Chapter 16 - Pride Goeth

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Being a good girl was easy. Briana's day went by in a flash. She did chores when she was told, went to classes, sat in the library reading until Casey picked her up. A whole day doing whatever she was told, and lounging in her room on her phone otherwise. At the end of the day she proudly reported her success to Veronica, along with her nice dry pullups.

Briana's diaper was wet again the next morning, but she didn't care, the previous day had felt like a victory. Veronica had woken her and sat by her bed to talk. That was a nice change too, not having to sit in a wet diaper. It always squished unpleasantly where she rested on Veronica's legs.

Friday went as well as Thursday had. For the second day she let Veronica know that everything had gone well, along with staying dry! It was the first time Briana had really felt like positive progress was happening. She went to bed happy, and even woke up less wet than usual. Briana was out of bed and hugging Veronica like a happy puppy when she realized she still had something in her bladder.

She was feeling so normal that she pulled open her underwear drawer on autopilot when she was getting dressed. She stared down at the carefully folded panties, soft hues from white to pink to yellow. "They're probably dusty by now!"

Briana picked up her favorite pair of panties, white cotton with red lace roses embroidered across the top. She pulled them on to feel them. They felt good, barely there compared to a pullup. She pulled a pair of jeans on over them. Her heart pounded with excitement. "I've stayed dry for a few days now. A week if you don't count the thing with Gary. That was just part of the freak-out."

She pulled on a bra and a button up blouse. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt more grown up than she had in ages. "Veronica told me to work on this problem and I'm doing it! I'll just make sure I use the bathroom often. She'll be so proud when I told her there were no problems!"

Briana threw herself into her assigned chores, and earned all of Saturday afternoon and evening off. She spent the time texting Gary and Casey; while frequently visiting the restroom. She was a little nervous when she had to pee twice that she hadn't noticed anything, but told herself that of course she wouldn't feel anything if she was going so often.

When evening came, Briana gave herself a big high-five in the mirror. She had her report to make to Veronica. Even more, she was hoping she might wake up dry. She doffed her jeans and panties, grinning from ear to ear. They were still nice and dry!

Instead of the panties, she slipped on a pullup with jeans on top. "I don't want to ruin the surprise for Veronica."

"I had another great day!" Briana burst through the door to Veronica's office.

"Congratulations sweetheart!" Veronica smiled, getting up to give Briana a big hug.

"I got everything done, and I was dry all day." Briana beamed proudly.

"I'm really proud of you." Veronica sat, pulling Briana into her lap. "Do you want me to diaper you tonight, or do you want to try a pullup tonight? You still have the plastic on your bed I think."

"Can I?" Briana's eyes went wide. "You think it's okay if I do a pullup?"

"You would have been fine in a pullup last night, I think it's worth the try. You've made a lot of progress in the last couple of days."

"Yay!" Briana bounced on Veronica's lap.

"How are you feeling?" Veronica asked, putting her arms around Briana to stabilize her.

"Really grown up!" Briana said confidently.

"I see." Veronica nodded. "Interesting choice of words. Is that why you're a little more dressed up than usual?"

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