Dinner at the Weasleys

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"Wake up love birds" a voice echos into my ear.
I groan turning my head into Fred's chest and pulling the blanket over my head. I already know it's George standing over Fred's bed. We have a long day ahead of us. We have to take the train back to the burrow because it's Mrs. Weasleys birthday. Not really looking forward to spending time with Krisy but I love Mrs. Weasley and i would put everything on hold for her. I can be civil for her.
"10 more minutes please.." I finally made out. Fred is a heavy sleeper none of the noise phased him.
"Get up the train leaves in a hour and I already now Freddie here hasn't packed anything! Why'd you spend the night anyways?" He questioned sitting on the bed next to me.
I sit up straight because clearly George isn't leaving, I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Well where do I begin? Girls were play a stupid game , somehow it got out that I've been seeing Fred and Krisy blew up and we fought and now I'm on the way to spend a entire weekend with her" I can always tell George anything I really do love having him in my life.
"Well Well Well looks like you are in quite the predicament huh love" he gave me a half smirk.
"Yes I really am" I laughed a little.
"Well everything will work itself out with time that's just what the both of you need.. I am just glad you and Fred don't have to sneak around anymore" he puts his arm around me and squeezes tightly.
"Thanks Georgie now let's wake up your lesser half so we can be on time" I joked.
"Watch this" he said as he instructed me off the bed.
"Aguamenti!" He said pointing his wand at a snoring Fred. Immediately Fred jumps up looking frantically for the person who threw water on him in his sleep.
Me and George start laughing uncontrollably.
"You should have seen your face" I teased him.
"You think you are real funny huh? The both of you?" Fred glared at us both clearly hurt we pranked him.
"Freddie let's go we are going to be late! When your mom asks who's fault it is I'm saying it was you!"
He quickly wiped his face dry of his blanket. I can stay here and count the freckles on his chest for hours and hours. Admiring the subtle differences in his face depending on the emotion he is displaying at the moment. I love when he gets annoyed.
"Earth to Laila??? You need to go pack as well ma'am" George says waving his hand in front of my face snapping me out of my trance.
"Oh yea I'll get going now see you both in 10" I run up and grab Fred's face and kiss his lips softly but quickly before I leave. He grabs my hand spinning me back around.
"One more kiss" he begged as he threw me back into bed with him. I start laughing as he starts to rapidly kiss my face all over.
"You both disgust me you know this" George says still watching the entire time.
"How bout you go and spend time with your girlfriend before we leave mate instead of creepily watching me and mine? I'm sure Angelina would love to see you" Fred said with his head in my neck.
"Okay enough Fred I have to go I don't want us to be late and don't worry George I'll give Angelina a kiss goodbye for you" I joked with him as I attempted to leave for the second time.
"I'd like to see that" they both said at the same time.
"You both disgust me I'm leaving now that was my cue"
I leave the boys dorm and head over to mine absolutely dreading having to see Krisy. I walk in and you can feel the tension in the room. I look at Ginny who is giving me pitty eyes again. I rush over and throw a few pairs of jeans and tops into a bag trying not to speak at all. I just want to get in and out as quickly as possible.
"I'll meet you all at the train okay" I said to Ginny and Hermione. I quickly left not giving them the chance to even speak. I don't even think Krisy was in the room. Well I didn't even look for her if she was.
***********later at The Burrow********************
Mrs. Weasley opens the door with a beaming smile seeing all of her kids plus me Krisy and Hermione there with her. She hugs every single person who enters the burrow and also kisses their face kinda like the price of admission.
"Come in come in! Dinner is ready" she waved us all in to our seats. Everyone rushed in and the only empty seat left was right in the middle of Fred and Krisy. Of course.
Everyone in the burrow is well aware of the drama all except Mr and Mrs Weasley of course, but Mrs Weasley is very observant and can tell there is a lot of tension. I slowly take my seat next to Krisy and Fred.
"Okay you can all begin to eat don't be shy" Mrs Weasley says trying to dig out what's happening.
Ron of course didn't need to be told twice and starts eating immediately. I laugh looking at how he wasn't phased by any of it.
"Krisy do you think you can pass me the pumpkin juice?" I asked politely trying to be civil.
"Sure." She said sharply and poured it all on my chest.
I stand quickly in shock. "What the fuck is wrong with you" I said to her dripping wet. I can hear Mrs Weasley gasp.
"Boy here we go" Ron said still stuffing his mouth as he is about to get dinner and a show.
"Sorry my hand slipped it was just a accident really" she rolled her eyes at me.
"Very mature Krisy" Fred mumbled in my defense.
"Oh I'm sorry cheater did you say something? I couldn't quite here you?" She said again.
"Are you serious is this really the time for this?"  I whispered to her.
"Yea I think it is because I lost my appetite being forced to sit next to you"
"Okay Krisy then don't fucking eat go away or better yet go back to hogwarts" I suggested.
"Oh you'd love that huh? So you can do more things with Fred behind my back right?"
"Behind your back? You are such a child look at what you are doing making this all about you" I said very irritated. My blood is boiling.
"Krisy see that's the thing you are so bloody immature and selfish you are doing this at my mums birthday dinner that's why I broke up with you because I knew from the start I would never have a future with you... to put it quite simply you and Malfoy are perfect for each other" Fred said calmly at her.
"Fuck you fred" she pulled out her wand and held it to his neck. All of a sudden Mrs Weasley screams.
"MERLIN ENOUGH! NOW YOU ALL LISTEN TO ME" she demanded slamming her hand on the table.
"Mum-." Fred started.
"No I'm sick of all this fighting! This is my birthday I wanted all the people I loved under one roof to share a meal! So I don't care anymore what I say goes!" She said firmly. She reminded me of my mother but when how my mom was when she would get scary.
"Freddie you toyed with these two girls hearts and now look what you did? Everyone knew where your heart truly lied with and you made a big mess out of everything and for what?" She said glaring at him.
"I'm sorry mum" he said embarrassed.
"Don't apologize to me! Apologize to these girls" she said pointing at us both.
"I'm sorry to both of you I really mean it" he said still not making eye contact with a soul.
"Now you two! I expected way more out of the both of you and I can say with confidence I am highly disappointed. You girls know better than anyone at this table the importance of family. You lost your parents and were left with just each other.. they had comfort in the fact that the two of you would make it through this together and I'm sure they are all very disappointed as well... all of this bickering over a boy? You girls are better than this" she said.
"I just—." Krisy started.
"No im talking now I think you all have said quite enough! Look at you both.. I won't allow you to leave without making up i just won't have it follow me" she stood up and walked us out to the back house. We both stepped in and she steps out.
"Now girls once you have truly talked it out and made up these doors will open again. Don't try to figure out some magical way to undo it because it simply won't work. The spell will lift when you two are ready" she said to us.
I tried running to the door before she can shut us in but it was too late. I tried opening the door and the spell pushed my back and I fell to the ground.
"Great.." I said as I laid there.

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