Sunny Days

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I Wake up to the smell of pancakes and Kristin and Ginny giggling. "Wake up Laila, Molly made us a really nice breakfast and Arthur is taking us all to the lake today! It's exciting isn't it" Kristin explained to me.
"Yea of course let me just go wash my face and brush my teeth I'll be down in 4! You all start without me" "do you really think my brothers were waiting for any of us to start eating.. especially Ron" Ginny laughed. I smiled and they left.
After I get ready I come down stairs and Ron's face lights up and Fred makes eye contact with me and turns away quickly. And of course there is only one seat left right in between both of them..
"come on Darling you should sit and put something in your stomach before Ron eats it all" Molly joked. I take my seat and I turn and grab Ron's Face examining his bruises.
"Im sorry I dropped you last night Ron all my fault but don't worry I bruise easy myself and my mom always used this spell on my to make them disappear. I can do the same for you after breakfast." "Don't bother! It makes me look like I got into a scrap I am fond of them really" he said with his mouth full. I couldn't contain my laughter.
"You have quite an appetite don't you"
"yea I guess you can say that" Ron says stuffing his mouth with more food. I finish my food and I get up to help Molly clean the table up and as a reach for a plate Fred's hand reaches at the same time. I have no idea why but I got so flustered and I dropped it immediately and it shattered. "Oh—I'm so so sorry Mrs Weasley I don't know what happened I'm so clumsy"
"no worries dear! You don't have to clean the table just go on with the rest of them I can take care of this"she said kindly. In a lot of ways she reminds me of my mother it's makes me smile.
"Oh okay thank you so much for a lovely breakfast"
I run outside to catch up with the others and I see Kristin and Ginny talking. I catch up to them.
"What are you two giggling about?" I ask
"well baby cousin I saw you the reason you dropped that plate... Fred Weasley touched your hand" Ginny and Kristin find this hilarious but I don't think it's funny one bit.
"Well for the record I dropped it because he startled me!"
"Oh he startled you... hmmm is that why your face turned bright red?" Ginny teased.
"Oh shut up Ginny I do not like your brother"I laughed.
"Okay sure we will see about that in 20 years when you are my new sister in law" she laughed.
I see Ron walking by himself so I go to keep him company. "Why are you always alone hmm?" I jumped on him and he screamed.
"Merlin's beard you scream like a little girl"
"very funny Laila now look what you've done you dropped my breakfast muffin in the grass"
"well muggles in the U.S say that's a 10 second rule meaning you pick it up within 10 seconds and you can by law still eat it"
"Bloody hell... that's disgusting they really do that?" "Yea I wish I was joking, how much longer until we are at the lake?"
"Maybe 10 more minutes"
"how about you give me a piggy back ride the rest of the way and I promise to make you breakfast muffins for a week!"
"What on earth is a piggy back ride??"
"Here stand still..see I jump on your back now support my legs with your hands and start walking... and beautiful you are giving me a piggy back ride" I laughed. Ron is doing the walking for the both of us and I rest my head on top of his I see Fred and George popping around messing with everyone. I didn't even notice how long I was staring until I Ginny and Kristin run up and scream "staring at your boyfriend again I see" I was so embarrassed "how many times—HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND" "calm down I think he fancies you too" Ginny said with a smirk.
"Well I don't care if he fancies me because I do not fancy him I will never fancy him" Ginny and Kristin gave each other that look and started laughing. I know that look because me and Kristin are always giving it too each other.
We get to the lake, the water was so clear and beautiful. I go to try and dip my toes in the water and it's freezing so I back away, just admiring it. Then all of a sudden I got picked up and dragged into the water. I couldn't even get a glimpse of you decided to toss me in before I was submerged in water.
"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU FRED WEASLEY DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" I screamed completely shocked. Without even thinking about it I charge at him and tackle him into the water too.
"It's not Fred it's George! Why does everyone always assume it's Freddie and never me"
"oh I'm so sorry George I didn't know"
"I decided to give you a hand and help you get into the water." He laughed.
"Where is your other half then?"
"He's off thinking somewhere alone"
"oh he thinks? I didn't know he could do that" I joked and we both laughed.
"Yea apparently he feels awful about the two of yous first real interaction, it's really getting to him."
"It is? "
"yea poor lad couldn't sleep all night and he isn't a morning person" I felt terrible. I never meant to upset him.

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