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i scoff, as i pull into the parking lot of my job. "fuck" i whisper to myself. i get out the car, and set the stroller up, and put micheal inside. i lock my car, and i roll the front doors of the building.

i'm currently head of this building, but i still have my boss there from time to time to check up on things. i walk inside and everyone is rushing around, spreading information.

i walk to my office with junior and i sit down and get him to play with toys. {he's two months}

i'm signing signatures for bail information, visiting times, etc when there's a knock at my door. vaughn walks in. he runs the building with me. "he's ready for questioning." he says.

"who?" "micheal." he answers. i sigh . " can you watch him while i'm gone it will only be 15 minutes?" he nods, and goes over to junior. "by the way what's his name?" he asks. "micheal harris." i smile, and walk off.

i get down tot he interrogation room, and two cops bring him inside. i look at him with no emotion, and i set up recording up, and open my files.

i press record on the tape, and i start. "hi my name is detective harris, and i'm here with you today to ask you the following questions: date of birth?" i ask, even though i already know.

"june 14, 1996" he says staring into my soul. "full name?" "micheal adonis chong" he smirks. "reason of arrest?" i say finally looking up to him. "association with substances." he replies

this dumbass was selling drugs. i roll my eyes. "do you understand that you have 14 days to meet in front of a jury to be determined your next moves."

i say. "yes ma'am." he smirks. "how many times have you been arrested in the last five to seven years?" "zero." "who detained you late last night sir" "ion remember his name, but he was bald."

"wilson" i wrote down. "any businesses under your name, or associates?" "nope." he says bluntly.

i turn off the recorder, and pressed a button on the table turning off the cameras.

"where's my son?" he asks. "my son, and he's with vaughn as we speak." i tell him getting shit together. "you really just gonna leave me? for real?" he asks. "yes, mr. chong." i say.

i walk out the room and head back to my office. i see vaughn feeding him a bottle. "he was a little bit cranky, so i fed him." he says.

i smile and take him form his arms. "thank you, i owe you." "nope, it's fine, i love spending time with micheal he's so cute." he smiles.

i burp him, and lay him down for his nap, and go back to work. i order postmates to my job, and i eat my hamburger, and fries while junior eats some yogurt.

on my break, i lay on the couch in my office and have a nap with junior.


i wake up and stretch and i walk to the jail house side, where all the incarcerated people are. i see mike's cell, and he looks at me.

"do you not love me laikyn." he looks like he was about to cry. "mike i cant answer that, and you know that." i tell him. "can i hold him?" he asks. "sure before you go away", i open the cell and i come towards him.

i place him in his arms and wait while he plays with him. "you know it doesn't have to be like this, you could always come back to me, and we could be happ-" "i'm okay.." i cut him off.

"before you go, i need one favor." he asks. "what?"  "tonight, i need you to leave the cell open." he says seriously. "so you could escape, no!" i yell. "if you help me out, i'll stay away from you." he says bluntly.

i pause and look at him. "fine." i grab junior and walk out the cell, without locking it just closing. i walk back up to my office and finish all of the signing, and sorting i have to do 

- - - -

{7:56 pm}

i'm packing up my belongings and junior's stuff. i leave out my offie, and im heading downstairs and when i get to the main floor everyone is scrambling and runing everywhere. " what happened?!" i ask one of the police officers. " micheal chong escaped with help from his accomplices. " he tells me. 

:we'll get them again soon, dont worry." i say. i walk out the building, and i go to my car. as im waling i see a piece of paper in my windsheild. i take it and put it into my pocket and buckled junior insie. i got into the driver's side and i opned th note. 

little to nothing was said....








" see you soon princesss "

                                  - m.c

"hey mar, send me the address, and DO NOT give it to anyone."

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