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i turn around, and there she is. we made eye contact, and she smiles evilly at me. "aww look who has returned.."

she twirls my hair. i push her back, and she almost falls but regains her balance. "pushing a pregnant women..how classy of you.." she laughs.

i turn around and go back to the kitchen, with ale. "you know he's been fucking me everyday since you've left, right?" she laughs. i turn around and look at him. "oh you have.." i ask calmly.

his face drops and tenses up. "and your hypocritical ass, almost shot mar when you are fucking this bitch." i yell.

i walk over to derek, and grab junior from him. "so what?! you're gonna go back to him right?!" he yells in my face making me flinch.

junior starts crying and i look at him in disgust. "if you actually loved me, like you say you do, you would let me go."

i look him in the eyes. he huffs. "no i wouldn't." he says blocking the door. "i love you so much that your gonna stay with me."

"this is NOT a polygamist relationship micheal! i'm not dealing with you! how do you come into my house, interrupt what i'm doing and drag me here?!" i yell in his face.

"look if you don't get it i'll break it down to you. HE ONLY WANTS YOUR PUSSY, damn. i'm tired of this bitch thinking she could come up and here and think she can pick and say what she's wants." alessya yells.

"you need to chill the fuck out, and go sit you hoe down. i'm surprised that you even though that's mike kid!" jiggy yells.

"jiggy shut the fuck up im tired of your sorry ass always defending her because you have this curse on her you simp bitch!" she yells back at him.

mike's neck breaks from how fast he looks at jiggy. "crush?" mike questions. "leave him the fuck alone, and if he did we didn't do anything so leave him  alone. just like when me and derek were playing around you ain't do shit so sit the fuck down." i yell at him.

"don't ever tell me to shut up laikyn. your mouth is crazy, and it's gonna fuck you over in the end if you keep playing with me." he growls at me.

"you better watch how you talk to me. and also i wouldn't have to talk to you if you left me alone." i snarl right back at him.

"i could've been at home with mar all in my guts making me scream, far away from you having the time of my life, maybe even give junior a brother. and i would let him do it anytime he wants." he chuckles in my face.

alejandro comes over and takes micheal out of my hands, and takes him into somewhere quiet so he can sleep.

i almost didn't see it coming, mike's hand coming to my throat and tightens around making my airway tighter. my hands try and get him off my neck but it went budging. 

mattia comes over and drags him off of me, leaving me coughing and gasping for air.

derek and vallyk comes over to make sure there space between us. i look at him in disbelief. he would really kill me.

"you're so lucky i have this baby because i would've been far gone away from you stuck up, selfish ass.

that's why i'm going to stay away from you, and make it easier for you to care for you other child."

just as i said that, a knock was placed on the door. derek and vallyk went up to mike and held his arms. i opened the door, and there stood mar.

i smiled and hugged him. "take him to the car, i'll be there in a second." i tell him.

derek and vallyk are holding mike because he's heated right now. "you are NOT leaving me." he yells as i'm getting his things.

"sorry ale, i'll order everyone postmates from ihop, so y'all won't be hungry." i say. i give them all a hug.

alessya comes up to me, and looks me up and down and says, "have fun with my leftovers." she smiles then walks back upstairs.

"don't call, message me, or contact me at all. you are blocked on every single thing i have. so fuck off, and leave me and my baby alone." i tell mike.

then i walk out like a bad bitch.

- - - -

me and mar are in the car listening to music, and having fun. "it's too late to go to mami's you wanna go home?" he tells me. "mhm, i'm tired." i yawn and lay my head, and his shoulder while he drives. "go to sleep ma, i'll watch junior.

i drift off to sleep.

i walk up and i'm in my bed in sweatpants and a hoodie with my hair tied up. i take my phone, with has been put on the charger, and look at the time. '4:51 am' my phone reads.

i got up anyways, and went over to my bathroom, got myself ready. i already shaved, i just washed my face, and moisturized myself. i got out, and put on my clothes:

i got junior dressed and ready then made him some bottles, and left out the door at 6:37.

i'm on my way to work when i get a phone call from mar.

on the phone with: mar💗‼️

good morning

good morning, i
didn't see you when
you left so i'm telling
you that we're moving again.

are we still in the city?

yeah, we moving to
brooklyn. mike got too
many oops in the bronx.
i just want you and junior safe.

thank you, and that's fine
just send me the address
of the place.

ight see you later ma.

end of phone call.

i smile because a new place wouldn't be so bad. i mean at least were safe. i hear a ding go off from my phone. i look at it. it's from the local news.









" MICHEAL CHONG has been arrested, and taken into custody LAST NIGHT around ELEVEN P.M. any information you have on MICHEAL, please call your local police station."

"oh lord, what the fuck could he have done now?"

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