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Miriam sat across the lap of Raphael, gripping at his hair as his hands roamed underneath her shirt. He kissed her as if nothing else mattered. She closed her eyes, giving him full access to the soft skin of her neck. He tasted a line along her skin, reaching her earlobe and whispering dirty things. She opened her eyes to look at him, only to see her own bedroom which was very much, empty.

Fuck sake Miram thought. This was the first time she had ever been disappointed to be in her brand new room. She hoped that Magnus' warlock powers didn't stretch far enough to see into other peoples dreams.

'Morningg' Magnus chimed with a smile.

'Hey Magnus.'

'How did you sleep?' He asked.

Miriam tried to fight back the image of the dream in her mind. The sweet taste of Raphael.. A blush crept to her cheeks. 'Um fine yeah thanks' she spedwalked into the kitchen, avoiding all eye contact with Magnus.

'Did you know you talk in your sleep?'

Miriam froze. 'What!' She almost shouted.

'Just kidding.' Magnus said although Miriam wasn't quite sure he was.

Miriam was making a cup of tea when Magnus waltzed over.

'How would you feel about coming to a party tonight?'

'A shadow world party?'

'Yes, a shadow world party'

'Well how different is it to a normal one?'

'It's not the party that's different biscuit, it's the people' he flashed his cat eyes at her.

'Alrightt fine I'll go. Just for you' Miriam rolled her eyes playfully.

'Yes!' He clicked his fingers and a dark purple halterneck dress appeared. 'How about this?'

'I love it' Miriam gleamed. 'Thank you Magnus.'

'You're welcome biscuit.'


The club was packed to the brim with people in various stages of glitter and luminescent paint. The air was a thick wave of sweat and hairspray that was pushed to and fro by those who were jumping around on the dancefloor.

'Wow' Miriam stated. 'This is.. intense'

'Of course it is, would you expect anything less from me?'

Miriam sat awkwardly next to Magnus as he relayed stories of his many adventures. People surrounded him as if he were a celebrity, fighting for the chance to speak to him. Miriam was unsure what exactly she should be doing, so she laughed along when everyone else did and sipped her drink every few seconds.

Once her drink had been emptied, Miriam slipped her way through the crowd and towards the bar.

'Hey gorgeous' a gruff voice spoke.

Miriam turned to see a tall, blonde man. At first he looked normal, but hiding behind his smirk was a set of sharp yellow fanged teeth.

'Sorry mate, I'm not interested.' She huffed.

However the man raised his pale arm, his fingers swirling and clasping into his palm.

With this, he was no longer a creep in the club. To Miriam, he now looked like the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen.

'So, how about you come outside with me?'

Miriam was unsure why but she nodded almost immediately, it was as if she had no control over her decisions.

He took a grip on her arm, walking her like a dog on a leash.

They made it to a dark alley behind the club when he pinned her up against the wall.

'Let her go Jameson or I swear to god, I will break your fucking neck.' A voice shouted from the alley.

'She wants to Raphael.' The blonde guy spoke. 'Don't you princess.' He cooed making her giggle.

'Oh so being encantoed means consent then does it?' Raphael asked, already knowing his answer.

Jameson fell silent.

'I'm going to give you to the count of three, to take your dirty fucking hands off her.'

'What are you gonna do about it, Raphael.' He smirked.

'Do not test me.' Raphael snarled.

The effects of the encanto began to wear off as Miriam pressed her body against the cold bricks, her breathing increasing to the pace of panic.

Jameson released Miriam from his grip and began striding over to Raphael.

He began in a mocking tone, 'I said, what are you. Gonna do. Abou-' Jameson's sentence was cut off abruptly when a fist smacked against his jaw, blood spirting across the alley.

Miriam gasped as she heard the smack of Jameson's head on the concrete, Raphael leaping over him. Ripping at his skin.

He would sure kill the man if given the chance. Miriam didn't care about his life but she cared for Raphael. Watching him get into trouble for her was not on her to do list.

'Raphael!' She pleaded. 'I think he's had enough.'

He paused, standing over Jameson's near lifeless body.

'He deserves it.' Raphael grumbled.

'I know. But you can't.' She slowly pulled him away and out of the alley.

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