Chapter 18 - Little Terms

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The morning came early for Briana. She woke before her alarm, or Veronica's visit. The soggy bulk between her legs was familiar, but the pressure in her bladder was a welcome surprise. Feeling refreshed in a way she hadn't for weeks, Briana climbed out of bed and stretched. Checking the clock revealed that it was still before seven, some of the early risers might be up as well but the house was quiet.

Getting out of her wet diaper and showering on her own felt great. Putting pullups on when she dressed didn't dampen her mood either. The thin, soft padding made her feel safe and comfortable, not resentful. With fifteen minutes or more until Veronica was due to arrive, she sat cross-legged on her bed and reviewed her class notes. Finals were coming up soon and Briana hadn't been thinking ahead to them much.

"Oh, good morning." Veronica stopped in the doorway in surprise. She had on her usual black dress, but with more makeup than she normally bothered with. She looked Briana over and said, "I see you've gotten yourself all ready. Studying?"

"Yes." Briana smiled. "I feel really good today!"

"That's great sweetheart." Veronica hesitated at the door. "Well if you don't want me to interrupt you..."

"Please come in." Briana said. "Can we talk about yesterday?"

"Of course." Veronica took a seat on the bed. "What's on your mind?"

"I don't really know what happened yesterday. I was acting like a little kid. Maybe even a baby." Briana set her notes down. "I couldn't stop myself."

"We noticed, but if you're worried that we're upset, we aren't. This is all part of taking care of you." Veronica said.

"No, it's not that. I uh, didn't really consider that you might be mad." Briana ducked her head shyly. "I feel great today, I'm not stressed at all. But yesterday was bad and then I sort of... escaped into being a kid I guess?"

"I think maybe you needed it." Veronica said. "It seems to have recharged you."

"And you're really not upset? Even Suzie? I mean, I was a huge brat. I'm sorry for that." Briana sighed.

"We really aren't. Especially after everyone sees you like this today. You aren't like a kid at all today, you have yourself all put together without help." Veronica sighed.

Briana wondered if she was really sensing disappointment from her roommate. "Do you miss it?"

"Oh sweetie, don't worry about that. This is about what you need." Veronica smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Briana lay down on the bed, putting her head in Veronica's lap. "Well, I miss being close with you in the morning."

Veronica smiled, a hint of blush rising to her cheeks. She stroked Briana's hair gently. "You are darling. Thank you."

"It's true, I was missing it." Briana closed her eyes. "I feel good today, I have the energy to get up, and get ready, and start thinking about finals. But I still need your help I think."

"How so?" Veronica asked.

"It's hard for me to think about other things, I've been trying not to. Jobs, and fixing my problem, and maybe needing a new graduate advisor." Briana snuggled up against Veronica. "I... I really want you to be in charge, please."

"I can do that, of course." Veronica said happily. "You've already got a great start on the day, I'm very proud of you."

"I'm a good girl?" Briana asked.

"A very good girl." Veronica stroked Briana's cheek. "It's Sunday, so we have the usual chores and homework to do. I'll get you sent to Jane for the chores, you can come do the homework in my office."

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