Chapter 20 - The Two Brianas

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Gary lead Briana up the walk to her house. There was a bit of a waddling wobble to her step and her skirt looked very full. Unconcerned with that, Briana hurried ahead of Gary to open the door.

"Hi Veronica!" She said enthusiastically.

"Hello Briana, Gary." Veronica smiled from the living room's gray armchair.

"Hi." Gary said, following Briana in and padding her bulky rear. "Got her back safe and sound. Go see Veronica hon."

Briana obediently sat on Veronica's lap. "I had a good date! We had a good lunch, and ice cream!"

"I see the ice cream." Veronica smirked, plucking at the pink blotches on Briana's crop-top. "On your top and your mouth."

"I could have cleaned her up." Gary said, dropping the diaper bag and sitting on the couch. "But I thought you'd enjoy seeing how much fun she had with the ice cream."

"You guessed right." Veronica said. "I see she went through at least one top and one change?"

"Oh, yeah he did it was really..." Briana was already blushing at the memory, but her cheeks went bright pink when Veronica interrupted her by popping a pacifier in her mouth.

"Shh sweetie, I'm talking to Gary right now." Veronica pulled Briana closer on her lap, laying Briana's head on her shoulder.

Briana squirmed, overcome with embarrassment. The clammy feeling in her diaper that she's been trying to ignore came to the forefront of her attention. Without thinking about what she was doing, she cuddled up to Veronica, holding on to her roommate's neck and breast.

"That's right." Gary said. "We didn't end up using the onsie, or the spare pullup. I think she's a little wet, but she probably doesn't need to be changed right away."

"You're taking this very well." Veronica said. "You had a good time too?"

"Yeah." Gary smiled and shook his head. "More than I thought I would. I'll be happy to babysit her any time."

"That's great to hear, we might need you after finals." Veronica said. "She was a good girl overall?"

"Yeah she was fine. A couple of bratty moments but nothing to worry about." Gary said. "She didn't like it when I made a meta-comment about our little game. She wanted to be immersed in it I think."

"I've been noticing that too." Veronica said. Briana squirmed in her arms, and Veronica bounced her gently until Briana snuggled up again. "Did she take you up on the microbiology help?"

"Kind of?" Gary shrugged. "Looking at her right now I'm not sure how much you'd let her choose anyway. Let me know when she's got more serious studying or homework and I'll come tutor."

"Sounds great." Veronica smiled. "Okay Briana, you can hop up now and say goodbye to Gary."

Briana hopped off Veronica's lap and stood between her and Gary as he rose from the couch. She couldn't say anything with the pacifier in her mouth, so she waited, looking up at him expectantly.

Gary smiled and gently took the pacifier. "You're pretty little right now. I think you're going to have a fun evening."

Briana smiled broadly. "Thanks! And thanks for the ice cream, and the date."

"You're welcome cutie." Gary pulled Briana close, kissing her gently and squishing her rear. She pressed up tightly against him, feeling heat build in her crotch again. Gary popped the pacifier right back in Briana's mouth as he pulled away.

"See you later Veronica. Got to say, this is pretty interesting." Gary waved and headed for the door.

"I'm sure you have some other adjectives for it too." Veronica chuckled, waving. When Gary was gone, she turned to Briana, plucking at the messy crop top. "Let's get you a change of clothes sweetie."

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