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"LAILA!" Krisy screamed at me practically jumping on top of me. I was startled as I was staring at the qudditch field daydreaming.
"Krisy! You could have given me a heart attack you know?!" I said to her rolling my eyes with relief.
"I heard all about your little display today is DADA!" She looked expressionless. My face went white, my mind immediately went to Fred and if someone had seen us. My heart is practically trying to escape from my chest.
"What little display?" I say playing dumb as I open and close my hands to get rid of the sweat.
"Your patronus ! It was a dragon! Everyone in hogwarts is talking about it! They all said It's the most amazing thing they ever saw!" Her eyes lit up as she shook me with excitement. I giggled.
"It took me by surprise really... I didn't think I could do it" I gushed as we walked back to our dorms.
"What did you think of?" She curiously asked.
My face turned bright red. I couldn't tell her what I really thought of.
"My dad of course... us with our fathers... the time they took us to that muggle amusement park. Do you remember that?" I lied to her. Again.
"Of course I remember that day! I ate so many of those little sticks covered in sugar I was sick for a week!" She laughed.
"I remember, you threw up all over my brand new shoes" I said pretending to still be bitter about the incident.
"When will you let that go!" She hit me teasingly.
"How about when you buy me a new pair of black glittery boots" we locked arms as we continued our walk.
"Girls want to have a girls night in tonight are you up to it?" She asked me.
"Yes! I think we need one!" I feel like things are finally failing in place for me. I'm happy that everything is starting to slow down.
"Perfect! Ginny Weasley snuck some fire whiskey so we are in for some night!" She laughed.
"And minoe is okay with this? Merlin I can't believe we will get to witness the Hermione Granger wasted!" We both laughed.
"Ooo guess what! A little owl told me a certain griffyndor quidditch player likes you" she teased at me.
My heart starts beating fast again. She really is trying to kill me today.
"Who!?" I said sharp and quick trying to get it out of her.
"OLIVER WOOD" she giggled. "It's perfect he's just your type! Handsome, funny and griffyndor, check, check, check!"
"Oh Um I never really thought of him in that way... who told you this?" I was disappointed with her answer. Not that I don't think Oliver Wood isn't attractive... I mean look at him. I would clearly be lying.
"Ginny! She told me he took a bludger to the chest because she mentioned your name!" Krisy's green eyes stared at me brightly waiting for a huge reaction out of me.
"That doesn't mean anything though... maybe he was just distracted by the talking" brushing this ridiculous idea off.
"Are you joking? Oliver wood??? Distracted??maybe you are sick" she laughed.
********************later that night***************
Ginny, Hermione, Angelina and Krisy all where piled into my dorm room. The room was hot and the laughter was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts.
"Ladies ladies let's settle down" Ginny said swinging from my bed grabbing everyone's attention in typical Ginny Weasley fashion.
"It is time to play truth or drink!" Ginny jumps to the floor and all the girls cheer.
"Here is how you play the game... someone asks you a question you answer or you drink! Simple enough ladies I know we aren't ravenclaw so I can dumb that down a bit if any of you'd like!" Ginny already had began to take big swigs of the fire whiskey.
"All right Johnson! My question is for you! Are you banging my brother George?" I devilish smile appears on Ginnys face. The entire room starts laughing.
"Give me the bottle Weasley" Angelina said her face was red from embarrassment.
"This is going to be fun since every single one of you have snogged a Weasley before" Ginny was really enjoying this game.
"My turn! Krisy, is it true draco cries for his mommy during sex?" Angelina laughed.
Krisy's face was priceless!
"We haven't had sex yet! For your information! He's actually pretty sweet he has a soft side" she said being to defend him.
"Ew gross! Draco having a soft side?" Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Laila! Where you the mystery girl Freddie snuck off with the other night?" Ginny asked still grinning, Widening her eyes at me for my response.
How does she know about this. The room fell silent and everyone's eyes were on me.
"I-uh" I tried to say anything really.
"You were with him last night...that makes so much sense... you running in the dorm in the morning.. the way you reacted to the Oliver thing" Krisy began to say. Her voice was soft, I could tell how angry she was. I felt like I was going to pass out. Krisy stands up and tries to leave the dorm.
"Krisy wait! Let's talk about it" I grab her hand as I stand up.
"Talk about what? You lying to me or you going for the asshole who dumped me in the great hall" she snapped at me pulling her hand away from me.
"Krisy... I'm sorry I lied... I just didn't want you to be angry with me." I tried explaining to her. She quickly turned around to face me.
"You didn't want me to be angry with you? Are you joking Laila? You are so full of shit you know that?"
Okay I deserved that, it didn't make it hurt any less.
I sat there in silence as she starred at me.
"Did he dump me for you? Did you guys do shit while he was with me? And please try being fucking honest this time." She stood in front of me with her arms crossed waiting for my response.
"Krisy.." I began to speak finally.
"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION YES OR NO" she shouted getting frustrated with my responses.
"Krisy please... I don't want us to fight"
"Please fuck off... actually why don't you go fuck my ex boyfriend while your at it!! Hey do you wanna go fuck Malfoy too? I'm staring to really like him too!" I've never seen her angry before, I can't believe how this exploded in my face. I knew better and I let my feelings take over.
"Well this party turned to a bust really quickly..." Ginny said.
Perfect. I fucked everything up again.

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