Blue is your color

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I walked around looking for Fred to get this issue sorted once and for all. And I finally found him sitting in this hidden part of the lake skipping rocks."Fred?" He turned around startled.
"Well if it isn't the girl who we so kindly let into our home and decided to start snoging my baby brother.." I was completely thrown off by his words. "I can't believe you right now.. why you arrogant, moody cruel little carrot stick! I AM NOT SNOGING YOUR BABY BROTHER YOU ABSOLUTELY MORON HE IS MY FRIEND WE ARE FRIENDS SOMETHING I AM SURE YOU HAVE LITTLE OF SEEING HOW THE ONLY PERSON YOU CAN TOLERATE YOU IS GEORGE AND NOT BY CHOICE EITHER HE IS STUCK WITH YOU!" I shouted He never takes his eyes off the lake and he calmly says
"you think I am the only one whose unlikable think again darling"
"what? What are you even talking about I came up here to apologize because your better half told me you were up here feeling sorry for know what I truly feel sorry for you Fred Weasley I don't know who is pissing in your morning porridge but stop taking it out on me!" I can feel him staring at me as I walked away. I just met him two days ago and I am already giving him this power over me. I have to get it together.
My mood was completely killed so I decided to head back to the burrow.. alone. I run up to Ginnys room to scream into my pillow because I am just so frustrated. I feel a gentle hand on my back. I turn around and I see George comforting me. I could tell it was him because like I said before.. his eyes are kinder. "You followed me?" I said softly.
"Yea I did I was hoping to trick you into thinking I was Freddie so I could apologize on his behalf" I laughed, how sweet of him.
"I already told you I can tell the two of you apart!" I laughed.
"You know I never got the chance to tell you how sad I am about your family.. I am sure you think you are a mess but you should know you you are strong as hell"
"oh now you are just lying"
"I'm not why on earth would you think I would?"
"I don't know it's just I am so empty now and angry I'm so angry.. all I have is Krisy now.. and our parents... in their letter said that their war is over but ours had just begun...I can't... I can't lose her she's all I have left I'm so scared and I am being so annoying and rambling on I'm sorry" 
"hey, it's okay it's going to be okay.. You and Kristin aren't alone anymore.. you have us.." he pulled me into his chest as I sobbed. "Hey I just gave you and Kristin honorary Weasley status.. that now means you will never be alone because Weasleys stick together okay" I chuckled and looked into his eyes. "Thank you.. that means a lot.. now I have a very serious question for you"
"ooohhh you have my undivided attention lay it on me kid"
"how do I prank Fred Weasley, I know it's basically like against twin code to ask for your help—."
"Aht aht I have heard enough.. do you really think I would help you get revenge on my brother.. my twin brother.. of course I would! I'm in!" talked about potential revenge plans for apparently hours.
I didn't even notice it felt like 10 minutes had gone by really. "I have it figured out Georgie the perfect revenge plan! We find a spell that will turn him blue for a week!" I giggled!
"That's brilliant! And do you know how we will get him to eat it? We add a few drops to the top of the breakfast muffin he stashed away from Ron"
"you guys really hide food for later around him?" "Yes did you not see him eating breakfast?"
"Good point" we quickly ran to add a few serum drops to the top of Fred's breakfast muffin and ran back to act as if nothing happened. I didn't think I can even remember what a rush like this felt like before this.
Soon we heard the rest of the Weasleys and Krisy come back I hear Fred dash up the stairs to his room, I'm so excited.
"Well well well if it isn't the two lovers sneaking off to be alone isn't it romantic Ginny" Krisy teased. George turns around and laughed.
"Oh what's this? A twist! She isn't in love with Freddie she's in love with Georgie!" Ginny laughed. "Oh save it! I swear I will hex the both of you!" All of a sudden we all here the loudest scream ever. Fred rushed into ginnys room with the rest of us. His face is as blue as those tiny little blue garden gnomes from that one muggle show!
"YOU YOU DID THIS TO ME DIDNT YOU!" He screamed at me.
"Hmm no.. but whoever did do this did your mother a favor she will now be able to tell you both apart." I laughed.
He glared at me "this isn't over" he said as he walked away.
"Oh okay also Freddie one last thing before you go.." he stopped and turn to hear what I had to say.

" really is your color." A smirked grew on my face and I gave him a wink to really set him off. "Oh bug off" as he rolled his eyes and walked away.

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