Chapter 21 - Freak Show

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Briana knew she was doing well. It was Thursday afternoon and she'd already finished all her course and lab work. Like the rest of the week's evenings she'd be diapered and taken care of. Being little gave her enough energy every day to be the best graduate student she could be. Finals were coming up next week, but with Gary's help she figured she had it handled. Even with all her success, she couldn't shake a few fears. There was the issue of getting another job, Dr. Vaughn hadn't found anything for her yet, but she was hopeful that he would.

More important than that was her reliance on her roommates to take care of her in the evenings. She wasn't sure how long they could keep it up, though everyone seemed to be having fun. Even more surprising, she was really looking forward to being diapered and babied every evening. She wasn't sure if she was afraid of needing the attention or afraid that her roommates would stop.

"I wonder if they're going to keep me in diapers the whole weekend." The thought thrilled her, triggering a blush that she'd be excited at that. "What's going on with me? What's that phase they mentioned before? Veronica isn't talking to me about plans anymore, even since she... became my mom."

Briana sighed and put that thought away, only to be confronted by her biggest worry. Her pullups would not stay dry to save her life. She was taking two spares to school every day, and coming home with the last pair damp. Taking a third spare to school had crossed her mind, but the package of colorful pullups was nearly gone. Someone had removed the ugly gray ones, probably to return them to the store.

Casey hadn't been able to take her home and Briana was excited that she'd been given permission to ride the bus. It felt good to sit and watch the familiar route again. "It feels good to be a big girl too." Briana thought.

At home she climbed the stairs and went straight to Veronica's room. "Hi Mom, I'm home!" She said as she entered the suite.

"Hi Briana!" Veronica smiled and gave Briana a big hug. "How was school?"

"It was good! I met Gary on campus, we got all the homework out of the way. There's nothing left except studying for finals!" Briana grinned.

"Good girl." Veronica stroked Briana's cheek. "Now, show me your pullup."

Briana blushed and lifted her simple blue skirt. Veronica cupped Briana's crotch, squishing the wet padding against her skin.

"This is your third one for the day again?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah." Briana sighed. "Sorry mom, I don't even feel it."

"That's okay, you have nothing to apologize for." Veronica said, taking a seat on the couch and pulling Briana down next to her. "However, we need to talk a little. I bought you a new package of pullups today, but you're going through them too fast."

Briana nodded. "I know, but I don't know what else I can do."

"We're going to have to put you in diapers during the day now too." Veronica said.

"What? No, mom, please!" Tears leaped to Briana's eyes. "They're too big, everyone will notice!"

"I'm sorry hon, but pullups are obviously not the solution at this point. You have some skirts that should cover them pretty well, and we can get you some more." Veronica patted Briana's hand. "You will have to stop wearing pants and shorts, I'm sorry, I know you don't like wearing skirts every day."

"But, but..." Briana whimpered. "School is my grown up time."

"It still can be." Veronica said. "Nobody is talking about sending you to school in baby clothes."

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