~Nighttime stroll~

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'What do you mean "me and Raphael?"

'Raphael doesn't look at anyone the way he looks at you. Trust me, I've known him a long time.' Magnus smiled. 'He's like a son to me.'

'So you approve?' Miriam raised an eyebrow.

'Of course I do biscuit.'

'Not that I like him or anything though.'

'Yeah of course you don't.' Magnus chuckled.

'Anyway, how's your love life going?'

'Well.. I did see this one guy at the party.'

'Yes! Who is he? Is he hot?' Miriam squealed in exitement.

'Alec or something.' Magnus blushed.

'Alec as in shadowhunter Alec?'

'You know him?'

'Yeah. I mean he is so hot. However, the closet is made of glass.' Miriam remarked.

A look of secret triumph washed over Magnus' face. 'I'm going to go make a call.'

Miriam winked to Magnus before heading off to 'bed'.


Miriam tossed and turned, replaying the nights events in her mind. However, she just couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't just coincidence that Raphael was taking a stroll through the alleyway. Why was he there? She thought. He didn't seem like much of a party kind of person.

Do you know what, I'm gonna ask him. Miriam pulled her phone off the nightstand. Fuck, I don't even have his number. She laid back down against the pillow and huffed. She didn't really need to know, she just wanted another reason to talk to him. To see him.

Miriam sat back up. 'Fuck it' she spoke aloud to herself and jumped off the bed, changed her clothes and headed towards the Dumort.


The night was cold and the air felt sharp against her skin. Pulling her jacket tight, she reached the Dumort hotel.

Miriam heard the familiar voice from the darkness behind her. 'Can't get enough of me now, can you?'

'I think you already know the answer to that Raphael.' 

She turned her body, now face to face with what others would call a monster. However, Miriam found this monster to be quite beautiful. 

'It's not safe for you here Miriam. This place is crawling with vamps who really don't understand the meaning of self control.' 

'I don't need protecting, I can handle myself.' Miriam scoffed. 

'Oh really? Then what was that last night?'

'Well he did his weird vampire shit.'

Raphael raised his eyebrow in amusement. 'And then?'

'You came and helped me, yeah whatever. That's not the point.'

'Oh but it is. Learn how to defect an encanto before you come waltzing around a vampires den.'

'But- I. I needed to see you.'

'Mhm, and why's that honey?'

'You should really stop asking questions that you already know the answer to Raphael. You're smarter than that.'

Raphael stepped closer, inching in the gap between them. 'I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, it's really quite amusing watching you play pretend.'

'What's that supposed to mean?' Miriam took a step back.

'You're pretending. Come on Miriam, you're smarter than that.'

'Pretending what?'

Raphael stepped in closer once again, sliding his cold fingers across the skin of Miriam's cheek. 

'Pretending that you don't want me.'

She wanted to argue. Prove him wrong. Humiliate him the way she felt. But she didn't, for once, Miriam had nothing to say.

Raphael chuckled. 'You're not very good at it.'

'Shut up.'



Raphael's fingers were now laced within her hair. She let out a slight whimper as she ached for him. 

'Please' she breathed.

'Use your words darling.'

Miriam shook her head, her heart beating rapidly. She was nervous, since when did a guy make her nervous?

Raphael took his hand away. 'okay'.

'No!' She pleaded. Draping her arms across his shoulders. 'Kiss me, please.'

Raphael didn't hesitate. He pressed his body against hers, connecting their lips. He placed a hand on the back of Miriam's head, pulling her into the kiss, placing another on her waist which made her shiver in lust.

He placed her on the hood of the car that she didn't even know was there, lacing his toungue along hers. Miriam wrapped her legs around him, pulling him close to her body, any ounce of nervousness had dissapeared. He gripped her thigh, hard. 

'Fuck!' He pulled away his fangs baring. 

Miriam crossed her legs gracefully and smirked. 'So much for self control'

Raphael was panting drinking in her curves. He groaned in frustration. 'You should go home'

Miriam hopped off the car and began to walk herself down the alleyway. She looked back. 'Hey Raphael?'


'You know, you're not very good at pretending either.' Miriam winked and trailed off into the darkness. 

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