Chapter 1 - House Meeting

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Dear Reader – A quick note about this book.

Some readers might have concerns about consent issues in the story, and I don't want to minimize those concerns. I personally believe that consent is very important, and I won't want people to feel uncomfortable reading the story.

Please know that I consider this story to be science-fiction in the sense that there is something a little different about science in this universe. Specifically, age-play and its associated trappings can have a real therapeutic effect.

In order to preserve the aesthetic of the story for punishment scenes and reluctant scenes characters will not always have explicit consent or safe-words. In this story a character that is refusing to stop acting like a child has consented to being treated like a child. In other words, the refusal to speak and act like an adult is considered the same as not using a safe-word.

If these explanations do not work for you, I completely understand! In that case, consider this a content warning for corporal punishment, imposition of diapers and baby treatment without explicit consent.

Thank you.

Sol y Sombra


Brianna lifted her head and let out a yawn that stretched her jaw. Discomfort made her squirm in the bed. She slid a hand under the covers and immediately teared up. The bed was wet again. She froze in bed, listening and hoping that the house would be silent. No luck.

By the sounds of it at least two of her roommates were already awake. The sun blazed through her white daisy curtains; a sign that it was likely they were all awake. For a few minutes she burrowed back into the covers despite the dampness. She wished she could just vanish into the bed and disappear. Or better yet, that the stain would.

"I don't know why this is happening!" Briana despaired. "I haven't wet the bed since I was six. It's been ten times this month, and it's happening more and more often."

With a groan she crawled out of bed and stripped off her soaked panties and nightshirt. She was able to scamper to the bathroom to shower without running into anyone. Scraggly hair greeted her in the mirror. She sighed and tied it up. Haircuts were another thing that weren't happening. At least the rest of her looked good. A smattering of freckles across a slim body. "Nothing like being poor to keep you trim."

Back in her room she dressed in dry clothes and faced her bed grimly. The comforter was too bulky to launder easily and seemed to be barely damp. She stripped the sheets and wrapped them in her wet bath towel. With the window open and a bit of febreeze on the mattress, she hoped no one would notice.

Her feet creaked on the old wooden floors. Normally she loved an old house with tons of character. Now it was a traitor reporting her every move. Since quiet wasn't an option, she made her way down the stairs quickly to the living room.

Her roommate Suzie was there, curled up on the green antique couch. Brianna froze for a moment, but the blonde girl didn't look up from her phone. Brianna rounded the wall that supported the stairs and opened the basement door. Another flight of creaky stairs and she was on nice quiet concrete. Even better, the washing machine was free. A huge wave of relief washed across Brianna when she set the washer running.

Briana checked her bank balance for the hundredth time while she leaned on the kitchen counter. Just a couple hundred dollars left. Her roommates had been generous enough to let her skip the rent. They even let her eat from the groceries they bought. It was a lifesaver, but a guilt-inducing one. The college's work study wasn't taking any new student workers mid semester either.

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