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he picked me up, and threw me over his broad shoulder.

i looked down and there his ass was. i reached my hand down and smacked his ass making him stop.

he opened his plan and slapped mine harder.

"i don't play that shit.." he said, and put me on the sink counter.

he runs the water, makes sure the temperature is good then gets in.

"c'mon princess.." he calls out knowing that my legs are completely out.

"i can't.. my legs.." i whine.

"get your ass in here now." he growls peaking his head out from the door.

i huff, and roll my eyes.

i hop of the counter, and almost fall on the floor. i tremble over to the door, and hold on for dear life.

i open it, and mike immediately pulls me inside slamming me on the cold, tile wall.

he holds me in place while going down on me.

he licks and sucks making me roll my eyes back, and grip in long, wet curls.

i start whimpering, and my legs start twitching.

he finally just stops to suck on my clit, making me push him back, i'm too sensitive.

he grabs my hands, and holds them going faster until i feel myself come undone.

he releases my hands and stands up. he grabs my throat and kisses me deeply.

i can taste myself as my tongue laps with his mine.

he picks the back of my thighs up, still back on the wall, and moves to my neck.

he places his length at my entrance slowly sinking my down.

my hand goes down on the wet, steamy glass door, and my other dig into his back.

he thrusts up into me, making my mouth open in an 'o' shape.

"micheal.. omg." i jolt upwards every time he pushes into me.

my hands go and scratch his back making him groan in my ear turning me on more.

soft, but loud moan erupt from my mouth into his ear, as starts going deeper, and harder.

"daddy..its too deep.." i dig my nails into his back even more, leaving large marks.

"shut the fuck up, and take it." he growls at me.

he sets me down and puts me under the water. (bitch i'm drowning...)

he bends me over, and takes my arms and holds them.

my face touching the cold, wet wall, making me shiver under the hot water.

he spreads my legs open, and slides in very slowly, almost torturing.

just the way i feel him fill me up, makes me crazy.

he crosses my arms against my back making it arch in way allowing him to go deeper.

"laikyn..fuck.." he groans making me come undone the third time tonight.

if feel him throb inside my me, and he pulled out my put me on my knees.

he stroked his length, while i sat with my sat with my mouth open.

he closed my mouth, and released over my chin and chest.

i took my finger and swiped it across the spread on my chest, and suck it off my finger.

all while look at him with innocent eyes, he stared in awe.

he grabs my throat, making me stand up coming into the water, washing off the sperm.

"after what you just did, i'm never leaving again.." he whispers making me shiver.

"just know you're mine, and i can only make you feel like this.." he rubs me softly back and forth.

"you see how you respond to me..no one else can do that.." he whispers stopping hs actions.

"now lets wash up" he smirks at me.

- - - -

i'm sitting on the sink counter brushing my teeth, while micheal is getting clothes for us.

he comes back inside with him half-dressed, and with panties, a onesie, and a hoodie.

"wear this." he gives me my panties first then my onesie.

i put on both, then he hands me his hoodie.

" i dont need it." i tell him. "now help me off please.."

"i said put it on." he says sternly. i roll my eyes.

i throw it at him, and he chuckles at my 'bad' attempt. he just leaves me in the bathroom.

"mike!" i yell for him. nothing.

i huff, and slides off the ledge immediately. i fall on the floor, wanting to cry.

"derek!" i yell. i hear footsteps coming.

derek shows up in the doorway. h elaughs and helps me off the floor.

he carries me out the living room, and sits me on the couch.

i see mike walk past, and i roll my eyes.

"never again." i say coldly.

"damn...what happened to yur back?!" jiggy yells making eveyone turn their attention to mike.

"ask ya 'best frann' " he laughs at me.

he winks at me, and goes to the kitchen.

they all turn there heads towards me.

"calm down, it wasn't even that good.." i say lowly so mike doesn't hear.

"oop let me tell him" vallyk says going into the kitchen.

i panicked and tried to get up, but unsuccessfully fell on the floor.

the boys were laughing at me, but devenity came over and helped me up.

"i got you, cmon." she helped me walk to the stairs, but was picked up.

"nope, nope. you don't interfere." derek says holding devenity tightly.

"let go!" she yelled at him, making him shake his head 'no.'

i crawl u the stairs as fast as i can, just to be picked up by mike.

"and where are you going?" he smirks at me.

"mike i was just kidding i promise." i say hoping he'll believe me.

"oh thats what i thought." he kisses me.

"go say goodnight to junior, then well go to bed, maybe have another round, eh never know.." he smirks at me.

"oh im tired, no more rounds for two months." i smile then crawl up the stairs.

at junior's door, and stand myself up, and open the door.

"turn off the game, you got school in the morning junior." i tell him.

"just one more round, i promise." he begs.

"whatever, but we waking up at seven to get to school."

he nods. i go to close the door, but he stops me.

"ma?" junior asks.

"hmm?" i hum.

"are you and dad getting together again?"

i freeze.

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