Chapter 24 - Potty Training

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Soft scraping noises pulled Briana the rest of the way into consciousness. The room was dim, but not dark. She was covered in a blanket and wearing a completely soaked diaper. Feeling Alanna's whiskers at her cheek made her smile. There was pressure in her rear, she knew she should be doing something about that. Nothing really came to mind, so she relaxed. More warm and wet flowed into her diaper, a bit more solidly this time. She felt sticky, messy, not the same now-comforting feeling of wetting. She frowned, this was something she felt bad about. It wasn't something she wanted to remember.

As soon as the smell hit her she began to cry. Whatever memory she was avoiding was still sharp even without bringing it up. A little sniffle and sob at first, then a full on wail. "Moooooooom!"

"I'm here hon." Veronica put down the broom she'd been using on the floor and put an arm through the crib bars to stroke Briana's head. "You're okay."

"Mommy, I feel gross." Briana pouted, sniffled.

"I can smell that." Veronica said. "You're a bit of a poopy baby, aren't you?"

Briana blushed, whimpered, tears leaking from her eyes. She remembered Lisa making fun of her, the horrible feeling of having her classmates recoil from her stink.

"It's alright my love." Veronica dropped the bars on the long side of the crib and the section at Briana's feet. "There's nothing wrong that mom can't fix. I'll get you all cleaned up."

"You don't think I'm a freak?" Briana whimpered.

"Not at all. I think you're my precious Briana." Veronica leaned over to kiss Briana's forehead. "You had a little accident and it's not a problem."

The tapes came off, and the smell redoubled. Briana screwed up her face and whimpered again. She felt her legs and rear lifted, a wet towel mopped across her. The towel and diaper went into separate bins and as soon as their lids closed, the smell began to improve. Briana relaxed as the changing returned to something she was familiar with. She even giggled a little when Veronica popped the vibrator out of her sex. Gentle and thorough wiping caressed every bit of skin that had been under the diaper until Briana was clean and lemony.

"Did you have fun with Casey?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah!" Briana grinned. "Can we do it again?"

Veronica chuckled, lifting Briana's legs one at a time to coat her in diaper cream. "Not right away. You can stay up for a few more hours but then it's back to bed. I need to get you up early tomorrow."

"What for?" Briana made Alanna dance across the bars of the crib.

"We're going to start your potty-training tomorrow." Veronica said, sliding a diaper under Briana's butt.

"Oh." Briana paused, turned Alanna to look her in the eyes. "Does that mean I'm bad?"

"No sweetie, you're not bad." Talcum powder's soft smell drove away the last of the smelliness in the room. "You're a good baby. Mom is going to teach you how to use the potty like a big girl. Everyone's going to help."

"Okay." Briana nodded, unconcerned.

Erin and Jane came in, Jane making a beeline to give Veronica a hug. Briana remembered there had been something else embarrassing. A time when Erin and Jane had been changing her. She didn't feel embarrassed now though. That thought faded away as well. She wiggled to test the fit of the diaper after the tapes were secured. Veronica... mom, had done an excellent job as always.

"Can you hold still for a moment for Erin?" Veronica said.

"Yes mommy."

Erin stepped over to Briana and briefly shined a light in each of her eyes. She checked Briana's pulse and took her temperature through a thermometer in her ear. "Did you know that you needed to poop, Briana?"

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