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"he not getting anything junior, and watch your mouth." i tell him.

he put his hands up in defense. "i ain't say anything !"

we pull into a gated area that i've never seen before.

"did you move?" i ask mesmerized by the exterior of the house.

"yeah, probably like a year ago, i was bored of my last one." mike says.

we get out the car, and make our way up to the door.

"junior go to your room, real quick i gotta talk to your mom.." mike smirks at me.

junior runs up the stairs and then i hear a door slam and loud music play.

mike comes up to me and grabs my waist making our torsos touch.

"you know i've missed you.." mike whispers in my ear.

"how could you have missed me when you've seen me for past decade?" i look at him.

"because i've missed you by my side, you know we could pull a bonnie and clyde." he kisses my neck.

"nope, i'm not putting junior in danger, and plus i'm a detective, i could never." i explain.

"but you could though.." he walks us over to his office, onto a table.

"you just need a little convincing..." he kisses down my body. "mrs. chong" he whispers.

he takes off my shirt, and kisses all over my chest and my neck, stopping to suck at times.

he takes off my bra, sucking my nipples swirling his tongue around my areola.

"mike..." i softly moan, soon interrupted when someone entered the room.

mike immediately covers my body, and pulls his gun out.

we see derek enter with some food.

"you getting dick already? damn."  he laughs and closes the yeooo like nothing happened.

"don't say it.." mike whispers. "he killed the mood" i laugh and put back on my shirt.

"lemme at least taste you.." he smiles cheekily. "later.. i'm gonna go make dinner." i tell him.

he pouts and i go up to him and pull him into a deep, passionate kiss. i released from him but he kept his grip on my ass.

"baby, i gotta make dinner." i whisper as he melts kissing up on me.

"he finally releases me, and gives my a peck going to his desk, and start doing his business.

- - - -

i was making some shredded pork, with rice and beans. while making the rice i was really considering the fact of becoming his wife...

i mean it wouldn't be so bad.. right?

my thoughts were interrupted by junior coming is due the kitchen and immediately going over to the pork in the slow cooker.

" aht aht move, wait what till the food is done."i tell him smacking his hands away.

"matter of fact, go set the table for me." i tell him.

he whines and i roll my eyes. "i'll get you a new phoen if you help me" i offer.

"ps5?" he asks. i nod and he runs out going to set the table.

i honestly love junior he's so fun, and cute. and he looks so much like mike it's mind blowing.

i remember when he was born, he had the twinkle in his eyes that micheal had. i love him from when i first held him.

they are just so alike, and i wish we could just be perfect... but it's not.

my thoughts were interrupted by the timer on the slow cooker going off.

i turn the machine off and take the rice of the fire. i make plates and i bring them out to the table for everyone.

"the foods ready!" i yell making everyone run to a bathroom.

they come back and run to a place a the large table. i see mike come out his office and smile at me.

he comes up and hugs me. and derek and jiggy start making fun of us.

"it's the toxicity for me.." derek says and devenity smacks the back of his head.

"shutup before you don't get none." she says in a low voice making derek shut up.

"imagine being pussy-whipped.." jiggy laughs.

" and imagine not getting any pussy.." derek snaps back making jiggy quiet up.

"i get pussy, i'm just not settling down anyone, so shut up bitch." jiggy says.

"imagine being hoe.." junior whispers making everyone laugh but jiggy.

"mike, get your son before i beat his ass." jiggy flips junior off playfully.

"and stick the middle finger up at my son again and imma play yo ass." mike says to jiggy.

"eww... dad be playing in jiggy's ass.." junior laughs.

"watch your mouth before i beat your ass.." i tell junior.

and he lowers his head, and jiggy laughs.

"shut up, you still don't get pussy, you hoe" i tell jiggy.

"now that mike is dicking her down, she's got so much to say" devenity laughs.

"devenity don't say shit because when you started fucking with derek, you were acting like that bitch." mike laughs.

"at least i wasn't like ayiana, she was actually like she ruled this whole mafia." devenity laughed.

"at least i wasn't like emily, when she would fuck kairi and let the whole world to hear." ayiana laughs.

"you know what imma get all on all of y'all asses now, first of y'all when the last time you let derek hit dev? ok okay. mattia i heard you finish quick so haha. and jiggy don't get me started, almost once a week you have sex with one fishy bitch." emily spilled.

everyone's eyes were wide.

"okay guys enough just eat your food please?" i say and they go back to eating their food making small yall amount themselves.

"i gotta talk to you after we eat." mike whispers in my ear.

"i'm not hungry right now, so tell me when you're done i'll be in the living room? i guess." i say.

he kisses my cheek, and go to sit down at the table with the others. i walk over to the sofa and go on my phone until they are finished.

{25 minutes later..}

mike comes over with a side can in his hand, and signals me to go over to his office.

i walk inside and he brings me over to his desk. he sits me on top, and exhales.

"i've been pushing this off for a little bit now, but we gotta talk about it." he says.

i sigh in fear of something bad is about to come out of his mouth.

"when i die, i'm going to need someone to run the mafia. they need to be apart of my bloodline." he starts off..

"and junior is the my only son, so... he's going to be don of the dominican mafia, when i die. he's my only heir." he finishes.

"i've already been training him to know everything, so now all i need is you." he sighs.


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