Chapter 6 - Consequences

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Briana made it two episodes before she had to completely untangle herself from Casey. Neither of them wanted to take things further, but holding back wasn't really an option any more. She climbed the stairs to her room, lips still tingling with the taste of Casey's kisses. Her panties were soaked, even leaving a spot on her shorts.

Heart pounding, she flopped down on her bed. "I never expected to find that with Casey. I hope it doesn't make living with her weird." Her hand slipped under the waistband of her shorts; she closed her eyes and trembled. She kept the fire inside stoked with slow circles while she relieved the past couple of hours.

The door opened, Briana looked over in surprise. Veronica stood there, apparently as surprised. "Taking a break?"

"Uh, what?"" Briana asked in confusion. "No I was watching some TV and came upstairs uh..." She stopped her hand with some effort.

"What about your homework?" Veronica didn't show any signs of backing off, despite what she'd walked into.

"It's all done." Briana pulled her hand out of her shorts and sat up.

"Impossible, no way you had time to do all those readings."

"Well no, but those are optional." Briana said. "I got all the assignments done and the paper prep too."

"Once I assigned them to you, they weren't optional anymore." Veronica put her hands on her hips. "You knew that."

"I don't feel like doing them!" Briana shouted. Her emotions had swung from shy to horny to angry. She was feeling out of control. A little scared really.

"Not. Your. Choice." Veronica stepped forward and grabbed Briana's arm. "Bend over the bed young lady."

Briana struggled against the hold. She could probably break it, even push Veronica out of the room. The wild feeling resurfaced, she felt a surge of fear weaken her legs. Everything was too out of control. Panting and trembling, she lowered her head. She bent over her bed and closed her eyes.

The first swat came about as hard as it had during the fashion show. Enough to give her a push, but it didn't hurt through shorts and panties. There was another, and another. Pressure built across her rear and blossomed into a slight sting. Pressure built in her mind too, the wild feeling against embarrassment. Briana was panting, she felt like she couldn't breathe.

Another smack caught her in a tender spot, sending a shot of pain through Briana's rear. The pressure popped like a balloon. Embarrassment and wild feeling both were gone; replaced by energy-sapping relief. Her arms and legs felt like lead, her breath slowed, relaxation flowed down her neck through her muscles.

Hot and wet blossomed in her shorts. A little too much relaxation had opened the floodgate. She knew she should do something, try to stop it, apologize, but she couldn't. She lay on the bed and let herself flow.

Veronica spanked Briana two more times then stepped back. "I didn't expect that, but maybe I should have." When she didn't get a response, she leaned over the bed to look at Briana's face. "Hmm, okay, can you move?"

Briana nodded in distraction, her mind elsewhere. She felt Veronica pull on her and complied, shakily getting up. Veronica tugged on Briana again, she followed, lagging a few seconds behind. They left the bedroom and walked down the balcony hall that overlooked the living room. Something about doing that with wet pants seemed like it should bother her, but Briana couldn't think of why it would.

In the bathroom Briana let Veronica strip her down, not even protesting when her shirt and bra came off too. She let Veronica wipe her down with a wet towel, then sat quietly on the edge of the tub. Veronica left with her dirty clothes and came back with a pullup, which Briana obediently stepped into.

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