The Yule Ball pt 2

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Today is the Yule Ball and all of the girls have absolutely lost their minds. Everyone is running around like it's the end of the world. Maybe I would have been too if I was going with Cedric but it's just Ron so I don't see any reason to fuss. It's just us going as friends. His mother sent him these absolute ancient dress robes. He hates him but I think he pulls it off.
"Well what do you think?" I turn and see krisy standing in this beautiful skin tight red dress.
"You look beautiful krisy" I smiled "Weasley is looking he snagged such a hot date"
she smiled at me "I'm sorry about Cedric.."
"it's okay.. I do feel about stupid about this golden ball dress now but I will manage" I go back to trying to flat iron my hair struggling as usual. I was never good at it..
"here let me help" krisy takes the flat iron and fixes my hair up within minutes.
"There you go.. now go put on that dress so we can go take pictures!" She said
"you guys all go start taking pictures without me tell Ron I will meet him at the ball." I needed a minute.
I stood in my dorm staring at myself in the mirror. I could just cry.. who would have thought that I would be here right now. I slipped into my dress it snatched at my waist and then Flared out. It really was a pretty ball gown, too bad I didn't feel really pretty in it. I have half a mind to just stay in and explain myself to Ron tomorrow. I couldn't leave him hanging like that though so I pulled myself together and headed to the ball. I wish my parents could see me I know my mom would have wanted to take a million pictures.
I've been at Hogwarts for a month now and I still manage to get lost I went to the top of the stairs to try to see better where my friends could be. I lock eyes with Ron down the stairs, he has the biggest smile on his face. I run down and jump on him.
"I started to think you were going to stand me up" "oh absolutely not Weasley I wouldn't dream of it" "Ready to go and be miserable together?" He smirks and holds his hand out.
"I'm ready" I grab his hand and we walk into the ballroom. I see Cedric with that Ravenclaw girl. They look good together he looks happy.
"Excuse me as your date tonight I would particularly love if you didn't cry over one of your multiple boyfriends tonight"
"I'm not going to cry!"
"Okay beautiful now let's go and do this waltz thing" "oh no I don't waltz I don't know how to really" I look over and I see Krisy and Freddie Waltzing. I just want to punch his stupid little face.
"Let's go Montgue!! I mean it we are going outside right now!" Ron is practically dragging me outside at this point.
"What do you mean we are going outside Ron slow down!" I laugh. We finally make it outside and it's just the two of us.
"We are dancing outside because that way your parents will be able to see how beautiful you look tonight" I looked at him for a while and I smiled. He truly does know me better than anyone else.
"You really are something Ron Weasley.." I put my head on his chest and we danced around in circles. More upbeat songs came on and we danced like absolute idiots, I never felt more alive.We stopped dancing and he just looked at me. I think I know what he's about to do and I have no idea how I feel about it. He grabbed my face and kissed me. It was a gentle but full kiss. He pulled away and I smiled. "I'm sorry I just got caught up in the moment I didn't mean to.."
"it's okay Weasley I get it" we awkwardly just stood there not saying anything to the other.
"I'm actually really thirsty..." I say trying to find a excuse to leave.
"Don't worry I'll go in and get us some punch" he left quickly. Great. I just made things more complicated then they already are. I wouldn't even know how to go forward with him now.
I'm standing outside when all of a sudden Fred Weasley approached me. Without thinking I slapped him.
"I deserved that..." he whispered holding his face. "You deserve a whole lot more than just that Fred Weasley you are so lucky I don't have my wand right now I have half a mind to turn you into the rat you are! I can't believe you ruined this dance for me"
"it wasn't my intention I just needed to make sure Cedric didn't ask you.."
" And why would you care if he did!!!! You took my cousin!!!! Seems like you had no intentions of asking me yourself so I just can't wrap my head around why you would do—."
He silenced me by with a long hot blooded kiss. I have waited all summer for him to do this. It was different then when Ron kissed me, it felt so passionate. I felt breathless but I pulled away quick. "I wanted to ask you I did really..."
"but you didn't... Merlin.. you never fail to find new ways to hurt me" I ran back to my dorm not looking back at the boy I left behind.
I paced my dorm room trying to unpack the events that lead up to tonight. What even just happened. Why do I still feel something for Fred. I try so hard to shut it off or ignore it but I can't. I can't ignore him. All of a sudden Krisy walks in absolutely red in the face gushing about the dance.
"I like him! Freddie, not Malfoy. I think I'm really falling hard for him"
I looked at her not sure what to say to that. I think if I told her Fred kissed me tonight that would hurt her and I don't want that. All I want is for her to be happy no matter who it's with. I'll always choose her happiness over mine. I manage to force myself to smile.
"That's great Krisy I think you should tell him how you feel"
"you really think so"
"yes life's to short to not tell people how we really feel" I smiled.
"Speaking of I heard you and a certain Weasley shared a kiss tonight! SPILL IT"
oh shit I forgot all about Ron. I just left him at the dance. Shit I'm such a bad friend.
"There isn't much to say.. we kissed...that's it" she smiled at me.
"You know I always thought you two might end up together, you both really hit it off from the start." "You really think that?" I asked
"yea I really do.." I wish I felt the way I feel for Freddie about Ron. I think everything would be so much more easier that way. But you can't force yourself to love someone. I can't force myself.

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