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"KIRSY CAN YOU PLEASE STOP!" I chased after into the cold somewhat tipsy.
"Leave me alone!" She screamed not even turning her head to look at me.
"Krisy! Please can we just talk it out!" I plead with her. She quickly stops and turns her entire body to face me.
"I'm not asking you I'm telling you to leave me the fuck alone!" Her green eyes pierced right through me. Fuck this. She knew how I felt about Fred from the start. She teased me relentlessly about it and somehow I'm the fucking villain?
"Okay well fuck you Krisy! I'm not going to kiss your ass anymore! Did you ever stop and think how you knew how I fucking felt about him and you dated him anyways??!!"
"Wow.. are you fucking kidding me right now? YOU SAID YOU DIDNT LIKE HIM" she shouted back at me.
"you are a really shitty person you know that?"
"No I'm really not... did I do some fucked up shit yea... but everyone blames me for everything and I don't owe any of you shit.. I didn't owe Ron a relationship, Hermione blamed me for Ron kissing me! And now you want to put all the blame on me and call it a day?" I'm so over all of it, I'm tired of the guilt I'm tired of everyone's shit .
"Just stay the hell away from me okay?" She rolled her eyes and left me in the cold. Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck her! My body rushed with adrenaline. I ran back up to my dorm pacing around in front of Ginny who was still drinking firewiskey.
"Calm down Laila" she giggled at my anger.
I turned my head and shot her a look so she knows I wasn't in the mood for jokes.
" give me the bottle" I told her quickly my mind still racing.
" I don't know—maybe we should just got to sleep" she suggested instead, looking at me as if she was worried for me.
"Look Ginny... I love you... I really do but if you don't give me the fucking bottle right now—." I said as my hands were quite literally shaking.
"Okay okay... clam down... it will be okay here."
I quickly grab the bottle from her hand and start chugging as fast as a possibly can. I just want to stop feeling it all... I just want this bottle to numb me. As I finish the bottle an idea pops into my head. I hand Ginny back the empty bottle and I quickly start looking around for my broom.
"What are you doing?" Ginny asked still not quite sure how to handle this situation.
"I'm looking for my broom.. I'm going to fly up to your brothers window" I say to her as my head is completely under my bed. I see my broom and a grab it and I quickly head towards our window.
"Well you will see him tomorrow we are all going home for mum's birthday remember ..." I've never seen Ginny more patient around me, her face and all of her words are telling me she thinks I'm fragile.
"I'm seeing him right now.. do me a favor and keep the window open so I can come back in okay?"
I jump out the window with my broom and I fly towards the twins dorms. I make my way to their window and I start to tap on it. I see a ginger boy peak through his curtains to see who it is.
"What the hell are you doing out here?! It's freezing are you insane?!" Fred whispered to me reaching out his hand to bring me inside his dorm.
"It's okay all the firewiskey I've drank is keeping me pretty warm right now" I laughed as he pulls me in. I look at his face I grab him and begin to kiss him.
"Wait wait wait- you are really drunk right now I can taste everything you have drank let's just go to sleep okay" he said softly brushing my curls out of my face.
"Look Fred I appreciate you being a perfect gentleman right now... I really do applaud you but I know what I want okay you don't need to worry about that" I say to him gripping his neck with one of my hands and sliding my hand down his leg. I look up at his beautiful brown eyes piercing at me.
"What about my roommates.."
"I can be quite can you?" I smirked at him.
He looked around at his roommates contemplating what he wants to do.
"Fuck it" he said immediately picking me up. One of his hands are under my thigh as he uses his other one to support my back. I have my hands wrapped around his neck and I quickly use one of my hands to unbutton his shirt. He starts to lick and kiss my neck softly and I am softly breathing. He quickly throws me on the bed and rips off my pants.
"Take off your shirt now" he whispered in my ear . I listen to his every word. He was in control. I was being utterly consumed by him. I'm trembling at every move he makes.
"Show me how good you are at being quite" he said as he put two of his fingers in my mouth. I dig my nails into his back as he goes deeper and deeper inside me. I let out a soft moan as he starts to suck on my boobs.
He smirks at me "I told you to be quite,do I have to put something in your mouth so you can control yourself"
I shake my head no, because fuck I don't want him to stop.
"You feel so good" he says as his lips touch my ear gently.
He starts to pant with every pull in and out of me. I start to kiss him on his neck and on his lips passionately rewarding him for what a great job he's doing. He's definitely done this before but I don't care. He finishes and lays down beside me examining my face. He kisses my nose and smiles.
" you have me completely mesmerized by you... you know that right... I want to do what we just did every night for the rest of our lives"
"I'm so sick of making excuses not to be with you Freddie...I'm done not choosing my happiness... I've never felt more strongly about something in my life."
"You mean it?" He tried to hide his grin but it wasn't working.
"I mean it" I smiled and kissed him before we both fell asleep.

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