~Their Last Night~

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Miriam Carden didn't know her real family. She had lived with the Thomson's in West Sussex, UK. The Thomson's were a kind hearted couple who had adopted a little girl, not long after finding out they couldn't conceive. At least that was the quite believable story they had told Miriam. That they had so very normally chosen her at the orphanage, age 11 along with her birth certificate, a few clothes and a red stone necklace she refused to let anyone touch.

But Miriam was older now, just turned eighteen, and she was no longer with the Thomson's. Miriam Carden now lived in Brooklyn with her new family, the Fairchild's. Miriam had no recollection of leaving the Thomson's even though it was only a year prior. She had thought maybe they threw her out and that the trauma of this made her forget, but she still couldn't understand how she had made it to America without remembering it.

Jocelyn Fairchild, Miriam's new mother was always happy and kind unless in the rare event that Miriam would ask a question about how she got to Brooklyn and Jocelyn would change. Miriam realised quite soon she might never find out what happened to the Thomson's. She just had to accept that the old Miriam was gone. But she was happy here, exited to be attending art school with her first ever sister, Clary.


'I've had a good idea!' Miriam smirked, as she sat on the floor of Clary's bedroom next to the cast of moonlight from the window.

'Oh no.' Simon chuckled widening his eyes to Clary.

'What's your idea Miriam' Clary smiled as Miriam brought out a rather large bottle of booze from a bag.

'Nope, nope, definitely not' Simon breathed rapidly.

'Don't be a pussy Simon' Miriam rolled her eyes.

'You're mean' Simon huffed.

'And you're a pussy' Miriam raised her eyebrows.

'Am not' Simon folded his arms like a small child.

'Prove it' Miriam prodded, handing Simon the bottle.

Simon held the bottle in his hands and glanced at clary who was now trying so hard not to laugh that her face was glowing pink.

'Don't encourage this Clary! If my Mom found out!' Simon whimpered.

'Your Mum won't find out.' Miriam spoke.

'How do you know.' Simon sniffed the top of the bottle.

'Cause I do.' Miriam smiled.

With that, a look of mischief ran over Simon's face and he took a swig of the drink.

'Wow, that's like actually really good!' Simon started chugging the drink.

'Woah, Simon calm down!' Clary screeched before Miriam snatched the bottle from Simon.

Simon sat back down on the floor, smiling giddily. 'Sorry, not usually allowed to drink' he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket.

Miriam and Clary giggled at Simon.

'We should play truth or drink' Spoke Clary.

'Omg yes!' Miriam clapped her hands.

'We should do like a group one.' Simon asked. 'So one of us asks the question but we all have to answer.'

'Sounds good! I'll go first' Miriam emphasised and Simon's body went stiff.

'Have you ever had feelings for anyone in our friend group.' Miriam spoke slowly, raising her eyebrows at Simon.

'Yeah I'm not answering that, I'll drink.' Simon squirmed sending a glare to Miriam to which she replied by blowing him a kiss. Miriam knew that Simon liked Clary and she sure as hell wanted to let him know about it.

Simon, Clary and Miriam spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing loudly, singing happy birthday to Clary when her wall mounted clock had struck midnight. They had all gone to sleep not long after this. Clary and Miriam sharing Clary's bed, Simon on the floor. The teens had fallen asleep unusually quickly, it was routine that they would stay up until dawn. They had set out plans on going out the next day for Clary's eighteenth.

But, little did they know that this would be the last night they would spend together, knowing nothing of the shadow world.

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