Chapter 23 - Nursery Rehab

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It wasn't clear when story time had become naptime, but Briana didn't care. All that mattered was that she woke up still in Veronica's arms. She murmured happily through her pacifier, sitting up to straddle Veronica's lap. It was really warm in her pink head-to-to pajamas, she could feel little spots of sweat all over. The bulk between her legs made her wonder if she was wet, but squirming her crotch against Veronica's leg left her feeling dry. She vaguely remembered getting a larger diaper and a booster pad or two.

"Hello darling." Veronica said with a soft smile. "Look at those bright pink cheeks. I think we need to air you out a little." She pulled back cat-ear hood of Briana's pajamas, and unsnapped part of the front. That left Briana's chest a little exposed but all she cared about at the moment was the cool air coming in.

"Mmm mmph." She mumbled through her pacifier. Veronica pulled it gently out of her mouth. "I'm hungry."

"Let's get you fed then." Veronica nodded. "A snack for now okay? We'll have dinner later."

Briana followed Veronica to the kitchen. The house looked a little different, some of the living room furniture had been moved. Along the side of the stairs was a good sized wooden table with a padded top. Diapers and other supplies were stashed on the table's built-in shelves. She awkwardly waddled past it, grateful for the non-slip surface on her pajama's feet.

The kitchen had a new addition as well. A square platform on the floor with metal-pipes rising from the corners. The pipes were padded, and white plastic webbing that looked fairly heavy-duty was strung between them at about rib-height on Briana. The platform had a thick blanket on it that was tucked into platform's edges. There were a few stuffed animals inside the pen, including a pillow-sized squishmallow.

Instead of leading her to a chair, Veronica led Briana to the pen. There was a metal rail running from the platform to the top of the mesh which Veronica unlatched and pulled to the side, making an opening in the mesh. After a little prodding, Briana ducked under the plastic-coated cable that held up the mesh and into the pen. The blanket under her slid a little and Briana decided not to risk standing, especially with the splayed-leg stance the diaper was forcing on her.

Veronica was heating up some water in a kettle, Briana investigated the stuffed animals. There was a mouse, a stegosaurus, and the dog-faced squishmallow. "What's for snack?" Briana asked, picking up the mouse and nuzzling it.

"I have a nice warm drink for you." Veronica said, pouring a packet of powder into a plastic bag. Hot water went in after, and the bag was fitted into a clear bottle. "Don't worry, it's filling, kind of like a shake."

"I want chips." Briana said.

"Have you forgotten how much trouble you're in?" Veronica asked sternly. She checked the temperature on the bottle and added a couple of chips of ice.

"Okaaaaaay." Briana sighed. "Where's Alanna? Can I have Alanna?"

"Your lion is up in your bedroom." Veronica said. Another temperature check and Veronica screwed a top with a rubber nipple onto the bottle. "We can see her later, you have some new friends there."

Briana accepted the bottle from Veronica and stared at it for a moment. There was something about it, about the pajamas, and the pen, and everything that she felt should bother her. Veronica was watching her expectantly. Giving up on the odd feeling, Briana tilted the bottle up and sucked on the nipple. It was sweet and milky. A bit of a strange taste. She pulled the nipple from her mouth, getting a few drops on her chin.

"Go on sweetie, drink up." Veronica said, patting Briana gently on the head.

The second time the taste was a little better. The more she drank the more she got used to the taste, and the sweetness was nice. With genuine enthusiasm now, Briana leaned against the plastic mesh and kept working on her bottle.

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