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i was sitting waiting on the bed, when the door finally opened.

he walks in, and stop when he sees me.

he closes the door, and takes off his jacket.

"what's all this?" he asks eyes me up and down.

"it's for you daddy, you can whatever you want to me.."

i look up at him innocently. he comes over, now hovering over me.

i look up at him, staring into his eyes. he lowers his head to kiss me.

he lowers his hand and rubs me through my underwear, softly as my arousal begins.

i moan into the kiss softly, and hands go to unbutton his dress shirt.

he pulls away from the kiss and moves my hand, but he continues rubs me.

"..daddy.." i whimper as he's adds pressure to my clit.

"yes princess?" he smirks down at me.

"i want you.." i say as i pull him close sucking on his neck, making groaning.

"why..should i when you are just going to curse me out tomorrow princess?" he says looking into my eyes.

"because i love you mike.." i tell him.

he stands up and buttons his shirt again.

"you're lying is very obvious princess.." he starts.

"let's forget this happened." he kisses my cheek, and goes to the clothes.

now if thinks i'm not getting dick tonight, he dumb as hell.

i grab the the waistband of his pants, and i drag him downstairs.

we turn down the many hallways in the back until we make it to the large, red pair of doors.

"i told you don't go in there." he says sternly.

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{if y'all would like a picture of the room, just comment}

"why is this your little play room?" i tease.

"can you play with me in here daddy?" i run into the room, and sit on the bed, groping my breasts.

"can you play with me daddy?" i say in seductive voice.

he comes over to the bed, and looks down on me.

"you really want me to play your games?"

"i want you to believe me, micheal.."

he stared at me, and kissed me. he brought his strong hands down to my lingerie set, and ripped it off.

he throws it on the floor to the side, leaving me in my undergarments.

he slides them slowly off my body while sucking on my neck, marking me as his.

"i love you.." he whispers. "i love you too.." i say looking him in his eyes.

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