Chapter 2 - Counseling

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As a thank you, Briana made dinner for the house. At least she hoped it was a thank you, since she was making it with food she hadn't bought. Everyone seemed appreciative, especially Veronica.

"Movie night!" Casey declared.

"I'll do the dishes too." Briana said. "You all get set up."

With a chorus of "Thanks Bri!" her roommates piled into the living room.

The dishes went fast, Briana smiled happily at the clean kitchen and dining room. "At least I can contribute this way!"

The living room had been re-arranged to face the TV. Everyone had converted to pajamas. Veronica had one armchair, Suzie the other. The rest of the girls were gathered in a pile of blankets on the two couches.

"Hey Bri, we need a fashion show!" Suzie said.

"You've seen my pajamas like a million times." She said, confused.

"We want to see you in the pullups!" Erin grinned.

"What?" Briana blushed.

"We don't want you to be embarrassed around us." Veronica said. "We didn't get them for you to shame you. We've all seen each other in underwear or swimsuits. We want you to know that this isn't anything different."

"I don't know..." Briana dug at the old wood floor with one toe.

"You'll feel way better about it if you don't feel like you have to hide it." Erin said.

"Show off a little and let us support you!" Suzie nodded.

"Uh, this is weird." Briana chuckled nervously. "But okay, just for tonight."

"Of course, you don't have to walk around in them every night." Veronica smiled. "We really do want to normalize it for you."

"Okay okay." Brianna nodded and hurried upstairs.

She pulled both packages and opened them, placing the garments side by side. There was no getting around how ugly the incontinence panties were. No getting around how childish the adult pullups were either. It was going to be embarrassing to show them off either way.

"At least the pullups are pretty. The ones with flowers on them aren't as bad as the ones with little bears and stuff I guess." Briana looked at them ruefully. She'd have to wear one or the other eventually. With a sigh, she dropped her panties and slipped on a pair of the adult pullups. They felt odd, soft and bulky. She squirmed in them, trying to get used to the feel.

"They're pretty quiet, that's nice." Briana thought. She selected a long nightshirt and pulled it over her head. It fell to her mid thigh. She twirled a little, and was glad to see that the pullups didn't show. "Quick fashion show, and then I don't have to show them any more."

Briana was greeted by cheers as she came down the stairs. She blushed, "You guys are making too big a deal of this."

"We're making a big deal of you, we support you!" Said Erin. "Now flash us!"

Briana laughed and flipped her nightshirt briefly up. Her roommates cheered and catcalled her. She giggled and lifted her shirt again, did a quick turn before dropping it.

"They look good!" Suzie said.

"Are they comfortable?" Casey asked.

"Yeah actually." Briana smiled shyly. It actually was helping to talk about it in a normal way.

"Walk through!" Erin grinned. "Everyone gets to pat the butt!"

Feeling giddy and silly, Briana lifted her shirt and walked through the half circle of girls. The pat she got varied from a simple touch, to a squeeze, to a surprisingly firm spank from Veronica. Everyone giggled when Briana jumped at the swat.

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