~We Just Want The Cup~

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Miriam pulled and kicked with all her strength, her sounds muffled by a hand around her mouth.

'If you scream.' A high pitched voice taunted from beside Miriam. 'We'll kill you.'

'No we won't Camille.' A deep voice barked from behind her.

'Don't make a sound okay Darling.' The voice whispered as they released their grip from Miriam's mouth.

She looked to her side to see a woman holding Simon.

'Miriam I think we're getting kidnapped!' He

'Yeah, no shit Sherlock.' Miriam rolled her eyes. She looked behind to see who was holding her and quickly looked back.

'Wow!' She breathed. 'Simon, he's kinda hot!'

'Miriam we are literally getting kidnapped by vampires!' Simon shuddered.

'They're vampires?!' Miriam gasped.

Camille stopped walking, turned her head to Miriam and bared her fangs.

'Wicked!' Miriam jested.

'No Miriam, no it's not.' Simon snapped making Miriam screw up her face.

They had walked for at least another thirty seconds when Miriam blurted, 'Simon!'

'What!' He answered.

'Do you like my new necklace?' She smirked pointing at the arm around her neck.

'Miriam this is really not the time to be making sex jokes!' He retorted.

'Ok virgin.' Miriam bickered.

'Ok daddy issues.' Simon argued earning a surpressed laugh from the guy who was holding Miriam.

'Shut the fuck up Simon.' She hissed.

'You started it!' He defended.

Miriam turned her head to the hot guy behind her. 'Can I volunteer to kill this one, or did you two already call dibs?' She spoke making him smirk.

'Hey! I heard that!' Simon protested.

'Just kiddingggg.' Miriam chuckled.

The vampires stopped walking when they reached the bottom of a bridge.

'Oh my god, are you gonna kill us?!' Simon shrieked. 'I'm not ready to be thrown off a bridge guys that is not cool. And I have a family and friends who would really miss me, did I mention I'm friends with a cop? Yeah he'll totally arrest you-'

Camille hissed at Simon, her fangs protruding from her mouth and Simon quite quickly stopped speaking.

'I'm going to pick you up so I can run to the top of this bridge okay?' The man spoke against Miriam's bare neck. 'I promise I won't let you fall.' He comforted before picking her up and ending up on the top of the bridge not even half a second later.

Before she could even understand what had just happened, Miriam was already on her feet with a dagger against her throat.

Her head was bent back so far that tears began trickling from her eyes. 'So you're not gonna drop me but you're gonna stab me?' Miriam gulped.

'Don't worry, we're not actually here to hurt you.' He whispered. 'Please don't be scared of me.'

Camille grabbed Simon by the foot and hung him over the edge of the bridge.

'You've got a funny way of showing it!' Miriam inhaled. The man let out a soft chuckle.

'Simon!' Clary screamed from the ground.

'Is that the mundane's name?' The man bellowed with deep authority, his voice made Miriam's insides curl.

'Let go of Miriam.' Alec grumbled.

'Alec she's got my best friend!' Clary squealed.

'And if you haven't noticed, he's got your sister!' Alec retorted making Clary go quiet.

'Let them both go, now!' Jace commanded.

'I'm afraid I can't do that Jace Wayland.' The man smirked.

'They're coming with us!' Camille shouted. 'We're going to have so.. much.. fun..' she giggled tauntingly. 'Aren't we Raphael?'

'Camille, calm down. We need to play nicely remember?' Raphael spoke as if talking to a toddler.

Camille retreated her fangs, her brows still furrowed.

'Just let them go!' Clary pleaded. 'They're not part of this! Just take me instead.'

'The answer is still no.' Raphael smiled.

'Then I'll take great pleasure in killing you both myself unless you return them!' Jace snarled.

'Remember the accords Jace.' Alec reminded.

'That's quite right.' Raphael advised. 'The night children have broken no laws. All we're doing is negotiating. Aren't we Camille?' Raphael stared at her.

'Ugh.' Camille scoffed. 'Yes, yes, okay we won't hurt them.' She rolled her eyes.

'We will return them, unharmed, in exchange for the mortal cup.' Raphael coaxed. 'And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock people.'

Before anyone had time to answer the vampires had sped away with Simon and Miriam, now nowhere to be seen.

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