Empty words

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I couldn't manage to fall asleep so I snuck out of the dorms to get some air. I go outside and lay in the grass and stare blankly at the stars above me. I feel so dizzy.. I wish my mom was here she would be able to help me figure this out. she always did. Suddenly from my side view I see a lanky ginger come lay in the grass next to me. Geez you cant do anything without one Weasley always being around. I knew it was George. He just laid in silence with me. I turn on my side to face him, and he does the same. I started crying.
"I think I might love your brother you know..."
"yea I know..."he said softly.
"he is mental you know.."
"yea..I know" he said still comforting me.
"you can't tell any one about this especially Ron okay... Krisy came in after the ball told me she thinks she likes Fred... obviously I am going to let her have him so I will just need to get over it."
"what?why would you do that maybe you are the mental one"He said quickly and harshly.
"wow I wasn't expecting that from you.. I was expecting more of a 'wow Laila you are such a great cousin and friend for sacrificing your wants so your cousin can be happy' " I laughed.
"well I think you are being stupid... Krisy will get over it she went to a ball got pretty and slow danced with him of course you are going to feel something.. but you and Fred deserve to stop this madness and be happy together.. you both are driving me bloody insane you know this?" He sounded annoyed with me now and I felt bad.
"its way more complicated than that now.."
"what is so complicated??! you both are just difficult thats all"
"No George.. Ron kissed me tonight and I left him at the ball.."
"he kissed you??oi... well do you like Ron?"
"he's my best friend of course I like him..."
"not in that way... do you like him like you like Freddie..."
"I don't think I will ever like anyone the way I like Freddie.." I whispered. "Maybe... maybe Ron is right for me? I can see it...Krisy said she saw it.."
"thats not how it works.. you and me both know that..." George was right. I am just going to explain that to Ron and everything will be back to normal.. well kind of normal.
"Lets go Weasley before your always pleasant brother Percy finds out we left past curfew" I joked and George laughed. Off to bed we went.

I wake up in my dorm with a note left on my lamp stand. It says "Meet me in the Astronomy tower before DADA - R" It works out perfect because I wanted to get this matter fixed with him anyways! I change into my uniform, Brush my teeth and do my hair and I run off to meet Ron. I get there and I see Ron staring off into nothing nervously tapping his foot. I take a deep breath and I go approach him. "Hey look its my favorite Weasley" I said with a smile.
"And its my favorite Montuge" He picked me up twirling me around and I laughed.
"Put me down! We have class in 10 we cant be late again Mad eye moony scares me I am sure he won't hesitate to use a unforgivable curse on us" I joked. "oh you are right! well Ill make this quick.. I wanted to ask you properly to be my girlfriend" He said eagerly. My heart sank.. I was hoping that he wouldn't have said that. This is going to make things only harder.
"well go on say something.." He laughed nervously at my silence. I finally manage to get the words out. "Ron... you know we can't and besides you like Hermione remember"
"Hermione doesn't fancy me.. she fancies Krum... I fancy you... and I figured you might fancy me too.." I have no clue how to approach this and still keep my best friend.
"Ron please.. you don't want to be with me believe me... we are better off this way.."
"And why not its because you fancy Fred right.. is that the reason? because I don't think I can take much more of me never being anyones first choice... not your first choice not Hermiones nobody ever chooses me" He snapped at me.
Ive never seen him angry before. He starts to walk away and I chase after him
"Ron wait! you are my first choice, you always have been you were my first real friend here... I just don't want things to change please!"
"That is life Laila! Things change everyday, people can be friends and then be something more... you just don't want me... and I wish you would just come out and say it instead of lying to me!" he yelled. I grabbed his hand in attempt to calm him down. "Ron I just can't.. I can't force myself to love you that way..Please... there will be a girl deserving of all your love and kindness and greatness but that girl is not me and I think we both know that deep down.."
He stared at me for what felt like an eternity, he looked at me with such disappointment.
"well... unlike you who has already made up your mind I think its best if we don't speak to one another at the moment. I am not sure if I am ready to just be your friend..." He pulled his hand away from mine and walked off to class. I Just lost my best friend.

I go to that restroom that no one uses at my second attempt to cry in peace, but I walk in and hear none other than Draco Malfoy venting to the ghost about Krisy.
"Am I interrupting something.." His head turned so quickly and his face was paler than ever.
"Get out of here you filthy little blood traitor!" He screamed at me. I laughed in his face.
"you have the audacity to call me a blood traitor while you sit in the girls restroom crying to a ghost about your feelings for my cousin? It is really pathetic..." He looked at me shocked that I said that to him. "Why don't you grow a pair next time and stop trying to keep her a secret... News flash Draco none of your stupid Slytherin followers would dare to say anything to you about who you choose to date. They worship you like a bunch of cowards...little do they know you are the biggest coward there is at Hogwarts!" It felt nice saying that to his little smug face.
"How dare you speak to me that way?!" he finally managed to say. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Give it a break Draco... you are the cause of your own unhappiness.. no one wants to be loved in secret." As I started to leave because I was getting quite bored of this conversation he grabbed my hand to stop me.
"I know I messed up.. help me fix it... she is dating Weasley now..." I felt so numb hearing those words. I can't believe they started dating. I guess I did tell her to tell him, but still Fred just kissed me last night. A tear fell down my face and I quickly wiped it away.
"How do you know that?" I turned and asked him.
"I saw them snogging today by the Quiditch Field..." I stared at him.
"Figure it out yourself Malfoy... I won't help you break them up." I turned away trying to leave again. "Well why not.. don't you Fancy lover boy? It will be a win win we both get what we want." He called after me. I thought about it for a second.. maybe I should do it..but as quick as the thought came into my head it left.
"No! I won't do it stop asking me. I care about them both. as long as they are happy-"
"Well then what about your happiness? Don't you also deserve to be happy?" he asked me. Why is everyone asking me that question geez.
"Draco... Please just drop it. Whatever you do to try to ruin them I want no part of okay? I can't take much more of this stupid feelings nonsense. It is making me miserable so I am currently swearing off boys. who Fred Weasley dates is not my concern anymore."
I left him standing there. A big part of me hopes he succeeds in breaking them up. Merlin when did everything get so complicated?

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