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"Blaise... this is my best friend Ron I think you two should have a proper introduction" I sit back in my seat trying to navigate a way through this odd tension.
Ron states blanking at him and Blaise sits up straight staring back at Ron with just as much intimidation.
"What is wrong with the two of you? Is it because he is in Slytherin Ron? Give it a rest your house doesn't determine if you are a good person or not! Your actions do and Blaise has been a very kind friend to me today." I smile at Blaise who gives me a soft smile back.
"It's not that... I- uh maybe we should try to go back to the burrow. Mum would want to see you I'm sure the rest of them are back by now.." he rambled on.
"Fred just threw my drink at a wall... I don't think he wants to see me Ron." I slightly giggled. Ron rubbed his face anxiously. I have no idea what's bothering him so deeply.
"Okay fine let's go back to hogwarts then." He stands up quickly holding his hand out in front of my face for me to grab it.
"Weasley... no you aren't coming with me it's your moms birthday! Go be with your family! I'll have Slytherin over here take me back don't worry. I will see you tomorrow!" I jump him with a hug and I ruffle his ginger hair around as we part.
He gave me a goofy little smile. "Okay.. I'll see you tomorrow."
He makes his way towards the exit.
"Weasley wait!" I screamed. He turns his head quickly.
"Tell Fred.. whatever I did I'm sorry.. I hope he doesn't hate me.." I gave him a fake smile. I don't know why but my heart feels so heavy just saying Fred's name. It must be guilt. I don't know why.
"I'll relay the message." He gave me one last smile and was on his way.
I take my seat next to Blaise again and throw my head back on my chair. I smile and look at the quite boy sitting next to me.
"Looks like stuck with me Slytherin..." I teased him by tapping his chin with my fist. A smile so big appeared on his face. I've never seen him smile before.
"Appears so.." he responded to me.
"Do you have any plans tomorrow Slytherin?"
"Nothing important my mother is throwing a ball for pure bloods tonight.. I'm attending against my will of course"
"The Weasleys and Me and my cousins are pure bloods we weren't invited" I laughed and pretended to be offended. I know exactly why our families were not invited. I don't care much about dances anyways.
"How about we change that then.. will you do me the honor of by making sure I suffer slightly less tomorrow night at the ball" he smirks at me. My checks burn the longer he stares at me.
"I- I don't have a dress.. I'm clearly not wanted I shouldn't...today has been a blast though Slytherin" a tap his hand gently trying to excuse myself.
"Then I will get you one" he grabs my hand firmly stopping me in my tracks.
"I barely met you today Slytherin" I said softly looking anywhere but his eyes.
He scoffed at what I said. "I'm not asking for your hand in marriage.. it's just a date.."
A date? I starred at him trying to find any possible excuse not to go. I don't know if my mind just blanked or if I didn't want a excuse.
"Okay.. I will go... under one condition"
"Name your price" he said. He looked actually excited. My face felt red again.
"You buy me a new Griffyndor scarf WITH a matching Bennie and gloves to match! It's getting nippy out here Slytherin" I jokingly punched his chest.
"A price I'm willing to pay!" He grabs my hand and rushes me into the next store to find a dress.
"Pick whichever dress you fancy! Don't look at prices either" This is a completely different person compared to the boy I see sitting across from great hall. He seemed excited.
"I hate dress shopping so you go pick whatever you think would make everyone there hate me less"
"Fine but go outside so it can be a surprise for tonight"
My face feeling red again I leave to go to honeydukes to wait on him. I see a lengthy ginger through the windows sulky around the store. It's Fred. I run in to try to apologize to him in person. I don't know why I upset him but he is my best friends brother and I don't want him hating me.
" Fred!"
He picked his head up quickly looking at me beaming with excitement to see me but as quickly as the look appeared it disappeared.
"Fred I want to talk to you.." I say softly, every time I'm around him I get this strange feeling, it feels like I'm aching and I have no idea why.
"I don't really feel like talking right now okay" he brushed past me trying to leave the store.
"Fred wait! Please I don't know what happened but I really am sorry..I feel guilty Fred every time I come near you or even say your name or simply think of you I feel guilty"
My very awkward rant stopped him in his tracks. He stood in place not saying a word to me felt like an eternity. He finally turns and walks closely to me.
"I have done some really fucked up shit Laila, but I would NEVER— never go as fair as to forgetting you!" He face turned red from his anger towards me. I stood in front of him unable to speak.
"Are you alright" A voice called to me. It was as Blaise. I look at Fred who is examining Blaise and he starts to laugh.
"You did this because you wanted her huh you fucking creep?!" Fred pushed past me basically jumping on Blaise and starts punching him repeatedly.
"Fred stop! You are hurting him what's wrong with you!" I push him off of Blaise and he stands quickly examining my face.
"Merlin it hasn't even been 3 hours." He quickly whipped his tears rolled his eyes and left me standing there alone not giving me the chance to every say anything. What the hell was that?
"Are you okay?" I bend down to the floor and take my wand out. I grab his face softly and put my wand up to his face and heal it.
" I'm really good I healer spells.." I force a smile at him and I try to stop myself from crying.
"I'm fine... really." He stands to his feet and reached his hand down so he can help me to mine.
I quickly wipe the single tear falling down my face.
"Come on let's go be miserable together at this ball"
***************at the ball****************
"MERLIN! These little sponge cake things are delicious! I could eat these and never be full! I swear! I'm starting to think you lied to me I'm having an amazing time!" I look at Blaise who seems to be laughing at me.
"Maybe I was wrong this ball has been some fun"
I starred past him looking at how beautiful the moon and stars looked. I put my plate down and the table and grabbed his hand.
"Let's go dance outside!"
He looked concerned as I dragged him out the door.
"You said you hate dancing?"
"Well I have had a change out heart! So start dancing Slytherin!" I laughed.
He walks up to me slowly hands shaking as he places one on my side. I quickly swat his hand away.
"What are you doing? Not that kind of dancing! The natural shit, not the stuff mummy taught you to do at age four.."
"I— I don't understand you.."
"How does someone dance Slytherin? They dance by moving body parts around.. I want you to do that but to whatever makes you feel good in the moment.. not something from mussel memory that's not fun. And I want you to have fun!" I explained to him and a grin appeared across his face.
He starts by clearly mocking me swaying his hips from said to side I imitate his sorry excuse for dancing and we are eventually standing face to face moving our bodies with no purpose and I can't say I can remember a time I had this much fun. He grabs my hand and spins me around until I get so dizzy I practically fall into him.
He holds me up and we both start laughing uncontrollably. The laughters abruptly stops as he stares at me. There's like feeling again.. like my face is on fire.
"I've known you for less than a day and I've already felt more known and happy with you than I have ever felt on my years here. I mean that." He said in a tone that made me feel safer than ever.
I definitely find him attractive and I think he is amazing really but I can't shake this feeling I've been having all day. I stare at him clearly waiting for me to respond and I have no words to give him. Without thinking I jumped on him and kissed him. I needed to know. I need to know if I ache for him the same way I unexplainably ache for Fred Weasley.

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