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*this is a double update, make sure you've read 26 before this*

Daisy's POV
2 years ago.

I am jealous of people who have parents that support them no matter what. Parents that just hope their child is happy and healthy, and that's all that they wish for. Having your whole life planned out for you is draining. If anything, it's made me want to go more off course than I would have if they just supported me no matter what.

My parents just wish for us to go to college, do a course that has a guaranteed job at the end of it and also pays wells. They then want us to live in a quite suburban village, not too far from them, and have a massive family. They probably want Niall to work whilst his wife lives at home, whilst I get a husband that earns enough so that I can just look after the kids 24/7.

That life will never be for me. They know this by now, but will still show disapproval when I do anything that isn't in their path to this ideal future. Drinking, smoking, partying, not joining every single extra-curricular at school. Whilst I can deal with their judgement on these things, what I'm going to tell them today is the thing I'm not sure how they'll take.

I've had a weekend job at a local cafe for the past 4 years. The owners are good friends with my parents and they were keen for me to gain some responsibility, even at the early age of 14. Ever since I started earning money, I stashed it away, only ever taking money out for alcohol or weed, and it was only a little bit at a time. I made sure to earn enough so that I could make it to my plan, which I'm about to reveal to my parents.

As I stand in the doorway to our lounge, my parents watch their usual rerun of Friends. I take a deep breath before taking my steps into the room, standing in front of them to the side of the television. I feel the palms of my hands begin to sweat, I never would have thought I'd be so nervous.

Whilst I've been disobeying my parents pretty much my whole life, I still care about what they think. I still wish to make them proud and happy. I'm not a total asshole, I care about them. As they continue to watch their show, unaware that I'm standing in front of them for their attention, I clear my throat to grab it.

"Yes, Daisy?" My dad asks in a monotone voice, neither one of them looking away from the TV. They probably think I'm just here to tell them I'm going out tonight or to start an argument, I don't blame them.

"I wanna talk to you," I feel my voice break with anxiety, clearing my throat again before I carry on, "both of you." I stand up straight in front of them, my hands down by my side, clenching my fists to hide my sweaty palms. They both look at me at the same time, once my Mum notices the serious look on my face, she hits my Dad's arm, signalling for him to turn the TV off, which he does quickly.

"Go on, honey." Mum smiles at me, offering reassurance.

"Now, I know we don't see eye to eye on many things. Pretty much everything." I shrug, noticing Dad roll his eyes in agreement. "But I've made a decision on something, and whilst I'm not asking for your agreement or approval, it would make me happy for your support on this." I feel my body become hot with tension, sweating with anxiety.

"Go on..." Dad says, leaning towards me in anticipation. I sit down on the armchair in the corner of the room, facing them and sitting on the edge to stay close to them.

"I'm not going to college," I blurt out, knowing that this was just the iceberg on the top of the water, the true disaster is underneath.

"We know this, Daisy." Dad moans, clearly still unhappy with the decision.

"That's not it." I interrupt. "I'm moving out. I'm actually moving away. I'm going to go to Brooklyn." I feel as though I've said it too fast, I just wanted to get it out as quickly as possible, rip the bandaid off. Mum's head drops down, shaking her head slowly whilst looking at the ground.

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