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Today is the day that we go to Hogwarts. I am so nervous about where I am going to be placed. Me and Krisy had Ron and Ginny tell us everything we need to know about each house. I Just hope me and Krisy get placed with each other. Mrs Weasley made sure we both had everything we needed to start at Hogwarts. She even knitted us these super cozy sweaters.
"are you scared Krisy" I whispered to her as we were making our way to platform 9 3/4.
"yes.. we have to start completely over...I am terrified." she said back.
"we will be okay because we have each other" I hold her hand to comfort her. The Train arrives and the Weasley kids all go run on and meet with their friends. We decided to just go find a empty compartment and if anyone decided to sit with us they were more than welcomed to be our friends. Someone eventually does knock on the compartment and of course it is Ron with two friends. A boy with dark hair and glasses and a girl with pretty golden brown curly hair. I will place my bets that this is Hermione. I smiled to see Ron.
"Mind if we sit with you both?" Ron asked.
"of course not!" I beamed.
"Laila, Kirsy, these are my best mates Hermione and Harry"
"Nice to meet you both! I have heard a lot about you Hermione it is a pleasure to finally meet you" I smirked at Ron.
"You have? It nice to meet you both too! What an amazing time for you both to transfer! The TriWizzard Tournament is happening this year!"
"oh amazing!I am so excited"

We get into the great hall and everyone is sitting a specific tables. Me and Krisy just stand towards the back of the hall not knowing what to do. Dumbledore then gave a boring speech about rules and exceptions and then he called me in Krisy forward to be sorted. I was so nervous walking down that long row to get to the front. krisy knew because she grabbed my hand to calm me down. Dumbledore smiled at the two of us and said "Kristin Montuge you are 1st my dear" Krisy steps up and the hat is placed on her head.
"Ah yes.." I screamed that hat just spoke!  I have never seen such a thing.
"A Montuge... I remember sorting your father years ago.. now where to place you..ah I know.." I held my breathe as the hat was speaking.
"that will be GRIFFYNDOR." everyone started cheering I run and hug my cousin.
"You are next dear" Dumbledore said. I stepped up and the hat was placed on my head. Please put me in Griffyndor like krisy...please,please.
"what's this...Another Montuge... you are very hard to place.. very hard indeed.." I feel sick I just need this to be over with already. "That will be GRIFFYNDOR!"
Everyone cheered and I couldn't stop smiling. I lock eyes with Fred and he is cheering for me. As the cheering dies down a blonde boy stands up and screams
"What the hell did you just say?" I reach to grab my wand but before I could Krisy Hexed him. His lips were zipped shut. I laughed "Good one krisy!"
"I think everyone can do without him speaking for a while" she laughed. We go sit at our table next to Ron, Harry and Hermione.
"Nice one up there krisy. Malfoy needed to learn to shut his mouth." Harry laughed.

All of a sudden the most beautiful boy I have ever laid my eyes on walked up to me and krisy.
"Hello.. I am Cedric and I just wanted to come and introduce myself." He is a beautiful did I mention that already. Krisy notices that I am just staring at him like an idiot not saying anything so she speaks up.
"Hi Cedric nice to meet you I am Kristin and this is my little cousin Laila" I still stared at him and Krisy slaps my back and I get these words out
"Hi Cedric its nice to meet you"  I felt like my face was burning up as he looked at me.
"Nice to meet you Laila, you know if you ever wanted help around Hogwarts I would be more than happy to be your tour guide" Cedric said.
" I will take you up on that" I blushed and Cedric left. I turned back to the table absolutely gushing. Hermione and Krisy started laughing.
"You Fancy him!!" Hermione pointed and laughed. "yes I think I do..."I said shyly.
Fron the corner of my eye I see Fred.. He looked angry. I walk up to him to try to talk to him.
"Hey Fredie I guess we will be seeing more of each other" I laughed and hit his arm.
"Don't bother.." he rolled his eyes at me.
"Im sorry what's with the cold shoulder am I missing something?" Why does he always act like a ABSOLUTE CHILD.
"I said don't bother so that means this conversation is over" he walked away from me and I shouted after him.
"I absolutely hate your brother you know that Ron Weasley"
"yea I can tell.." He said softly trying not to laugh at me. I slapped his arm.
"I mean that you know!"
"sure you do" He teased.

In that moment I knew I had to find Cedric and ask him out on a proper date. I am so sick of Fred Weasley throwing a tantrum and me just giving into them and feeling bad about it. How he feels is not my problem. I am doing this I ran around very lost just trying find the tall handsome boy with a yellow robe on and I eventually did bump into him in some courtyard. No I literally bumped into him..
"Cedric! I was looking everywhere for you!" I said trying to catch my breathe.
"I am glad you found me then." he smiled.
"Go on a date with me. I am sure you won't regret it." I said with confidence.
"I sure hope I won't" He laughed
"So is that a yes then" I said biting my lip.
"Its a yes crazy girl" he winked at me and walked away. I made sure he got far enough for him not to hear me squealing. He is so dreamy. Gosh. I ran back to my dorm to go and tell Krisy Everything. I run into our dorm and at the same time we said the others name.
"Oh you first Krisy!"
"I had the strangest interaction with the Malfoy boy in private a think he might actually have a soul.." she gushed.
"ew I highly doubt it but continue" "I saw him Talking to that one weird ghost I think it was moaning myrtle and he was so nice to her and called her by her first name and everything. It was really sweet.."
"You have such weird taste in men Krisy seriously the huge jerk with a soft spot type of boys never get old to you do they" I teased her.
"I don't like him I just said it was sweet" She blushed "Okay Liar!!my turn I asked Cedric out and he said yes!" we both screamed at the same time.
"How will your boyfriend Freddie feel about it" she Teased me.
"Krisy I am not joking I really don't like him."
"okay little cousin whatever you say"

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