Chapter 11 - Dressup

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Sitting in Veronica's office, eating some chicken strips that Suzie had heated up for her, Briana felt ridiculous. The diaper she was wearing was far more bulky than a pullup, too much so for her to ignore its presence. "I feel like I'm waiting for the principal to scold me. Or my mom."

"Thank you for taking care of her so quickly." Veronica said from the next room, giving Erin a hug.

"Let me know if I can do anything." Erin squeezed Veronica tightly, then stepped out of the room.

Veronica came into the office and stroked Briana's hair. "You look very sad."

"Wouldn't you be?" Briana forlornly munched on a chicken strip.

"It's okay if you are." Veronica said, taking a seat. "Today was embarrassing and I'm sure worrying too."

Briana nodded. "Everything was going wrong, I totally blew my lab work, I lost my lunch and a bunch of our Tupperware, it was hard to even get up today. Then I just... I just lost control. I didn't even feel that I had to go until I was..."

"Wetting?" Veronica asked, nodding when Briana blushed. "I told you before, extreme stress does terrible things to people. We're doing our best to help you, but I'm not surprised that it's getting worse before it gets better."

"I hate this." Briana screwed up her eyes in frustration.

"I'm so sorry hon. We're here to help. First of all, stop worrying about the Tupperware. They were cheap store brand ones anyway. Okay?" Veronica smiled gently at Briana. "Second, I think it's time to have you wear pullups during the day."

"What!?" Briana stared at Veronica in a panic. "No, I don't need that! This was a one time thing!"

"Well, it happened for the first time today. If it is a one time thing then that is great." Veronica said. "But if it follows your pattern so far, it will get a bit worse before it gets better. You don't want a repeat of today, do you?"

"Veronica, please, please don't make me." Briana whimpered.

"I'm not making you do anything." Veronica said. "I'm telling you what I think is best."

"Please don't." Briana's voice fell to a whisper. "No, please."

Veronica stared at Briana curiously, letting the silence drag out. She gently took the plate out of Briana's hand and set it aside. "Come here and sit on my lap."

Briana took the seat without protest, leaning her petite frame against Veronica.

"Do you need me to make you wear the pullups?" Veronica asked. "Would that make it better for you?"

"I don't want to wear them." Briana whimpered into Veronica's neck.

"But you're afraid that you need to. And it's a choice that would hurt you to make." Veronica stroked Briana's hair and held the girl close. She let Briana sit there quietly, gently caressing her, until she felt Briana's shoulders relax.

"Briana?" Veronica said.


"I've made a decision. You're going to need to wear pullups for a while."


"No arguing, young lady. If you can keep them dry for a solid week, you can go back to underwear. I won't count nighttime wetting against you, only daytime."

Briana buried her face further into Veronica's neck, but didn't answer.

"I'd like to hear a, 'Yes Veronica'."

It took a minute, but Briana managed a muffled, "Yes Veronica."

"Good girl." Veronica patted Briana's back. "If you do wet, you have to come tell me. If you make it to the bathroom, you can tell me that too, but you don't have to."

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