuck, ya'll were just yelling at each other, and now your dapping each other up? what the fuck is that?!" i yell pointing my finger in his face.

"laikyn go to car before i bend your ass over and fuck you into oblivion." he growls at me.

i immediately shut up. he took me to his car and sat me in. junior was in the passengar seat on his phone. 

mike starts to drive the car, and we are on the highway.

"are we staying in new york? i have work, and junior has school and-"

"shh... just relax princess.." mike smiles at me form the rear-view mirror. i  roll my eyes, and go on my phone.

"imma fix that attitude when we get the house."

"dad finna get some.."


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