Chapter 25 - Babysitting Breakthrough

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A few days after her potty training breakthrough, Briana could safely say that she was a big girl who did not make messes in her diaper. Wetting was an issue that still came up daily, but more than half her trips to the bathroom were with a dry diaper. With her accomplishment came the privilege of eating at the table and having the same meals as her roommates. Anything too spicy or bitter on her plate would get ignored, to the point that Veronica made up a batch of formula when Jane made curry for lunch.

As an official big girl she was also allowed to wear clothes other than footie pajamas and onesies. Fun leggings with rainbows, gold stars, or brightly colored birds printed on them were definitely in rotation. Diapers were pretty obvious under her leggings but Briana didn't mind. On the rare occasion that she took a car ride Veronica usually put her in a pair of shorts anyway. A series of cute animal and dinosaur shirts were her usual tops and she was currently engaged in a struggle with Jane over the shirt with the lioness on it. In Briana's opinion that was always the right shirt to wear, no matter the state of its cleanliness. Jane unfairly insisted that the shirt only be worn when clean, and at most three times a week.

The quiet thumps and grunts of furniture being moved caught Briana's attention that morning. She climbed the stairs with Alanna the lion under her arm to see her crib being moved out of Veronica's suite.

"What's going on?" Briana asked, her brows furrowed in worry.

"Moving this to your room." Casey said, hefting the crib over the rail so it would fit through Briana's door.

"Jane is moving in with me." Veronica said, supervising Casey and Erin from a few feet back. "We need a little extra room and you're doing well enough that you can be back in your own space."

Briana hurried up the stairs and hugged Veronica. "Mommy..."

"You're a big girl now, right?" Veronica stroked Briana's cheek. "You can still come sleep with us if you need it, we'll have the monitor in your room, okay?"

Briana nodded reluctantly. "Are you and dad getting married?"

"Maybe." Veronica chuckled and ruffled Briana's hair. "We're not sure yet. Either way we'll be here to take care of you, darling."

"I hope you do!" Briana said. "Oh, can we watch a movie tonight?"

"You can watch a movie if you want." Veronica said. "Jane and I are going out tonight. It's a very grown up place, I don't think you'd have fun there."

"Oh. Well can Suzie watch it with me?" Briana asked.

"Suzie is coming out with us. So are Casey and Erin. We're actually going to have Gary babysit you tonight."

"Gary?" Briana bit her lip and looked down.

"What's the matter?" Veronica asked. "You had fun with him before, and he wanted to babysit you."

"It's uh...." Briana's heart felt heavy. Bad memories swirled at the edge of her thoughts. Being laughed at, not feeling safe. "But he's not... he's not somebody who lives here. It's um, well, what if..."

"Briana, it's okay." Veronica kissed Briana's cheek. "He's not going to make fun of you. He likes you, and he's seen you in diapers before. You two are going to have lots of fun. I got all kinds of chips and ice cream for tonight."

"Okay Mom." Briana smiled bravely. "But, what if something bad happens?"

"You can call me or text me any time you want." Veronica said. "I think you'll be having too much fun to want to do that though."

Briana nodded, sighing in relief. There was still a nagging worry that she couldn't shake. She stuck close to Veronica while her room was set up and through the rest of the day. The nervousness increased when she watched Jane and Veronica get ready from her seat on their bedroom floor. By the time everyone had gathered in the living room in their fancy dresses Briana was in a mild panic. Warmth gushed into her diaper, but she didn't care. All she could do was fidget and fret.

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