The Match

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"Hey Krisy we should go to the quidditch match later on today what do you think? It's Griffyndor against Slytherin so it's going to be a good game" I say wrapping the scarf Blaise gave me around my neck. It's good quality. Way softer than my last one.
"Umm yea... Laila... are we okay?" Krisy looks at me with sadness in her eyes.
"Of course... why wouldn't we be?" I grab her hand trying to comfort her.
She stares at me for a moment as if she wants to tell me something. She's holding back and I really have no idea why.
"I just missed you that's all" she quickly wraps her arm with mine and we head out to the field.
We eventually make it to the field and we see the Slytherins as we go to our side. Blaise is staring intensely at me as I walk by. He finally runs up to me.
"The scarf looks lovely on you" he beems.
I blush and laugh. "Thanks some sucker owed me"
He laughs and says "hoping to win this match for you"
"If you were doing it for me you would lose the match genius"
"I would lose 100 matches for you" he smiles at me. My heart sinks to my stomach I just don't know how I feel about him.
"I should get going now see you later" I politely excuse myself. I start walking fast taking Krisy with me. I can feel his eyes following me still. I turn my head and look at him quickly. He warmly smiles at me and I smile back and as I turn my head I run straight into Fred. My face immediately feels like it's on fire as he stares down at me.
"Keep your head forward And it prevents you from running into people Montague!" He smirks at me as I stand frozen. He leans down and whisper "just a friendly tip" I stand there trying to process what just happened.
"Oh I see you and my brother are on good terms again" Ginny laughs and smacks my shoulder before heading off with the rest of the team.
"Let's go Laila!Ron and Hermione are saving our seats!" Krisy pulls me and drags me up the stairs.
We see Ron and Hermione and run to sit next to them. They have surprisingly amazing seats.
"How did you two manage to get here so quickly and save us our seats for so long" I asked him.
"Guess I'm not so useless after all hmm" Ron said feeling proud of himself.
"I've never said that about you?!"
"Oh but I have!... multiple times actually.." Krisy teased him.
"So have I" Hermione joined in.
"The match is starting!" Ron hushed us.
Blaise and Fred both wave to me as they enter. This is going to be a disaster.  The match starts and Fred is immediately at Blaise's side.
"Ah jealousy makes a boy do crazy things" Ron laughed. Hermione rolls her eyes at him. I think they are quite adorable together.
My eyes focus again on Fred and Blaise. Things are beginning to get intense. Fred continues to push Blaise trying to corner him in. I stand up to get a better view because the two of them are getting closer and closer to the floor. Blaise begins to push Fred back . Each hit gets harder and harder.
"Have they gone mad?!" Hermione jumps up starring at the concerned.
"They are going to crash If one of them doesn't stop pushing the other" Ron joins in.
Just as he finished his sentence , Blaise and Fred tumble hitting the floor and their brooms are absolutely wrecked.
My eyes widened and I gasped at seeing them both laying down there. I run so I can meet them in the hospital wing because I knew that's where they would be sent. Krisy, Ron and Hermione follow me.
How can Fred be so reckless. He never knows when to stop. We finally make it to the hospital wing and we run into Ginny and Harry.
"What happened? Is he okay?! Is he alright??" I started harassing her with questions about How Fred is doing.
"He will be fine. Madam Pomfrey said they will both be as good as new tomorrow. " she said reassuring me of his safety. I let out a deep breath.
"You can go see him.. if you'd like" Harry tells me.
I smile at him and I walk in.
"You are so arrogant Fred Weasley you know that?? What makes you think you should have kept going huh? How can you be so stupid?" I marched over to his bed. He smiles weakly tapping a part of his bed for me to sit at.
"I'm going to be fine" he softly chuckled but stopped because it hurt him.
"I know you are going to be fine that's why I yelled at you dummy" I grabbed his hand starring at his charming but absolutely frustrating face.
"Even when I look horrific you can't seem to take your eyes off me Montague huh" he gives a poor attempt at a wink.
"Oh shut it" I laughed. "I should go check on Blaise now. Do you know where he is? I didn't see him when I walked in?"
"I'm 3 beds behind you" I hear a voice call to me.
"Blaise!" I rush over to him embarrassed I passed his bed and didn't see him.
"How are you feeling? That was really something" I say softly.
"I'll be okay I've taken worse hits in my life" he forces a smile.
We sit in silence for what feels like an eternity.
"Go back to him" he finally says.
"You love him. You asked me to erase your memories of him and I did it. But it's clear now that even if you forget all of those moments that made you love him the feeling doesn't go away"
My eyes start to water as he speaks. I didn't think he would tell me he did that for me.
"Don't say sorry... for what? You were never mine. You sure do make my life much much brighter though so can we still be friends? You make me a better, happier person." He rambled.
"You have always been a good person Blaise. " I kiss him on the cheek. "You just like hanging out with jerks like Malfoy"
"You got me there" he laughed.
"Of course we will still be friends Blaise are you kidding me? You will never get rid of me" I teased him. I get up to walk back over to Fred but Blaise grabs my hand to stop me.
"Do you want them back?" He asked me.
My heart sank.I don't know if I do. I'm scared to face whatever could have made me want to forget Fred in the first place. Am I just better off without them?
"I- I don't know"
"Look.. Relationships take work. It's not all sunshine and rainbows things can get tough. But love always prevails. Things might be great now but they could get tough again and you can't just go around forgetting him every time things might be tough. There's my opinion that you most definitely did not ask for"
I look at him for a moment. He's right. There is always going to be good with the bad. I need to remember.
"You are right. I want them back"
Blaise smiles and weakly grabs his wand.
"Okay are you ready"
"Ready" I close my eyes keeping my focus on calming down because I am so anxious. I faintly hear Blaise say something and then everything suddenly comes back to be at once.
"Did it work?" Blaise said unsure of himself.
I wipe the tears from my face and begin to smile. "It worked" I walk back over to Fred who fell asleep. He was probably exhausted. I pull my chair next to him. I'm not going to leave his side ever again.
**** authors note*******
Hey guys sorry for such the long break! But I had a hard time feeling inspired and idk what happened today but I felt like writing! Hope you enjoy 😊

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