Chapter 19 - Date With Gary

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Going on a date with Gary was definitely exciting. Telling him she wanted to be treated like a kid had been exciting and scary. Veronica handing Gary a diaper bag that was now in the back seat of his Prius was embarrassing. All of those feelings left Briana squirmy and hyperactive, bouncing in the seat as Gary drove.

"I guess I picked a good restaurant if you're that excited." Gary chuckled.

"Everything kind of feels new again." Briana said. "There's a lot to figure out."

"Yeah, I feel that too." Gary smiled, reached over to squeeze Briana's arm. "You look great, by the way."

"You dressed me!" Briana laughed.

"That was fun. I'm liking this more than I expected." Gary said.

"Really?" Briana asked. "Me too. It was crazy when Veronica proposed it but I'm glad she did."

"Us dating?" Gary asked.

"No, I mean, everything. The pullups and the kid treatment and stuff."

"It's brave of you to try something like this." Gary said.

"You think so?" Briana clasped her hands.

"Yeah, I do." Gary smirked. "I'm glad you're brave, because I've got some plans for lunch."

"Like what?" Briana frowned.

"You heard Veronica when we left, I'm in charge." Gary said. "I'll be checking in with her so that she knows you're okay... and so that she knows you're behaving."

Briana blushed. "Oh. Okay."

"Good girl." Gary grinned, pulling the car into the restaurant's parking lot.

The walk to their table was awkward for Briana, she barely paid attention to the restaurant; her attention was consumed by the diaper bag in Gary's hand. No one seemed to react, but she was sure someone was judging them. Once at their table with the bag stowed under it, she could relax again. The window next to their table looked out on the marina, showcasing well kept boats in the summer sun.

After a few minutes of watching the water she realized Gary was absorbed in the menu. She looked for hers, and reached over to Gary's side of the table to grab it.

"Hey!" She said, as Gary slid the menu away from her.

"I'm ordering for you." Gary said, folding his menu up and putting them both on the windowsill.

"But, I wanted to pick." Briana pouted. "And I can't believe you brought that stupid bag."

"Veronica warned me you might be bratty but I didn't expect it to start this fast." Gary smirked.

"I'm not bratty!" Briana protested. "I'm frustrated."

"Or you're testing to see if I'll really treat you like a kid, even if you protest."

Briana squirmed in her seat. "No fair dissecting my motivations."

Gary laughed. "Fine, I won't spoil it for you."

Briana had to hold her retort with the waiter approaching their table. Gary ordered a salmon Alfredo for himself, and then macaroni and cheese for Briana.

"I'm sorry sir, that was yesterday's special, we don't have the truffle macaroni today." The waiter said.

"No, the plain one, from the kid's menu." Gary pointed it out for the waiter.

"Oh of course." The waiter nodded and took their menus. "Anything to drink?"

"I'll have your Pole Brewery apricot beer." Gary said. "She'll have an apple juice."

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