Chapter 13 - Diaper Girl Confession

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Footsteps crunched in the underbrush. Twigs snapped; leaves rustled. The sounds stopped in front of Briana. It was obviously Gary, but she couldn't bring herself to look. More rustling, he'd sat near her. She was still frozen. Outside the underbrush faint voices floated on the wind. Where Briana was, time was stopped.

Eventually the spell-like feeling broke. Even the most intense tension couldn't last forever. Her body ached from her muscles straining against themselves. The shame had moved to a heavy lump in her chest that pressed down on her stomach.

Still Gary said nothing. He simply sat. She could hear him softly breathing. Finally curiosity and boredom conquered embarrassment. Briana peeked up from her hands to see Gary sitting a few feet away with a calm look on his face. Her purse was sitting next to him.

"Hey there." Gary said in a quiet, gentle voice. "Welcome back."

"I..." Briana froze again.

Gary reached out and gently stroked her leg. "Hey, you seem pretty upset, and embarrassed. Which, yeah, I get it. I'm not going to be shitty to you about this."

Briana took a deep breath that came out more as a gasp. "I'm sorry, I ruined everything, you must be so grossed out..."

"Woah!" Gary waved his hands in front of Briana's face. "Slow down. I'm not grossed out, or angry, and nothing is ruined."

"You can't seriously tell me that..."

"Briana." Gary grabbed her hands. "Chill. Take a breath. Do you want to know what I think? It's going to be better than what you're making up in your head right now."

Briana stared at Gary for a few moments, panting, she nodded.

"Good. Okay, so, it looks like you have a medical issue of some kind. A pretty rough one to have. Probably haven't had it for this long if you're this embarrassed." Gary smiled gently. "You were apparently so into me that you totally forgot about it, which is a huge compliment by the way. Then you panicked when I found out. Is that about right?"

"I guess..." Briana shuddered. "I mean, it's not what it looks like."

"It looks like you have an issue with incontinence." Gary said. "You put on some protection that looked cute to match your cute outfit."

"I..." Briana frowned. "Why is he so calm about this!?"

"I'm not freaked out. Medical stuff happens." Gary shrugged. "I get why you were so upset. I want you to know that I'm not upset. I'm not grossed out. I still think you're damn hot."

"What? How?"

"Are you kidding? Do you think seeing one thing made me forget finally having my hands all over your sexy body? What it felt like to hear you moan like that for me?"

Briana blushed and looked down. "I... really liked it."

"Yeah! Me too. Mood's a little changed right now, but I would absolutely be up for round two at some point."

Briana looked at Gary curiously. The world began to spin again, she felt her control slip. She crawled over to him, whispered. "I'll do anything you want."

"Oh, wow." Gary took a deep breath, put his hands on Briana's shoulders. "Okay, that was hot. You still seem pretty freaked out though. I saw you have a uh, spare in your purse. Do you want to switch it out for the one you have on? Also, your phone was blowing up. It was vibrating the whole time I was walking over here."

"Oh shit." Briana dug in her purse and pulled out her phone. Texts from Casey. From Veronica, Suzie, Jane, and Erin. More from Casey and Veronica. Missed calls. "I uh, have to answer at least a couple of these."

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