Chapter 26 - Baby Bliss

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Jane and Veronica came back home late from their date, Briana was already tucked in bed. The new Briana knew that they would have been busy after the date anyway, and was glad for them. She woke up in the morning with a soaked diaper and lay back to enjoy the feeling. It wasn't to the itchy rashy stage yet, and she didn't need to poop. The crib felt comforting, she braced herself against the bars, relaxing against the solid feeling.

It was Jane that came to get her, dropping the rail on the side of her crib and giving her a hug. "Good morning Briana."

"Did you have a good date?" Briana asked.

"We did." Jane smiled. "Did you have fun with Gary?"

"Yeah!" Briana nodded vigorously, then turned serious. "Dad? Jane? Can I talk with Mom? With Veronica? The way I used to in the mornings."

"Is everything okay?" Jane asked in concern.

"Yes, it is. Can I talk to her please?" Briana sat up, taking Jane's hand in hers.

"Of course." Jane helped Briana out of the crib and walked her to Veronica's office.

Seeing Veronica working away at her computer in her basic black house dress felt like walking into a lifetime ago. Veronica looked up in surprise, offering her lap when Briana came over.

"Good morning sweetie, what's going on?" Veronica asked.

"Can you please stay, Jane?" Briana said, catching Jane turning away. Jane nodded, and leaned against the wall. "Veronica, I sort of, woke up last night with Gary."

"Woke... oh, I see. I'm sorry I didn't notice right away. You're feeling adult again?" Veronica said.

"I am, and I want to thank you for everything you did. You were both so nice, so helpful. I felt really safe and loved the whole time."

"You are loved." Jane said softly.

Veronica smiled in delighted surprise at Jane, then turned back to Briana. "That's right, you are loved."

Briana smiled, her cheeks pink. "I think I have a better handle on my problem now, or at least, it doesn't upset me. I have something I want to ask you though."

"Go ahead." Veronica said.

"I want to still play our game. I want to be little sometimes and be taken care of. I think I still need diapers at night, and maybe during the day too. Pullups at least. I want to know if it's okay if you still help me."

"We'd be happy to." Jane said. Veronica nodded.

Briana took a deep breath, smiling nervously. "Thank you! I have one more thing to ask. I uh, started calling you two mom and dad when I was... cloudy. I want to know if I can still call you that."

Shifting on Veronica's lap, Briana looked Veronica in the eyes. "Will you be my mom? Please?"

Tears fell down Veronica's smiling face. She crushed Briana close to her, hard enough to make the smaller girl squeak a little. "Yes dearest, yes."

Briana freed one arm and motioned Jane over. "Jane, will you be my dad?"

Jane enveloped them both in a tight hug. They held there for a while, until Veronica shifted uncomfortably on her desk chair.

"I didn't think I was going to cry this morning." Veronica chuckled, wiping her eyes. "We should get you changed and tell the others."

"Can we tell them right now?" Briana asked. "It's not like they haven't seen me wet before."

Jane laughed. "Good news shouldn't wait. Come on, daughter."

Briana took Jane's hand and followed her downstairs, Veronica behind them. Casey, Erin and Suzie were already up; they looked over in surprise when Briana climbed up on the coffee table.

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