Thin lines

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The next day we walk downstairs and I see all the Weasleys and Krisy eating as usual. I take my seat next to Ron and Fred.
"Morning Fred, why you look a bit sick! You are all blue in the face" I smirked. Ron almost choked on his food because he laughed so hard.
"You think you are funny? Because I can assure you that's not a competition you want to start with me." "You have a lot of anger Freddie, you know muggles they have this thing it's called a therapist I think you might need to see one" I laughed and George joined. "Laila enough stop torturing the boy" Krisy whispered to me.
"No well I'm only joking maybe you should lighten up Fred"
"wow you are so funny maybe you should go and phone your mum and dad and tell them that joke I'm sure they'd love to hear it" he said with the intention to hurt me.
Well he did well because it did hurt. The tension in that room was high after those words left his mouth. I stared at him with a blank expression across my face and the rest of the Weasleys looked absolutely mortified that he said that.
"FRED WEASLEY! That's enough! You apologize right this instant!" Molly shouted.
"It's okay Mrs Weasley.. I'm okay.. Ron.." I said quickly trying to change the subject "yea?"
"Ginny was telling me about this place I think it's called Hogsmede? Do you think you can take me today and show me around a bit? I could use a change of scenery today" I asked softly.
"Yea! We can go to the candy store and I'll take you to get a butterbeer oh and then we can—." "Awesome! Okay give me five minutes and I'll be back down and we can go!"
I run upstairs to go grab a jacket and some Galleons enough for me and Ron to get what we want. My back was turned towards the door and all of a sudden I was grabbed and turned quickly. I gasped and I see Fred standing in front of me still blue in the face.
"You scared me half to death would you let go of my arm please" I say calmly. He just was staring at my face examing me still gripping on my arm.
"Fred let go.." I say getting scared. My heart was beating so fast I think you could have heard my breathing he was inches away from my face. He finally lets me go.
"I'm sorry about what I said I know it doesn't mean much but I am sorry you just have a way of getting me all worked up ..Have fun at hogsmede today though" he finally says and starts to walk out the room not even giving me the chance to reply.
"Fred wait.. let me fix your face" he turns around slowly.
"Now why would I let you do that.. might as well let the bloody thing wear off in a week.. better than you decided to do something worse" he scolded me.
"I'm sorry okay you just have this way of getting under my skin too.. I don't know what it is about you..but let me fix this and I promise we can start fresh we won't ever have to speak to each other again if that's what you want"
"You promise" he said softly. His eyes looked like a little puppy dog. I almost melted in my shoes.
"I promise.. it will be like I was never here.. plus we go to Hogwarts next week and depending where I get placed I'm sure you won't see much of me ever again bet you are looking forward to that" I laughed softly. "Why would you think that?"
"Think what?"
" that I would be looking forward to not seeing you?" I was so confused. We just stared at each other in silence for a while. I liked when he looked at me, I liked reading his face, every expression every detail was mesmerizing. I snapped out of the trance I was in and used the spell to reverse the hex I put on him. "There.. back to your normal pasty color" I smiled and patted his face. He smiled at me and kept looking in my eyes, my face grew warmer the longer he stared.
"I uh- I should get going now.. going to spend the day with Ron" I said clearly flustered that he wouldn't look away. I rushed out of the room not giving him a second to speak.
"I'm all ready Ron let's go!" I grabbed his hand and I waited so that Mrs Weasley can show me how to properly use the Floo powder. Ron went 1st and then I was second.
"WHAT A RUSH" I exclaimed as I got dumped out of the fireplace and met Ron.
"It's wicked isn't it"
"yup now let's go eat candy until we get sick!" I linked our arms together and he gave me a smile. "You fancy him don't you" Ron asked me out of the blue.
"What- no what is it with everyone thinking I like Fred"
" because you do.. me and you are the same ya know and I act the same way around my friend hermione I get you"
"you have a crush on someone Ron how adorable!" I hoped shifting the attention to him I can get out of this conversation.
"Yea you remind me a lot of her honestly.. I reckon the two of you would get along quite well when you meet her" he was gushing on and on about this girl. "I can't wait to meet her then" I smiled. We spent the day going shop to shop and buying anything that looked good. We found a bench to sit on and just talk.
"You and me Ron Weasley.. we will be best friends for life" while I laid my head in his lap. He was stroking my curls .
"Don't make me have you swear it on a unbreakable vow" he laughed
"well I might as well because I would simply cease to exist if you were no longer in my life" I smiled looking at him
"stop getting all soft on me Montgue" "you are the soft on Weasley"
"it's getting late huh.. mum is probably expecting us for dinner don't want the food to get cold"
"you can seriously eat dinner after everything we ate?"
"Yes I always make room for dinner" I laughed
"you truly amaze me Ron Weasley"

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