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"Can we just have it out so we can get out of here please..." I looked a Krisy who was staring blankly at a wall.
"I think I'm pregnant..." she finally utters out towards me. My heart sank. She can't be. The room starts moving around me rapidly, I think I'm going to be sick.
"Laila! Sit down please, you look so pale.." she reaches for my hand.
I slowly make my way on the ground next to her.
"How... what are you going to do" I can barely speak. How is this happening.
"I don't know... I haven't had the chance to take a test honestly.."
"But you were drinking with us the other night you can't be.." I said still not seeing so clearly.
"I know it didn't hit me until this morning... you remember how my mom had that special gift to tell when a Witch was expecting before they could tell signs or anything really?"
"Yea" I uttered back. My mind racing with how this changes everything.
"I think I got that gift... I'm sorry.. I really mean this.. I want you to know I want nothing from him you both can stay together" she grabs my hand in a way to comfort me.
I stare at her blankly with tears in my eyes.
"Krisy.. I know the kind of man he is.. we won't be together.. and I don't think I can sit and watch you guys be a family.. I'm sorry too" I say as I stand up wiping my tears away.
The door suddenly opens. I'm not mad at her.. I love her I always will. But I need to get out of here.
"You have to tell them all... tell them you think you are expecting, they have to know." As she stands I pull her into a hug.
"You are leaving aren't you.." her green eyes filled with tears.
"Yea I just need space... I think we all do"
"Here.. take this... it's my moms necklace it allows her to transport to any place she's thinking of.. promise me you will come back... I don't want to do life without you..." she said putting the necklace on around my neck.
I can't make a promise to her knowing I might not keep it. She finishes putting the necklace on me and I close my eyes thinking of any place other than here so I can leave. When my my eyes open I end up in this random ally. I start panicking having no idea where I ended up.
"Are you okay.." a deep voice called out towards me.
I draw my wand and turn quickly prepared to defend myself.
"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you really.. your the American girl right? Laila?" The boy starts to approach me. He is handsome I've seen him around hogwarts before.
"I'm Blaise.. Blaise Zabini are you alright it looks like you have been crying." He is being very careful with his words and steps.
"You are Dracos friend that's how I know you" I say stepping back.
"I would hardly call us mates" he smirked. "Let me grab you a butter beer it looks like you can use a pick me up" he reaches his hand out towards me.
"Okay.." I follow him into Three Broomsticks. We find a table and a nice older women approach's us.
"Can I get you something deers" she smiled at us.
"Yea can we get two butterbeers please" he asked her politely. I was taken aback by him really. I assumed anyone who hangs out with Draco Malfoy is just as horrible as he is.
"So do you want to tell me why you were in a weird ally crying all by yourself? Normally if I spot you Ron Weasley is always by your side" he laughed. I gave him a smile. He notices me.
"It's just a lot of drama really.. my whole life is filled with it really but I'm stepping away from it all." I began opening up to him a bit. "I fell for Ron's brother Fred, and everything is just crumbling around me.. every time I think we can be happy it is always something else stopping it.. I have to stop fighting against this force that clearly doesn't want us to be together"
Blaise stares at me for a while before he says a word. "Things that are meant to be will be.. my advice is stop trying to control the situation and just let things happen."
My hands are still shaking and he grabs them to comfort me. The women approach's with our drinks.
"Here you go! I threw in a pastry for you love on the house! Cheer up!" She smiles at the two of us and walks away not giving me the chance to thank her.
"I know we just met and I might be asking a lot of you but would you help me forget any of this happened.. me and Fred I don't want to remember any of it.." I mumble.
"Wow.. I think you should think about this for a bit.."
He tries talking me out of it but my mind is made up. I can't live my life knowing that Fred and Krisy will potentially be raising a child together I just can't do it.
"I have to move on with my life... I don't want to feel this sadness anymore.. I just can't do it.. I don't care if you think I'm weak fine I'm weak but please help me Blaise" my eyes begin to fill up with tears as I look at him.
He stares at my face for what feels like ages.
"Okay.. I'll do it, but just know I think you are making a bit mistake. If you truly love each other it will get figured out. Love is not easy. This isn't a fairy tale and I think you are running away and giving up"he finally speaks.
Merlin I think I would enjoy his company more if he didn't speak.
"And just know even if I erase him from your memory you will never feel whole again.. you will go your entire life trying to figure out what that missing piece is"
"Okay I get it.. I'm not changing my mind though...please just cast the spell so I can go back to my dorm" I said irritated with him.
He pulls his wand out staring at me in silence some more.
"Turn around" he instructed and I listened.
I sit there patiently waiting for him to get on with it. Tears start streaming down my face as I think about Fred, but in a few seconds all this pain will be over with. I will be able to be happy again.
"Obliviate" he finally says.
"Do you want to split this pastry" I asked him calmly. "Why am I crying?" I wipe the tears off my face.
"Laila!" Two gingers scream at me. I get startled.
"Ginny? Ron? What are you doing here?" Ginny is staring at me with pity in her eyes.
"It's not true! Mum figured it out Krisy was just a bit confused are you alright?" Ron grabs my face tossing it around examining me.
I start to laugh. "I'm perfectly fine you weirdo! What are you talking about? Krisy was wrong about what?"
Ron and Ginny stare at each other.
"She erased her memories.. she doesn't know what we are talking about Ron..." Ginny mumbles to him.
"YOU ERASED HER MEMORIES?!" Ron charges at Blaise Grabbing him by his shirt.
"She asked me to do it I didn't want to! I promise!" He said afraid.
"Ron stop! Let him go what are you all talking about!" I grab Ron's hand trying to calm him down.
Everyone is staring at me.. I don't know what's going on.
"I'm fine... now sit down both of you and grab a drink! This is Blaise he is actually really cool!" I smile at the both of them still lost on whatever they are going on about. They both finally take a seat.
There are two boys screaming at each other out side. It's Fred and George. I don't understand what's going on with the Weasleys today.
"Let me go talk to her she will listen to me let go George" I hear him shouting.
"Fred stop please let Ron and Ginny handle this" George begged his brother.
Fred pushes off him and barges inside staring at me as well. He looks exhausted like he has been crying.
"Fred are you okay? What's wrong come sit have a drink" I reached my hand out to him to sit with me. He looked at me confused.
"She got her memories erased Freddie.. she doesn't remember you guys ever being together..." Ginny whispers to him.
I don't know why they keep saying that. Fred looks angry. He picks up my drink and throws it across the room as hard as he can and storms off.
"Fred wait!" Ginny runs after her brother.
"What the hell did he do that for?" I look to Ron.
"He's not a fan of butterbeer the smell makes him nauseous" he says shrugging his shoulders.
This has been quite the day...

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