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The sun is beaming in my face to wake me up. It's irritating me so I turn my head into Fred's chest to block out the sun. Oh shit.... my face is in Fred's chest... we never went back to the dorms?! My eyes open immediately. We are going to get into a world of trouble if someone catches us.
"FRED WAKE UP!" I shake him. He groans and tries to grab my hand to pull me back into his chest. As much as I would love that I would much rather not get expelled from hogwarts. I swat his hand away from me. "FRED WEASLEY I MEAN IT WE HAVE TO GO WE SLEPT HERE!!" He still is ignoring me trying to move me around so he can sleep longer. I grab the entirety of his face with my hand and his eyes open wide. I pull his face close to mine. "If you don't get me back to hogwarts right now.. I promise you Weasley they will have to send me to Azkaban for what I will do to do". I let his face go and he quickly stands up.
"Do you promise to really make it hurt" he said laughing at my threat.
"I mean it pretty boy I will mess you up" even I couldn't take myself seriously. I start to laugh with him.
"Okay I can't lie that was super hot but I'll get you back to boring classes and boring people doing boring things" he rolled his eyes as he went on and on about how boring he found school. He was practically dragging his feet so he doesn't have to go back. I stop and stand right in front of him.
"Look at it this way Freddie, if I get to go back and no one knows about our little secret than we get to sneak around more and I think that's hot" I said looking in his eyes and getting closer and closer to him with each word. I place my hand over his heart and it's beating a million beats per minute. "What do you think about that" I gently kiss his lips and slowly pull away.
He smiled at me brushing my curls behind ear. "I think imma get you back to school..." he smirked at me. "But... for a price"
"Oooo name your price Weasley" I said playing into his little games brushing my thumb across his lips. I've never seen him have a grin so wide.
"You have to sit next to me today in DADA" he grinned. I looked at him a bit confused.
"That's it? Um okay... fine you got yourself a deal" I don't entirely trust his request but I agreed because I still need to change into my robs before class.
"Wicked... let's go then!" He said as he grabbed my hand and in his other he was holding that map as we ran. As we are running I can't help but to stare at his face. Admiring how silly he looks when he is being serious. How heavy he breathes as he runs. How the wind pushes his hair back or how the sun hits his eyes perfectly and how I know that there are millions of people out there with brown eyes but none look like his... no one will compare.
"Come on quickly in here" he said directing me into a entrance I've never seen before. We then just appear into the griffyndor common room. I'm very confused but I ask no questions. I look around and no one else is there but the two of us.
"I gotta go! I'll see you in class!" I run up the stairs quickly shutting my dorm room behind me.
"Where were you? I woke up and you weren't here" Krisy says concerned.
"I didn't feel well I needed some air" I'm getting way to good at lying to her.
"Oh do you want to stay into today I can go to all of your professors and tell them." She said being helpful like normal.
"No no give me 5 minutes and we can walk together because you have charms right now right? DADA is right next door." I'm stumbling over myself trying to change as quickly as possible. I'm struggling with my stupid tie. Krisy can see I'm getting frustrated and she walks up to me and moves my hands slowly from my tie.
"Calm down Laila, I got you little cousin" she said smiling and calming tying my tie for me. She's an actual angel. I smile at her.
"I owe you one." I said taking a moment to slow down and breathe.
"Let's go" Krisy hands me my bag and we are on our way to class.
"Krisy I've been meaning to run into you" me and Krisy turn to see who's speaking and of course it's Malfoy.
"Wow it's like we just can't get rid of you Draco" I rolled my eyes. He gets on my nerves.
"Well good thing I wasn't speaking to you" he smirked. "Krisy I was wondering if you might want to go to hogsmede with me this weekend?"
Krisy's face lit up. She looked at my face for approval. I nodded even though I think that she deserves much better than Draco Malfoy. But she looks happy and that's all I want.
"You hurt her Draco and I promise you will regret it" I gave him a dirty look and he returned a look to me. "I'll leave you to it.. I'll see you later Krisy" I hug her and excuse myself . I've I had to spend one more second seeing them make eyes at each other I would have really been sick.
I walk into class and I go and take my seat next to Fred. I know him better and I feel like he is up to something but I take my seat with confidence.
"Weasley" I say looking straight ahead and smirking.
"Montgue" he responded. I see his smirk from the corner of my eye and I just know he's up to something.
I'm listening to Professor Lupin speak about different defense charms and then all of a sudden I feel a hand on my skirt. I stiffen up and sit as straight as possible. I look over with wide eyes at Fred who is smiling still not looking at me. My whole body feels warm with his touch. He slowly starts to put his had further and further up my skirt. My heart is racing as I pretend to look like I'm listening to every word Professor Lupin says. Fred knows he is killing me. I'm tapping my foot rapidly trying to control myself.
"What's wrong?you seem so tense?" He looked at my and whispered.
"Someone will see Fred.."
"Not if you keep quite we are all the way in the back plus doesn't this add to the rush of sneaking around." He winks. He thinks he is so cleaver. I am so getting him back for this. He slowly moves his fingers inside me. My face turns bright red and I let out a soft sigh.
"Seems like someone reallyyyyy likes me" he says teasing me. I dig my nails into the table. Still giving off the impression that I am focusing.
"Pay back is a bitch Weasley" I say softly still fighting myself not to scream.
"I'm looking forward to it" he leans into me. With every movement I feel breathless.
"We are going to have a long discussion about why you are so good at this later" I whisper back.
"Laila! Why don't you come up here and try preforming your pratronus charm?" Professor Lupin said waving for me to come up. My face turned white. I quickly smack Fred's hand so I can stand up.
"Um of course Professor" my leg is still shaking as I walk up to the front of the class. I look at Fred and he is smiling at me. My face turns red. I take a deep breath and try to think of my happiest memory. I start to think of my dad and my uncle and Krisy. Nothing happens. I try again. And I fail again. I start to feel embarrassed. What's wrong with me? My eyes begin to water.
"It's okay Laila take a deep breath and think deeper" Professor Lupin says trying to comfort me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and let my mind wonder. I think of last night riding the dragon with Fred and feeling unstoppable. I let this emotion consume me.
"Expecto Patronum!" I said with force. I open my eyes and see the most beautiful dragon appear. The entire class was silent. Even Professor Lupin had no words. I look over at Fred and he looks at me like I proposed or something.
"That was beautiful Laila, you can go take your seat"
I walk back and take my seat next to Fred.
"That was amazing were amazing" he said.
I smile at him. He is the most important thing in my life right now. He is my happiest memory... it's so scary... trusting him... trusting he won't hurt me again.

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